Tag: shot schedule
What the Measles Scare is Really About, and What We MUST Do About It NOW!#iBelieve#HearThisWell#CDCWhistleblower
February 20, 2015
What the Measles Scare is Really About, and What We MUST Do About It NOW!
The mainstream media measles blitz is being used to create a wave of fear to enable vaccine manufacturers to rush legislation through state legislatures removing all non-medical vaccine exemptions. Bills have already been introduced in several states, and more are surely coming. New vaccine mandates for adults will quickly follow, multiplying vaccine profits.
We are at a crisis point.
We either push back and stop this now, or become a nation of aware people with no rights. Awareness is key, a prerequisite, but without action, it is only a consolation prize.
The federal government lacks authority to mandate vaccines for state residents,[1] so the primary focus is at the state level. Each of us must engage in the legislative process. In fact, we need to go beyond mere defensive action, we must proactively demanding *more* freedom to make informed choices where that is warranted.
To find out if a bill has been introduced into your state, go to the NVIC Advocacy Portal at www.nvicadvocacy.org. If there is no bill in your state yet, considering meeting with your state reps now to demand a personal/philosophical exemption if your state doesn’t already have one. This will introduce them to the issue and set the stage for a proactive, rather than merely reactive, stance on our part.
There’s no one right way to do this, but here are some suggestions from my own and others’ legislative activism experience:
1. Keep your eye on the ball. The goal is to keep or expand the right to make an informed choice, NOT to convert your representative.
2. We don’t have to win the vaccine debate, we only need to raise reasonable doubt.
3. Join the NVIC Advocacy Portal, nvicadvocacy.org, they have terrific information about legislative activism. Learn who your representatives are, and how to contact them there, or at your state legislative website. 4. It is critical to meet face-to-face meeting with your representatives. They do not have time to read individual emails and letters. If that’s not possible, schedule a telephone call, and arrange for your information to be in their hands during the call. Sending letters and emails is certainly better than nothing, but in my experience, you may get no response or a generic response.
5. Have a clear, concise, focused goal. “To keep our personal belief exemption,” or “To enact a personal belief exemption,” etc.
6. Do NOT bring or send voluminous information to your representatives, they won’t have time to read it. Nail down a few key, concise, irrefutable, referenced facts (no opinions) that fit on one page if at all possible. See one example here: www.vaccinerights.com/legislativeprojects.html
7. Meet with your representatives alone, or with a friend or group. If possible, include a healthcare professional, an attorney, someone with a vaccine adverse events story. I’ve spoken to representatives and healthcare committees around the U.S. in the past by phone, and would be happy to speak to yours. Other experts may be available to help, also.
8. Be polite and respectful of your representative and the opposition! The quickest way to be ignored is to show disrespect. Given the enormous amount of pharmaceutical money in politics, some think it best to say nothing negative about the pharmaceutical industry at all. You decide, but be balanced. If you do criticize the industry, consider saying like, “the pharmaceutical industry has done a lot of good, but things have gotten out of hand…”
9. Stay abreast of new developments:
a. Tune in to The Know Your Rights Hour radio show, Monday nights 9 pm ET (8 CT, 7 MT, 6 PT), with co-hosts Vaccine Researcher and Author Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Vaccine Rights Attorney Alan Phillips, www.blogtalkradio.com/knowyourrightshour
b. Tune in to The Vaccine Agenda radio show, Tuesday nights 8 pm ET (7 CT, 6 MT, 5 PT), host Vaccine Rights Attorney Alan Phillips, www.blogtalkradio.com/thevaccineagenda
c. Sign up for the Vaccine Rights E-newsletter for weekly updates on vaccine radio shows and news: www.vaccinerights.com/newslettersignup.html
[1] The Measles: Background and Federal Role in Vaccine Policy, http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R43899.pdf
JB Handley To Oregon Senate Committee on SB442 Vaccine Exemptions Bill#iBelieve#Android##isis
TESTIMONY: Senate Committee on Health Care, State of Oregon, SB 442
February 18, 2015, 3pm
Respectfully Submitted: Jonathan B. Handley, Portland, OR
I was born in 1969. My father worked for the U.S. Government and I spent my childhood living in foreign countries, including the third world. Specifically, I was born in Singapore, then lived in Laos, Mexico, Korea, Japan, India, and the Philippines.
