Questions Surrounding Review of Challenged Vaccine-Autism Study#Vaccines#iBelieve#A.S.D.


Did the medical journal Pediatrics stand by a questioned vaccine-autism study without interviewing the coauthor who confessed to and exposed alleged scientific misconduct?

If so, that would deviate from what should be standard procedure in such an investigation, according to internationally recognized medical ethicist Dr. Michael Carome.“If the evidence seems substantial, the journal should contact all co-authors, present them with the allegations and supporting evidence, and ask them to respond,” says Carome, a research ethics expert who heads the Health Research Group at the watchdog group Public Citizen.Last month, William Thompson, a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stepped forward to say that he and his CDC coauthors omitted key data showing a link between MMR vaccine and autism in African American children. The study was published in 2004 in the journalPediatrics.“I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information,” said Thompson…

 Read the Entire Article Here

I have found this investigative reporter’s work to be insightful, and direct.  A fellow seeker of truth.  Worth the time to review the posts.

How to determine the value of a vaccine#IBelieve#Family#Vaccines

By Sandy Lunoe

International health authorities use enormous resources to promote every new vaccine developed as providing nothing but benefits for the average medical consumer and society as a whole.  Efforts are focused on increasing uptake of various vaccines. However, there are serious considerations which should be adequately addressed prior to the issue of vaccine uptake.

Just imagine what would happen to a family’s budget if they bought a new car and ignored the fact that it got half the gas mileage of their current vehicle. If the family finances were already pushed to the limit, this could be disastrous.

Despite the fact healthcare budgets around the world are strained to the breaking point, a recent study, Valuing vaccination,” edited by Novartis vaccines decidedly promotes vaccines and even more extensive vaccination.

This paper basically outlines how to improve the PR campaign for universal vaccination programs. Positive cost/benefit issues are presented without reservation.

However, there are numerous details omitted from this paper which must be taken into account in order to determine the true cost/benefit ratio for any vaccine prior to including it in a national vaccination program.

SaneVax Inc. maintains four common sense criteria must be met prior to the introduction of any vaccine: The vaccine should be proven Safe, Affordable, Necessary and Effective.

Following are some issues which must be closely examined in order to accurately determine any vaccine’s value to any given country. They are at least as important as vaccine uptake, if not more so.


  • What serious adverse reactions are anticipated with the vaccine? What subset of the population is most susceptible?
  • Long term adverse reactions include autoimmune conditions of which there are more than a hundred. What subset of the population is most susceptible to autoimmune disorders with the vaccine?
  • How many fatalities are expected per 100,000 injections of this vaccine?
  • What are the potential consequences of interactions between ingredients in this vaccine and ingredients of other vaccines that may be administered at the same time?
  • What are the potential consequences of synergistic toxicity due to administration of several substances and/or several doses of the same substances?
  • Are there any ingredients in the vaccine that increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier with potentially detrimental consequences including brain damage?
  • Is this vaccine vial stopper made of latex/rubber? If so, what percentage of the population is susceptible to allergic reactions because of the packaging?
  • What percentage of our population is likely to be susceptible to allergic reactions to this vaccine’s ingredients?
  • Does this vaccine contain any ingredients that are known to impair fertility? Suspected of impairing fertility?
  • Has this vaccine been tested for the potential to cause genetic mutations?
  • Does this vaccine contain any foreign DNA? If so, what are the potential consequences of injecting this material?
  • Are there any genetically engineered components in this vaccine? If so, what are the potential detrimental health consequences including cancers regarding injection of these recombinant ingredients?
  • Has this vaccine been tested for the potential to cause cancer?
  • Has this vaccine been tested for safety in pregnant women?
  • What are the odds of the bacteria or virus targeted in this vaccine being replaced by another more virulent strain?


