27 year old Short Hills, NJ resident dropped dead within 48 hours of flu shot#Flu#retweet#Family

Wednesday, December 3, Jeffrey’s family finds him dead.

What significant event had occurred in the past 48 hours?  A flu shot.   I am sure this 27 year young man, and his family were looking forward to spending the holidays together, but not at a funeral.

He was a healthy young man, free of any medications, enjoyed working out, time with his girlfriend, family, and working.

My heartfelt condolences to his family, and friends.  I hope you can find peace during this time.

I suspect that Jeffrey felt media pressure to take this flu shot.  You hear the advertisements on the radio, t.v., and more, and more stores are wallpapering their walls with flu shot advertisements.

The pressure that employees are facing from employers to take the flu shot is intense.  With threats to lose bonuses, one’s job or gain an unfair reputation of being difficult in the workplace.  Isn’t this asking too much from employees?  Is it worth it?

I was contacted by a physician in Italy last week, regarding 12 deaths in Italy, and one in Switzerland where individuals died within 48 hours of a flu shot.  The pharmaceutical company reported it as a bad batch local to the area with concurrent, minimal media coverage, and limited, scattered facts.

I am sure I am not the only one with an uneasy feeling that something just doesn’t add up or maybe it is, in the pharmaceutical company bank account.

Until the full truth comes forward, and who knows how long that will take, then the chance of a fever, chills, and cold doesn’t sound so bad.

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To Jeffrey’s mom, Miriam, and their family, I leave this tribute to your son.



Warning: Gardasil injuries can have a permanent impact#retweet#Vaccines#HPV

By Annette, Melbourne, Australia

vaccine science?

I write our daughter’s story to give you an idea of the permanent impact Gardasil injuries can have on a young girl’s life. My daughter has battled her injuries for over 5.5 years. Thank you for taking the time to read her story.

Before our girl got sick she was a high achieving student, an active member of the Student Leadership Council, a Scouts girl and a fantastic field hockey player. She got sick after receiving 2 Gardasil vaccinations in the beginning of 2009.

She has a Vaccine Injury and has officially been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, Hypotension (low blood pressure) and Tachycardia (high heart rate when standing up, to pump blood to brain), also called POTS.

At the moment, she still suffers from (extreme) fatigue on a daily basis, headaches (especially end of the day), her hands are sore with nerve pain and she lives with daily joint and muscle pain. Her ears pop every time she swallows and she has trouble hearing. She has difficulty concentrating when there is noise around her. Her feet are always cold but she doesn’t feel it. And that isn’t all of it…

Her days vary; one good day doesn’t mean the next will be ok. One good week doesn’t mean the next week might be better. Sometimes her symptoms come on quickly. A severe headache can appear in a couple of minutes.

In the last 5.5 years our daughter also had to deal with fatigue that made her a couple of times lay in bed fulltime for (6) months in a row, a constant (excruciating) headache that lasted 2.5 years (!), sore throats, swollen glands, chest pains, dizziness with black outs, weakness in her legs making it unable to walk without assistance, abdominal pain, muscle pain, brain fog, trouble concentrating and short term memory and gastro-intestinal problems. She picked up every bug that was around and had high temperatures about every 4-5 weeks.

After 2.5 years of being sick (and no doctor or specialist knowing what to do to help her) our daughter deteriorated so much that we almost lost her (mid 2011), she was too weak to talk, or even eat and drink. Her body was so toxic that her organs were shutting down. For months we were afraid to go into her room in the morning….

Neuro training, brain training, osteopathy, detoxing, a strict diet, supplements and more alternative treatments all helped to improve her health.

We have seen great results; she has had a couple of fantastic months…. until a relapse happens. We have also seen her deteriorate very quickly to being fulltime in bed again around September/October in the last three years. Each time this happens it is hard to get healthier again.

Because of being sick our girl missed about 3 years of her schooling. She wants to be at school but her body doesn’t always let her, which is very disappointing every time it happens. There are many times she needs to spend all her energy on catching up with school work. Through all of this she still wants to finish high school with year 12 and study at a University (she is interested in Political Science).

Next to missing out at school she struggles with her social life. She is lucky to have a couple of friends that have stood by her from the time she got sick, but a lot of people don’t understand. She always worries if people will understand her limits, when she isn’t able to stay in touch because she is just too exhausted or when she needs to cancel last minute. She is now 18 and still can’t do sport or a hobby next to (part time) school. She is not able to get a regular job to make some money like most of her peers.

Besides the physical illness, the stress of not knowing if she would ever get better, of not having a “normal” life, of disappointment after disappointment, of people not believing you, has been enormous, not only for her, but also for her younger sister, my husband and I. Gardasil changed our lives completely, we have learned to appreciate the little things in life.