By my sixth birthday, I received a grand total of 5 vaccines (Oral Polio, Measles, DPT, Oral Polio, and Typhoid). I still have my shot records and would be happy to share with the committee.
In 1983, attached as Exhibit A, the 1983 immunization schedule for children by the age of 6 recommended 10 vaccines (DTP, Oral Polio, DTP, Oral Polio, DTP, MMR, DTP, Oral Polio, DTP, Oral Polio).
In 2015, attached as Exhibit B, by the age of 6, the CDC now recommends 37 vaccines for children before the age of 6. (Hep B, Hep B, Rotavirus, DTaP, Hib, PCV, IPV, Flu, Rotavirus, DTaP, Hib, PCV, IPV, Rotavirus, DTaP, Hib, PCV, IPV, Flu, MMR, Varicella, Hep A, Hep B, DTaP, Hib, PCV, Flu, Hep A, DTaP, IPV, Flu, Flu, Flu, Flu, Flu, MMR, Varicella). Because this is so confusing, I’ve attached the CDC schedule with my handwritten notes to count the total vaccines.
Interestingly, as opposed to the 37 we have, many other first world countries give far fewer vaccines to children by the age of 6:…
British Court Throws Out Conviction of Autism/Vaccine MD: Andrew Wakefield’s Co-Author Completely Exonerated#Family#Android#iPad
In a stunning reversal, world renowned pediatric gastroenterologist Prof. John Walker-Smith won his appeal against the United Kingdom’s General Medical Council regulatory board that had ruled against both him and Andrew Wakefield for their roles in the 1998 Lancet MMR paper, which raised questions about a link to autism. The complete victory means that Walker-Smith has been returned to the status of a fully licensed physician in the UK, although he had already retired in 2001 — six years before the GMC trial even began.
Justice John Mitting ruled on the appeal by Walker-Smith, saying that the GMC “panel’s determination cannot stand. I therefore quash it.” He said that its conclusions were based on “inadequate and superficial reasoning and, in a number of instances, a wrong conclusion.” The verdict restores…
The Scary Facts Most Parents Don’t Know About Vaccine Injury Compensation#Family#Android#iPad
Vaccine injures and adverse reactions are massively under-reported, as admitted by the Centers for Disease Control. Estimates show that only one to ten percent of vaccine injuries and deaths are actually filed with the government.
In the United States, the government has created a database to keep track of hundreds of kinds of reactions to vaccinations, including fevers, soreness, seizures, swelling of the brain, arthritis, and death. Since its inception, this program has awarded over $2.5 billion to individuals and families who have suffered vaccine injury and death. These awards are funded by taxes on vaccines. [1]
Even though health care providers are required by law to report vaccine injuries, most of these adverse events are not made public in this database, known as the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Parents may not know that common reactions to vaccines, including fevers, long bouts of crying, or rashes following vaccination should be reported to their child’s doctor. When a more serious adverse event occurs, parents may be too overwhelmed to make sure a report is filed.
Unfortunately, rather than educating doctors and parents about the importance of reporting all adverse reactions to vaccines to the VAERS database, the US government has just tightened the requirements for reporting an adverse reaction, making the process even more difficult…
Gardasil: I thought I did enough research – I was wrong#Family#Android#iPad
By Karen, County Louth, Republic of Ireland
My daughter Laura has just turned 17 and is without doubt another girl whose life is ruined as a result of the HPV vaccine Gardasil.
When Laura first brought home the consent form from school in 2010 I read it thoroughly. I also went on the World Health Organisation (WHO) website to educate myself about this vaccine as it was new here in Ireland and I didn’t know much about it.
After reading their information and that supplied by our Health Services, I felt not only reassured that this was a safe vaccine but also that this was something very important for ‘my little girl’ and her future health. I stupidly thought that all details good and bad had to be printed so parents and girls could make properly informed choices.
Let’s not forget this vaccine is being promoted by our schools, Department of Education, the Health Service Executive Ireland (HSE) and WHO so one would think it must be good for all our children. Surely these reputable organizations wouldn’t take any chances with the lives and health of our next generation. I was satisfied I had done my research and taken all necessary precautions.