  • What is the current cost of treating those who contract the disease targeted by this vaccine versus the cost of vaccinating the population susceptible to contracting it?
  • What is the anticipated cost to the vaccine injured for loss of social network, activities, education and prospects of employment?
  • What is the anticipated cost to parents and caregivers for anticipated vaccine injuries?
  • What is the anticipated cost of medications and treatments for the vaccine injured?
  • What is the anticipated cost to society for loss of paid work, mental and physical burdens, loss of productivity, etc… due to either injuries or family members caring for the injured?
  • What is the cost to the community and tax payers for treatment and care of the injured?
  • Would the money spent on this vaccine be more wisely used by investing in other areas of healthcare?


  • How prevalent is the disease targeted by this vaccine?
  • Does the risk of contracting this disease justify a mass vaccination program?
  • What other preventive measures are available for this disease?
  • What treatments are currently available for this disease?
  • What risks are involved with using the currently available treatments?
  • What are the long and short term health consequences of contracting the targeted disease?
  • What percentage of those who contract this disease will face long term health consequences?


  • How many people need to use this vaccine in order to avoid each case of the targeted disease?
  • Out of each 100 people vaccinated, how many will be protected from contracting the disease?
  • How long will this protection last? Is the need for boosters anticipated?
  • Does this vaccine target the genotype of bacteria/virus prevalent in our country?
  • What is the possibility of the vaccine targeted bacteria/virus mutating in response to being suppressed?
  • What are the chances of the bacteria/virus targeted by this vaccine being replaced by a more virulent type as a result of suppressing the original one?
  • What storage and transportation requirements exist to maintain the original efficacy of this vaccine?

As you can clearly see, there are many questions which must be answered in order to determine whether or not any particular vaccine has enough value to be added to a national immunization program.

Only after the answers are provided, should vaccine uptake become an issue.

“If people let Government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” (Thomas Jefferson)

AAVP asks Spanish Health Ministry to Ban HPV Vaccines#HPV#Vaccines#CDCchat

AAVP letterheadAAVP meets Spanish Health Ministry representatives to ask for the withdrawal of HPV vaccines from the Official vaccination schedule of Spain and informs there are three cases of suspected death and numerous cases of suspected serious adverse reactions in our country and around the world.

Last Tuesday the 26th of August, Spanish Health Ministry representatives and Alicia Capilla, President of AAVP (Association of people affected by HPV vaccine) together with Francisco Almódovar (attorney from the firm Almódovar&Jara) held an important meeting  with three representatives of the team of  Mrs. Mercedes Vinuesa, General Director  of Public Health in the quarters of the Spanish Health Ministry.

AAV President, Alicia Capilla

Alicia Capilla stated that Spanish Health Authorities have not been responsible because families did not receive information prior to vaccination about the risks their daughters have suffered after receiving the HPV vaccine, thus the right we have as citizens to have therapeutic informed consent has been violated.

Besides, the health care for the victims of papillomavirus vaccine damage has been inadequate since 2009 when the first serious reactions began to occur.

Mrs. Capilla stated that Spanish Health Authorities have not recognized the adverse reactions – most of them serious- that affected girls suffered after receiving the HPV vaccine, even though the reactions they suffered are registered in the product leaflet and in numerous similar reports to the Spanish and European databases. That is incomprehensible and a big contradiction.

Why don´t Health Authorities want to recognize these events when they are reported in the product information leaflet and corroborated by thousands of reports around the world?

In Spain, there are 737 reports of suspected adverse reactions (until January 2012) and three suspected cases of death. We have asked Health Authorities to give us an update on the number of adverse reactions reported since 2012 and they have not given us this information.

Why don´t they want to give us this information if that is a matter of transparency of Public Health and they support the idea that the vaccine is safe?

In Europe the number of reports of suspected adverse reactions is also huge. In a survey done by AAVP there are more than 150 reports that ended in death and 11,814 serious reports.