We are very proud of our daughter and admire her way of handling all the challenges in her life. She has become mature very quickly in certain ways, but she has missed out on lots of experiences as well. We still fight hard to make her health improve more, we hope she will stay good for longer than a couple of months and keep our fingers crossed she will be able to accomplish everything she is dreaming of…

Through sharing our daughter’s story I hope that people research before they say yes to the unnecessary Gardasil vaccine. We trusted the system and thought we did the right thing, but the system has failed us.

Nobody wants to take the responsibility when this happens to your child. This “one solution fits all” system needs to change.

Please go to www.sanevax.org, or the Facebook groups set up for families injured by HPV vaccines. Do some research before you decide if Gardasil is a good choice.

This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of www.SaneVax.org

Annette, I feel at a loss for words after reading the enduring trial you, your daughter, and family are living.  I ache for the lack of attention, and support for your family.

It’s ludicrous to have millions poured into marketing these girls, on their favorite channels, at school, and so forth, and then silence when they are injured by the Gardasil/Cervarix vaccines.  It’s a tragedy, and I hope, and pray that your silence is lifted, and you are received by loving arms of those who know what to do in these circumstances.

You have proven strong, and dedicated, and I Know that many will receive guidance, and warning through your words.

I am grateful that you have found the kind, and educated folks at SaneVax Inc.  They will have good advice, and I as well have a link to doctors that are experienced in this area.  Distance in most cases is not an issue.  Here is the link to my, Featured Doctors.

I know as you trust in your Father in Heaven, he will continue to guide, and bless you. 

I have little to give, but here is a musical gift that I hope you enjoy, and find some respite at this time. Your friend in truth, jen.


Flu Shot Ingredients#Flu#iBelieve#Android


I wouldn’t want to touch or smell these ingredients, let alone have them injected past my immune system defenses.  The thought of sticking a needle into a baby or child with these ingredients, just seems wrong.

If you think these ingredients are disturbing, and nasty, then here’s a piece out of an earlier post that informs us about human cancer cells, recently approved by the F.D.A., to be used in millions of upcoming vaccines.

Aside from the fact that the F.D.A. has a long-record of approving deadly, and harmful substances, with this latest approval, I don’t see how we can trust them to act in the best interest of you, and I.

If you didn’t know who the F.D.A. was, and only based on their track record, it would be easy to believe that their first order of business  is to Support vaccine manufacturers, and other pharmaceutical companies, with public health way down on the list.

 Making Vaccines with cancer cells: How safe is it?

Never before have cells that are derived directly from human cancer tumors been considered for use in vaccine production. Incredibly, this method has been approved despite the fact that it cannot be guaranteed that the vaccines will not induce cancer tumors in recipients.

Based on the approval by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) millions of vaccines which may induce cancer tumors will be produced. Where are the protests?

From a salvaged transcript (1) of the several hour long meeting in September 2012 between FDA and vaccine manufacturers some of the statements which jumped out of the page are quoted in this article...www.SaneVax.org

Making Vaccines with Cancer Cells: How Safe Is It?

Well, I am sure I am not alone in feeling a need to find a place to throw-up, after reading the sick-minded comments from the so-called “doctors,” who voted to approve this process.  There is a growing chasm between doctors that hold true to their Hippocratic Oath, which I have a great respect for, and those that are “doctor” in name only. It is a reminder that evil, in many forms, exists in the world around us.  That there are individuals that can justify just about anything, especially where the mighty dollar is involved. 

Vaccines have given millions of people cancer, and now they can use the human cancer cell lines, in a cheaper fashion, to administer more vaccines.  If you are a mad scientist, absorbed in the love of money, and prestige, then what an ingenious strategy. 

Lifting the mandate on vaccines, especially, and including during a pandemic response, is critically important!!

Related Articles:


The Immunity Boosting Tip that dramatically shifted my well being this past year#android#iBelieve#retweet

In reflecting back over this past year, I am especially grateful for a little description I came across on LinkedIn.

There was a picture, and description of a MassageEnergy Thermal Massage System.  The description read a little like this:

'MassageEnergized' migun table with LED DPL Red Light Facial Attachment
‘MassageEnergized’ migun table with LED DPL Red Light Facial Attachment

 The revolutionary MassageEnergy Thermal Massage System is inspired by the effects of Acupuncture, Acupressure, Chiropractic, and Massage. Its far-infrared heat provides the health benefits of a Sauna, Acupressure, and Hot Stone Massage, all in one. Become energized as you enjoy the benefits of total relaxation, balance, and health…naturally. The MassageEnergy Bed is an enhanced version of The Migun Thermal Jade Massage bed, a patented Class II medical device that will massage and energize your patients and has been reported to improve overall health

The MassageEnergy bed will give you the extraordinary feeling of being totally relaxed while your body is being completely refreshed. Some of the many benefits include: weight loss, reduced chronic pain, lowered blood pressure, better sleep, reduced digestive disorders, reduced stress, improved circulation, detoxification of the body, increased lymphatic flow, reduced lactic acid, and many more…www.massageenergy.com/

I felt drawn to try out this product.  I decided to try out the system for one week.  I went four times, and noticed improved energy, digestion, and my clothes even felt a little loose.  I had results that nothing else had brought me, and I had tried a number of different avenues, as anyone who has experienced various injuries might pursue.

