By Annette, Melbourne, Australia

I write our daughter’s story to give you an idea of the permanent impact Gardasil injuries can have on a young girl’s life. My daughter has battled her injuries for over 5.5 years. Thank you for taking the time to read her story.
Before our girl got sick she was a high achieving student, an active member of the Student Leadership Council, a Scouts girl and a fantastic field hockey player. She got sick after receiving 2 Gardasil vaccinations in the beginning of 2009.
She has a Vaccine Injury and has officially been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, Hypotension (low blood pressure) and Tachycardia (high heart rate when standing up, to pump blood to brain), also called POTS.
At the moment, she still suffers from (extreme) fatigue on a daily basis, headaches (especially end of the day), her hands are sore with nerve pain and she lives with daily joint and muscle pain. Her ears pop every time she swallows and she has trouble hearing. She has difficulty concentrating when there is noise around her. Her feet are always cold but she doesn’t feel it. And that isn’t all of it…
Her days vary; one good day doesn’t mean the next will be ok. One good week doesn’t mean the next week might be better. Sometimes her symptoms come on quickly. A severe headache can appear in a couple of minutes.
In the last 5.5 years our daughter also had to deal with fatigue that made her a couple of times lay in bed fulltime for (6) months in a row, a constant (excruciating) headache that lasted 2.5 years (!), sore throats, swollen glands, chest pains, dizziness with black outs, weakness in her legs making it unable to walk without assistance, abdominal pain, muscle pain, brain fog, trouble concentrating and short term memory and gastro-intestinal problems. She picked up every bug that was around and had high temperatures about every 4-5 weeks.
After 2.5 years of being sick (and no doctor or specialist knowing what to do to help her) our daughter deteriorated so much that we almost lost her (mid 2011), she was too weak to talk, or even eat and drink. Her body was so toxic that her organs were shutting down. For months we were afraid to go into her room in the morning….
Neuro training, brain training, osteopathy, detoxing, a strict diet, supplements and more alternative treatments all helped to improve her health.
We have seen great results; she has had a couple of fantastic months…. until a relapse happens. We have also seen her deteriorate very quickly to being fulltime in bed again around September/October in the last three years. Each time this happens it is hard to get healthier again.
Because of being sick our girl missed about 3 years of her schooling. She wants to be at school but her body doesn’t always let her, which is very disappointing every time it happens. There are many times she needs to spend all her energy on catching up with school work. Through all of this she still wants to finish high school with year 12 and study at a University (she is interested in Political Science).
Next to missing out at school she struggles with her social life. She is lucky to have a couple of friends that have stood by her from the time she got sick, but a lot of people don’t understand. She always worries if people will understand her limits, when she isn’t able to stay in touch because she is just too exhausted or when she needs to cancel last minute. She is now 18 and still can’t do sport or a hobby next to (part time) school. She is not able to get a regular job to make some money like most of her peers.
Besides the physical illness, the stress of not knowing if she would ever get better, of not having a “normal” life, of disappointment after disappointment, of people not believing you, has been enormous, not only for her, but also for her younger sister, my husband and I. Gardasil changed our lives completely, we have learned to appreciate the little things in life.
We are very proud of our daughter and admire her way of handling all the challenges in her life. She has become mature very quickly in certain ways, but she has missed out on lots of experiences as well. We still fight hard to make her health improve more, we hope she will stay good for longer than a couple of months and keep our fingers crossed she will be able to accomplish everything she is dreaming of…
Through sharing our daughter’s story I hope that people research before they say yes to the unnecessary Gardasil vaccine. We trusted the system and thought we did the right thing, but the system has failed us.
Nobody wants to take the responsibility when this happens to your child. This “one solution fits all” system needs to change.
Please go to, or the Facebook groups set up for families injured by HPV vaccines. Do some research before you decide if Gardasil is a good choice.
This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of
Annette, I feel at a loss for words after reading the enduring trial you, your daughter, and family are living. I ache for the lack of attention, and support for your family.
It’s ludicrous to have millions poured into marketing these girls, on their favorite channels, at school, and so forth, and then silence when they are injured by the Gardasil/Cervarix vaccines. It’s a tragedy, and I hope, and pray that your silence is lifted, and you are received by loving arms of those who know what to do in these circumstances.
You have proven strong, and dedicated, and I Know that many will receive guidance, and warning through your words.
I am grateful that you have found the kind, and educated folks at SaneVax Inc. They will have good advice, and I as well have a link to doctors that are experienced in this area. Distance in most cases is not an issue. Here is the link to my, Featured Doctors.
I know as you trust in your Father in Heaven, he will continue to guide, and bless you.
I have little to give, but here is a musical gift that I hope you enjoy, and find some respite at this time. Your friend in truth, jen.