According to the French Committee of Pharmacovigilance, since its marketing in 2006, there are 2092 cases (representing 5850 adverse reactions) including 503 serious cases. The report of the French Committee presents also International data, with 160,538 adverse reactions, 26,675 are serious. In VAERS (American System of reports of side effects after vaccination) the data is also alarming, there are 35,270 reports altogether, more than 150 reports of suspected deaths and 4920 serious events, taking into account that less than 10% of adverse reactions are reported in the U.S., this figure must be much higher.

It is very important to note that most adverse reactions reported after HPV vaccinations around the world are neurological disorders. Taking into account all this data, we have requested the Health Ministry to investigate seriously the efficacy of this vaccine.

Alicia Capilla stated that so much nonsense cannot be justified by ignorance as our daughters have not been the unique girls, not even the first ones who have suffered side effects after the vaccination. We believe it is an insult to human intelligence to state they are all coincidental or psychological problems because most of these reactions are already listed in the leaflet of the vaccines.

It is obvious: when different people, in different parts of the world, at different times react to a drug/vaccine in the same way, as is the case with HPV vaccines – something has to be wrong with the product in question – particularly when the Ministry has recognized this vaccine, like any medicine, causes adverse effects.

AAVP believes that Health Authorities should change their strategy. Not acknowledging the existence of adverse reactions makes investigation impossible. For that reason, we believe the number of reactions will be higher and higher and the problem will be bigger and bigger. This is not acceptable.

For that reason we have asked the Spanish Health Ministry to follow a Protocol in which they:

  • Recognize the adverse reactions (most of which are already registered in the leaflet of the product, the databases of European  Countries, EEUU and scientific literature) and the status of victims of the HPV vaccine.
  • Give adequate health care to affected people, who trusted in Public Health when they decided to vaccinate.
  • Create a Compensation Fund for damage from vaccines as it exists in other countries like USA and France.
  • Scientifically investigate all deaths and RAMs after HPV vaccine administration.
  • Sponsor scientific debates in Spain similar to those in other countries such as France and Japan.
  • Conduct an accurate and updated study of the reports of suspected adverse reactions in our country in which the most common RAMs should be studied and the incidence of suffering an adverse reaction estimated.
  • Re-evaluate the benefit-risk of HPV vaccines and stop the inclusion of, and funding for, this vaccine in the National Health System of our country, since it seems –according to international and national scientific bibliography that:
    • HPV vaccines are not safe – taking into account the huge numbers of suspected deaths and serious reports and the fact that the vaccines contain  viral DNA which can be harmful for human beings-
    • They are not effective – they only target two or four serotypes (depending if it is Gardasil® or Cervarix® the two vaccines in the market). We need at least 20 or 25 years to check if women who were vaccinated developed more or less cases of cervical cancer in relation to non- vaccinated women.
    • HPV vaccines are not necessary – there are other harmless methods of prevention such as cytology that does not cause harm to women, and must be done even if they have been vaccinated because HPV vaccines do not target all carcinogenic serotypes.

Furthermore in this re-evaluation Health Authorities should take into account that:

  • This vaccine is given to healthy young women.
  • Spain is a country with a low incidence and mortality from cervical cancer.
  • The vaccine is not effective against all carcinogenic serotypes.
  • Nobody knows the duration of immunity of HPV vaccines or whether young women will need more boosters in the future.
  • There is no justification for exposing healthy young women to unnecessary risks of serious health problems when there are other preventive methods available, such as the cytology, that do not cause any harm.

Officials who participated in the meeting, led by the Director General of Public Health, Mercedes Vinuesa recognize that they must strengthen information provided to citizens and health professionals about the benefits and risks of the HPV and improve the informed consent prior to administration of HPV vaccines.

If anything has become clear during this meeting, it is that in the case of HPV vaccinations the Spanish healthcare system failed to provide adequate information prior to HPV vaccinations and failed to provide adequate health care for those adversely affected by those vaccinations.

Therefore, the Health Ministry has agreed to study the cases of young affected girls, follow their paths, and hold another meeting with AAVP in two weeks’ time to provide answers to AAVP´s requests.