On the day of Laura’s first vaccination and indeed the following two injections, I was called to the school as Laura was feeling weak. This was to be expected as Laura was always squeamish about needles. In fact I had to do a lot of talking with her about the necessity of this vaccination to convince her to go through with having ‘a needle’. On the day there was also a lot of scare mongering amongst the students so I probably took it for granted that this had raised their anxieties and caused several of the girls to feel weak and unwell.
The vaccinating nurse told me to take her home, let her rest and she would be fine.
In the months that followed, Laura started phoning from school complaining of feeling unwell, faint and dizzy. We thought she was starting to experience menstrual problems for the first time although her periods were well established and not problematic before. The family doctor prescribed medication.
Laura was becoming tired all the time, her short term memory and concentration were deteriorating. She also started to experience food intolerances for the first time, in particular, yeast, gluten and dairy. Laura suffered visual disturbances and noise sensitivity. Burning muscles and joint pain were her constant companion. She was unable to continue with sports.
Before all this happened Laura played basketball for Drogheda Ladies and the school team. She loved to Kayak at the weekends and during school holidays, Laura was super-fit, active and happy. All extra-curricular and social activity had by now become impossible for her.
Even friends stopped calling as she didn’t have the strength to go out with them. Slowly life as Laura knew it was changing.
To put things in perspective, my mother in her 80’s was going out to day-care and Laura was lying in bed or on the couch. In fact on many an occasion we had to use my mother’s wheelchair for Laura when she hadn’t the energy to walk. It was plain for anyone to see something was very seriously wrong.
We started to visit our GP more and more although whilst growing up Laura only visited our doctor on a few occasions. No one seemed to have any idea what was going on, tests and more tests, nearly every box ticked on the blood forms. Every kind of sample you could imagine was requested, yet none of the results showed up anything. They all came back clear, indicating Laura was in good health.
Therefore no help, advice, medications or supplements were recommended. On every occasion we returned home deflated and our hopes dashed again and again.
I could no longer sleep at night with stress and worry. Instead, I found myself up in the middle of the night logging on to google looking for answers. Night after night I lay in bed racking my brains trying to figure out what happened. When exactly had things all started to go wrong and why?
Then in early 2012 for some reason the HPV vaccine came back to my mind. Could it possibly be the cause of all Laura’s health problems, the vaccine that I was so reassured about? Laura had been an exceptionally healthy child before this. And maybe I was very foolish to dismiss her weakness after the injections. I thought things were now fitting into place, the timing of her Gardasil vaccinations and the onset of symptoms etc.
As soon as I brought my suspicions to our family doctor he wrote a letter referring us to a consultant paediatrician, who after 5 minutes of interview dismissed my fears about the HPV vaccine and reassured me yet again that this was a very safe vaccine, he diagnosed ME/CFS and told Laura she would be better in 6 months.
Thank God we thought, light at the end of the tunnel and wonderful news – it’s not long term vaccine damage.
Laura just about managed to sit her junior certificate exams a month after this diagnosis with special provisions made for her by the department of education. Her results were very good under the circumstances but definitely did not reflect the top honours student she always was.
Six months started to roll on to 12 months and Laura was definitely not getting any better. In fact, by September 2013 she was no longer able to attend school, only now and again for a half day or a couple of classes at a time.
Weeks at a time went by with Laura lying in her bed, exhausted, but unable to get any kind of rejuvenating sleep, racked with pain and barely able to communicate. The weeks became months, we saw less of her around the house as she was spending most of her days in her bed. At her lowest point I found her younger brother Conor spoon feeding her as she didn’t have the strength or energy to feed herself. She moved into a spare bed in his room as she was lonely and afraid in her room on her own.
Meanwhile I kept researching ME/CFS trying different supplements etc. to try to help her, not all of her symptoms fit under the ME/CFS heading. That HPV vaccination came back to my mind again and again as being the cause of all her problems.
One night I typed in ‘HPV vaccination injury’ – ‘injury’ being the all-important word. This search lead me to hundreds of articles and sites on serious adverse reactions and long term side effects caused by HPV vaccination and in particular Gardasil, the very one Laura was injected with.
There it was right in front of me on my screen, thousands of girls like my Laura with similar symptoms, some worse and some who had actually died. I can barely read any more of these stories as I find them so painful. I’ve cried more than I thought ever possible. My God, the immeasurable guilt I feel every day for signing that consent form.
