19 More Cases of Whooping Cough in Vaccinated Kids#android#iPad#retweet


New reports of 19 more cases of kids with whooping cough–all had been vaccinated.

It’s time to stop falling for the propaganda and examine what’s really wrong–as well as what’s right–with some vaccines. It isn’t logical to talk about vaccines as if they are monolithic: all good or all bad. Some are more effective than others. Some are more necessary than others. Some are safer than others. One person may do well with a certain vaccine but another may suffer a terrible side effect. Just like any medicine. The goal is to make the most effective and necessary vaccines as safe as possible for as many as possible. Just like any medicine. Penicillin saves many lives and occasionally kills someone who’s allergic…a great medicine for those it works for; a deadly medicine for the few who can’t take it (but that doesn’t mean they are “anti-medicine”). It also doesn’t mean that those who are allergic to penicillin should be forced to take it or bullied for not taking it.

Read the story below about the new cases of whooping cough (pertussis) in vaccinated children in Utah…

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Cervarix and Gardasil Petition#android#iPad#retweet

Please sign petition here

Very simple to complete, scroll down please to:


Christian name (eg Mary):




Post Code:  If signing from outside of France please indicate GB (for the UK) before postal code; DE for Denmark; US for America; BE for Belgium or just make a quick check on google relating to abbreviations for your own country.


Green Button:  Hit this button to complete the exercise – you will then have signed the petition.


That is the exercise complete.


This is a very important petition established by IPSN, the Institute for the Protection of Natural Health (Institut pour la Protection de la Santé Naturelle), based in Brussels, in conjunction with French oncologist and surgeon Professor Henri Joyeux, against the HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix.

Down the memory hole: health care workers refused vaccine#android#iPad#retweet

It’s convenient to forget, when remembering is unpleasant, when remembering makes you think twice about what the truth really is.ABC News, December 9, 2008, “Docs talk the talk, but do they take flu shots?”:“According to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a significant chunk of health care professionals declined to get vaccinated against the influenza virus during the 2006-07 flu season, with only about 40 percent opting for a jab.”What possessed the 60% to say no?Aren’t they supposed to be staunch defenders of vaccination? Don’t they have a better appreciation of the “science?”My, my. 60% said no.

When the soldiers desert the generals and exit the battlefield, it’s quite illuminating:

“The war against disease through vaccine-prevention? Nah, I don’t think so.”…

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Walgreens Allowed to Fire Pharmacist for Refusing to Give Flu Vaccine#android#iPad#retweet

Meghan Ross, Associate Editor at Pharmacy Times
Walgreens’ firing of a pharmacist who refused to administer flu vaccines on moral grounds was within the pharmacy giant’s rights, according to a federal judge.
Rodney Prewitt, 66, claimed he could not provide flu shots after a close friend developed Guillain-Barré syndrome following a flu vaccination, according to The Legal Intelligencer. Prewitt’s friend allegedly became paralyzed and died of complications from the disease….
…The pharmacist also filed an age discrimination claim against Walgreens and stated that younger pharmacists who were not yet able to immunize patients kept their regular hours, and he was not able to do the same, according to The Legal Intelligencer. Instead, Prewitt was allegedly asked to work night shifts at a store farther away from his home than his usual Walgreens pharmacy in Oxford, Pennsylvania.
Prewitt was placed on floater status because he was the only Pennsylvanian pharmacist refusing to administer vaccines,Flu…

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U.K. Canine Vaccination Survey#android#iPad#retweet

by admin

From England comes a report on the preliminary results of a well structured survey concerning possible health problems resulting from vaccination of dogs.

Although this is an ongoing survey the early tabulation on approximately 2,700 dogs appears to confirm our concerns with the potential for adverse effects from vaccination….