Gardasil: The decision I will always regret#HPV#Medical#iBelieve

By Wendy Barnes Early, Paola Kansas

My Gardasil Nightmare

I want to share with you all Courtney’s story and what happened to my daughter after receiving the Gardasil vaccine – thankfully she only had one shot.

In the summer of 2012, I took my daughter to her Pediatrician for her routine annual exam. Her doctor strongly recommended that Courtney receive Gardasil because they highly recommend this vaccine for teens.

Within 3-4 weeks after Courtney had her first and only Gardasil vaccine, she complained of headaches daily, extreme fatigue, and nausea. She had little to no energy which was NOT like my daughter. She became very moody, irritable and almost depressed. Soon she was complaining about not wanting to eat, muscle weakness and tremors.  Her hands would shake uncontrollably, along with her legs. I noticed at times her hands would look mottled, then turn purple/blue in color. If you have ever seen a person after they pass, this is what her hands looked like.

 This truly scared me as I am a nurse by profession and I felt like I was watching my sweet outgoing daughter deteriorate. We made an appointment with her Pediatrician. She ran routine blood work and referred my daughter to a GI specialist at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City. There she had a 1 hour appointment with a physician, blood work, an endoscopy, all which was normal with the exception of mild Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The doctor gave her a prescription for the nausea, Zofran which didn’t help her at all. We changed her diet, tried a different prescription for nausea and nothing helped.

My daughter’s Pediatrician then sent her to a Psychologist to make sure this wasn’t psychosomatic. After the initial meeting with my daughter, the psychologist pulled me back and spoke with me about Courtney. She said she felt Courtney was emotionally stable and a great kid and her health issues were not psychological. She also stated that she felt Courtney was becoming depressed because they cannot figure out what is wrong with her. She stated that she felt the problem stems from something medically that is wrong with her and to continue down this route. We had my daughter’s Pediatrician place her on a mild anti-depressant.

I felt we were not getting anywhere with my daughter’s primary doctor so I asked one of the doctors I personally know what her thoughts were and where we should go next in the medical field for help. She recommended an Endocrinologist. We advised the Pediatrician of this and she recommended a pediatric endocrinologist at St. Lukes.

After Courtney’s appointment with the pediatric endocrinologist, he felt it was possible that her adrenal glands were not functioning correctly. He ordered additional blood on Courtney. This blood work showed Courtney supposedly had “Adrenal Insufficiency” which means her adrenal glands were not working correctly. The endocrinologist said they were seeing more teens being diagnosed with this in the last several years. I asked if he felt it was tied to Gardasil since teens are now receiving this vaccine, he said he wasn’t sure but definitely thought it was worth looking into and keeping track of. My daughter was placed on steroids and it was hoped that this would improve the situation. This condition is also considered life threatening if she were to become very ill or in an accident etc.

Several months later after being placed on high doses of steroids she barely showed any improvements. Her symptoms were about the same.

I sent my concerns to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. They responded back within 1-2 days and we set up her appointment within 30 days. After this clinic had been sent all of Courtney’s records they set up a plan to carry out more testing. Every day at Mayo she would go through several tests. On her first day there she met with the main doctor in charge of her case. After 4 days of consistent testing we met with an endocrinologist and her case doctor.

I was with Courtney during all of this testing to give her some needed support. During one of her tests called a “tilt table test” Courtney’s blood pressure was so low when they had her in an upright position that they manually couldn’t hear her blood pressure and the machine couldn’t pick it up. They were shocked she didn’t pass out! She had several other tests along with additional blood work.