I continued to use the system, and was so pleased that the circulation had significantly improved to the point of decreasing my shoe width.  That was a pleasant surprise.  After about four months, I had a side benefit of losing 28 pounds without changing much of anything else.

If you would like to learn more about these products, I have provided some links below.

For details, and demo locations call Doc toll free at 866-466-8661, and tell him aunt jen sent you.  Doc is great to work with, and is offering a $645. value package through the end of the year.

Accessory Options

John Hopkins Scientist Reveals Shocking Report On Flu Vaccines#Flu#Family#Android

By: Sylvia Booth Hubbard

A Johns Hopkins scientist has issued a blistering report on influenza vaccines in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). Peter Doshi, Ph.D., charges that although the vaccines are being pushed on the public in unprecedented numbers, they are less effective and cause more side effects than alleged by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Further, says Doshi, the studies that underlie the CDC’s policy of encouraging most people to get a yearly flu shot are often low quality studies that do not substantiate the official claims.

Promoting influenza vaccines is one of the most visible and aggressive public health policies in the United States, says Doshi of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Drug companies and public officials press for widespread vaccination each fall, offering vaccinations in drugstores and supermarkets. The results have been phenomenal. Only 20 years ago, 32 million doses of influenza vaccine were available in the United States on an annual basis. Today, the total has skyrocketed to 135 million doses.

“The vaccine may be less beneficial and less safe than has been claimed, and the threat of influenza seems to be overstated,” Doshi says…

Read the Entire Article Here


I have been considering boycotting stores, as much as possible, that “wallpaper” their storefronts, and such with flu shot propaganda.  Do they realize how they are hurting their customers or is it all about the mighty dollar?




Italy will investigate 11 Deaths linked to flu vaccine#Flu#Family#mtvstars

THE number of people who have died in Italy after being administered a flu vaccine made by Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis has risen to 13.

The Italian Medical Agency (AIFA) has warned against panic and stressed there is not proof yet that it was the vaccine that led to the deaths.

It said it banned two batches of the product — called FLUAD — as a precautionary measure, pending further studies…

 Read the post here


Related Articles:

John Hopkins Scientist Reveals Shocking Report on Flu Vaccines

Novartis flu vaccine suspended in Italy after deaths

Investigation into reports of serious adverse events following use of Fluad

Italy Probes 11 Deaths in Novartis Flu Vaccine Review

Does one’s health, and even life seem to be the driving force behind these vaccines? 

More Proof Flu Vaccines Don’t Work – Outbreak on US Navy Ship Despite 99% Vaccination Rate#iBelieve#Vaccines#Flu

Has the CDC contradicted itself again? The reports are now coming out that there was an influenza outbreak on the U.S.S. Arden. Almost a quarter of those on board caught the illness even though 99% of crew members had been vaccinated against flu per mandatory military vaccine policy.

According to the report, the ship was in San Diego, CA in early February to conduct training exercises. There were 102 crew members on board. Three days into it, 25 crewmen needed medical care after coming down with influenza.

The Naval Health Research Center determined that out of the 25, 20 of them had influenza A and 18 of these specifically were the subtype H3N2.

Due to severity of the outbreak, the ill crew members were sent home with medication and instructions on how to avoid spreading the illness. The ship had to be fully disinfected…

Read the Entire Post Here


6 Reasons I Won’t Give My Kids The Nasal Flu Vaccine#Flu#Family#Vaccines

Written By: Celeste McGovern

Two of my daughters arrived home from primary school last week with public health packages in their bags. It’s that time of year again, when nurses are out in force like army recruitment officers, waging a war on deadly germs and rounding up volunteers for vaccines.

This year in the United Kingdom the intranasal flu vaccine is being rolled out. It’s already been used in the United States where 14 to 15 million doses of AstraZeneca’s FluMist are currently in distribution for this flu season but this is the first year it is being offered under the brand name Fluenza Tetra in the UK  to all children older than 24 months and it is heavily promoted by public health officials.  They’ve even produced  a “Flu Hero” cartoon  directed at children in which a superhero gives a little boy a nasal flu vaccine which, like a bite from a radioactive spider, transforms him into a superhero himself with super defenses.


I hate the flu as much as other parents, but the public health information struck me as superficial and smacked of a sales pitch, so I decided to look a little deeper into the vaccine and here are the top half dozen reasons my children won’t be going near it…

Read the Full Article Here