It’s now four years since Laura received her Gardasil vaccination. Through educating ourselves with useful information posted by other vaccine injured girls and their families, Laura is making improvements.
She follows a very strict diet, is trying to detox her system of heavy metals found in this vaccine. She gets acupuncture and vitamin B12 when she feels these will benefit her. She also found very high doses of top quality Omega 3 EPA to be very helpful.
Laura says, every year she feels sick to her stomach when she hears the first years being called to the hall for their HPV injections. Who could blame her? If she does recover from this and please God she will, Gardasil has taken away years of her life and experiences that can never be replaced.
There’s also the added worry of her fertility. Many of the other girls have experienced ovarian failure as young as 16.
As for Laura’s future, it is still unclear. She has made some improvement and is into the final 18 months in secondary school but still missing an awful lot of classes and even several days at a time. Every week she prioritises what classes she needs to attend and when she can fit in rest periods. She has her sights set high in terms of college points.
At this stage she herself feels she may have to defer for a few years. This is yet another blow but Laura rarely complains, just tries to stay realistic and upbeat…. I’m her mother and I’m no fool. I know there are times when it’s all a front because she doesn’t want to see me upset.
If we have learned anything positive from this horrendous life altering experience, it is that there are some very good people out there eager to help who have taken a genuine interest in Laura’s plight. But unfortunately no one seems to have the cure.
Please God by sharing our experiences we can all help one another.
Read this article in French here.
Karen and Laura, what strong woman you are and great examples to many others. I am sorry you have faced such a distressing and life-altering situation. Your strength and integrity shows through. No doubt, others will read your story and will be spared from a like trial. It is very kind for you to share such personal details.
I feel inspired and so will others to face life’s challenges head- on, and through working together we can minimize the hard effects. I know that as you place your burdens on the Lord, he will lighten the load and guide you on paths that you probably don’t even know exist.
I am grateful you are in touch with the team at SaneVax. They have huge hearts and have worked tirelessly to assist others in like situations. I also have a Featured Doctors section in my menu that has doctors who are familiar with vaccine damages and how to heal.
God bless and please enjoy the musical art below. Your friend, jen
Bully Doctor “Loses It” After Informed Mother Asks Questions About Vaccines#Family#Android#iPad
Note: Pediatricians are notorious for bullying mothers when it comes to vaccines. Be prepared by having support (your spouse or friend) in the office with you, like this mother did.
Imagine you are sitting with your financial advisor.
His role is to invest your assets, give you retirement and life insurance advice and even pay certain expenses out of your brokerage account. He sits before you because you assume it is a typical meeting where he goes over your financial plan and discusses options you may choose.
Yet something unusual happens. He suddenly turns to you and says he is investing everything you have in two funds. Your instinct kicks in and your stomach flops.
Poison your child or go to jail… in the public interest#Flu#Android#Vaccines
An increase in measles cases likely stemming from an illegal alien who visited California Disney theme parks has sent the pharmaceutical crowd into a tizzy and exposed its true agenda.
In a column in USA Today last week, Alex Berezow opined that “Parents who do not vaccinate their children should go to jail.” The piece is a mishmash of clichés, argle-bargle, half-truths, mistruths, outright lies and bullying about the efficacy of vaccines and their dangers.
In a fascist state like modern America, there is a marriage between big government and big industry. The government uses its propaganda and police power to get the crowd to conform.
The propaganda of the corporate state always manipulates the public mind to believe that “public policy” is good for them, when, in fact, the people are always manipulated against their best interest.
And Berezow uses all the typical catch phrases and intimidation techniques of the pharmaceutical crowd that cause people to doubt their own common sense and create for them a sort of cognitive dissonance. “Ignorant ‘anti-vaxxers’” he says, are causing measles to stage a comeback. It’s “ludicrous” for “anti-vaxxers” to claim a right to not to put “poison” in their bodies because vaccines are “safe and effective.” Other media reports blaming “anti-vaxxers” have called them selfish and dolts.
Let’s come to our senses. These medical Satanists are illegally assaulting our children and even infants with all manner of poisons and toxins in the name of “public policy.” And now that they see that in some quarters their intimidation and lie techniques are not working, they’re suggesting police power and jail time. Already, a parent is being threatened to have her children removed if she doesn’t submit to forced medication….