…The survey indicates a strong statistical probability that such a link does in fact exist! Some examples after vaccination are:

  • Diarrhea– 4.9% of dogs surveyed had diarrhea (68% of these within the first three months).
  • Allergies– 3.8% had allergies (55.6% within the first three months).
  • Colitis– 2.7% had colitis (56.9% first three months).
  • Dry Eye/conjunctivitis– 2.5% of dogs surveyed (56.9% within first three months)
  • Epilepsy– 2.1% had epilepsy (65.5% in first three months).
  • Loss of appetite– 3.4% suffered a loss of appetite (79.8% within first three months).
  • Nasal discharges– 1.7% showed nasal discharges (84.1% within three months of vaccination)….

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Oxygen Therapy Is Cancer ‘Breakthrough’#iPad#iBelieve#Android

By Nick Tate

Northeastern University immunologists have found that a new therapy that floods tumors with supplemental oxygenation can shrink them and dramatically improve the effectiveness of cancer immunotherapy.

The findings — published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, founded by the American Association for the Advancement of Science — are being hailed as potential “breakthrough” that could dramatically increase the survival rate of patients with cancer, which kills some 8 million people each year.
“This discovery shifts the paradigm of decades-long drug development, a process with a low success rate,” said lead researcher Michail Sitkovsky, an immunophysiology expert at Northeastern. “Indeed, it is promising that our method could be implemented relatively quickly by testing in clinical trials the effects of oxygenation in combination with different types of already existing immunotherapies of cancer.”…

The Big Scam: Rabies Vaccination#android#iPad#retweet

Written by John Fundens, D.V.M.

I would like to give you, the reader, the truth about the so called required vaccinations, particularly rabies. There are two basic forms of law. One is the legal Constitutional and Common law that this country was founded on, and the other is “colorable” law passed by Administrative agencies/bureaucrats who have been given so called authority to pass laws. Black’s Law Dictionary 5th Edition defines colorable law as “That which is in appearance only, and not in reality, what purports to be, hence counterfeit, feigned, having the appearance of truth.” Yes, I study the law, am a paralegal, and have an extensive law library.

So any and all mandatory rabies vaccination programs are colorable law, in that they have been passed and mandated upon the pet owning public by certain vested interest groups. Who are these groups? First and foremost are veterinarians, in general, and veterinarian medical organizations. Second are the local animal control personnel, bureaucrats and politicians. What are their reasons? GREED, POWER AND CONTROL. Both these large powerful interest groups stand to benefit greatly by having rabies mandated by colorable law.

Veterinarians receive a large percentage of both their gross income and profit from vaccines given in the office. On average vaccines cost 60 to 95 cents per dose and are charged to the client at $15 to $25 per injection and substantially more in the large cities…

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New Film Exposes Shaken Baby Syndrome Myth – Opponents Want to Silence it at Film Festival#android#iPad#retweet

I cannot wait to see this new documentary.  It is long overdue, for the censorship to be lifted and the truth to come forward in this area. I look forward to the day when sentences are reversed, based on solid science, and the innocent individuals freed from being wrongly imprisoned. Time to look past the lucrative sensationalism of shaken baby syndrome.

Brian Shilhavy
Health Impact News Editor

A new film exposing the corruption behind much of the Shaken Baby Syndrome diagnosis used to remove children from the custody of their parents, and in some cases put parents behind bars, is currently making its way through the film festival circuit. The Syndrome is a film produced and directed by Meryl Goldsmith, a Los Angeles-based filmmaker who teamed up with her cousin and investigative reporter Susan Goldsmith as the co-producer and editor. It is Meryl Goldsmith’s feature directorial debut, according to the film’s website. Included in the cast are doctors and law professors.

Lauren Kirchner, writing for the Pacific Standard Magazine, recently interviewed Susan Goldsmith and discussed the opposition the film has received from the medical community:

Many of the film’s subjects have dedicated their professional lives to gaining attention to updated research on child injuries, and to defending accused abusers in court. For this, they have faced a huge backlash from the doctors and prosecutors who disagree. The filmmakers knew they’d get swept up in that, too. Many film festivals that considered including the film were threatened with litigation, and accused of promoting child abuse, the filmmakers said in a recent interview.

“This is a theme in our film—how the proponents of shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma have tried to silence their critics,” Susan Goldsmith says. “And that theme is extending to here and now, to our documentary…


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