On the last day at MAYO when we met with the endocrinologist, he felt Courtney was misdiagnosed with Adrenal Insufficiency and was now truly adrenal insufficient after having been placed on high doses of steroids. He recommended we see a new endocrine doctor at Kansas University Medical Center when we went back to Kansas and for her to be tapered off her steroids. He felt her adrenal glands would wake back up. Then we met with her case doctor, she diagnosed Courtney with “Autonomic Dysfunction”. This is a neurologic disease that they are also seeing more of. She has been placed on a high salt diet, drinking a lot of fluids especially water, placed on an exercise regime, and she takes a prescription for this 3 times daily. They feel she “should” grow out of this but aren’t sure at what age.

They too aren’t sure “why” she has this disease! She was a normal, healthy teen girl with mild asthma that was controlled. She was outgoing, happy, loving girl with straight “A’s” in school.

She was full of life UNTIL she received her first and only Gardasil vaccine and this is a decision I regret every second of every day – if only I could turn back the clock!

Since this new diagnosis, Courtney has some improvements, her nausea is better until they decrease her steroids, she has more energy but it doesn’t last long and her moods are more stable and she is happy again! Courtney still has hand tremors, leg tremors and does get fatigued easily. She is finally doing things with her friends this summer where last summer she missed out on everything as she felt so ill. I am so thankful that she never had the second and third injections. God is the only one who knows what would have happened to her if she had completed the course.

Therefore, to all the families out there who are thinking about having their daughters vaccinated with Gardasil please, please be careful, do your own research and see the high number of young ladies and guys who are experiencing serious health issues following vaccination. You have a healthy child one day and after being vaccinated with Gardasil, or Cervarix, this healthy child is no more. They develop unexplained health issues which more than often are misdiagnosed and in many cases a finger is pointed at them that their condition is “psychosomatic”.

Please believe me your child is sick and requires medical attention – never allow anyone to try and make this out to be a mental health issue. What happened to my daughter I know and believe that her symptoms were caused by Gardasil.

Read the article in French here

Wendy and Courtney, I am so glad you fled this scenario after the first Gardasil shot.  Your timeline, and testimonial with be helpful to many, and your specific advice.  I am sorry you have had to endure this vaccine-injury, and I know that if you continue to keep your Heavenly Father near, then you will always be in the best of hands.  What a blessing to have found  Those angels will take good care of you. Here is a link to additional experienced practitioners from my Featured Doctors section. It is good to hear that you had some realistic advice along the way.  Hang in there my friends.  Here is a little music to lighten your load and God Bless. 

jen  🙂

Article in it’s entirety, is compliments of


The CDC: A Truly Corrupt and Dangerous Organization#repost#vaccines#iBelieve

by Christina England

 Over the years, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has repeatedly deceived and lied to the public, yet they continue to state that their mission is to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S.

They boldly announce on their website that the “CDC increases the health security of our nation. As the nation’s health protection agency, CDC saves lives and protects people from health threats. To accomplish our mission, CDC conducts critical science and provides health information that protects our nation against expensive and dangerous health threats, and responds when these arise,” and yet there is more and more evidence to suggest that their so called ‘scientific evidence’ has been skewed and deliberately tampered with to gain the desired results. [1]

During the course of this article, I am going to give five recent examples of CDC fraud or deception. Each one of my examples will demonstrate when the CDC has deliberately altered or withheld scientific evidence in a bid to misinform the public…

Read Entire Article Here

HPV vaccine in Carmen de Bolivar: A tragedy foretold#family#iBelieve#retweet

Appalling  malpractice taking place in Columbia.  The Colombian government needs to immediately suspend the application of the Gardasil vaccine!

By Mario Lamo-Jiménez

SaneVax-FeaturedColombia: There are already more than 243 cases of girls in Carmen de Bolivar reporting symptoms of fainting, shortness of breath and weakness in the limbs. What do these girls have in common? All received Gardasil, a vaccine that supposedly helps prevent cervical cancer, which they say may be caused by the human papillomavirus.

The government emphatically denies that the vaccine is causing these symptoms. However, parents of girls affected disagree.

For the first time in the history of Colombia, and perhaps the world, there is a massive protest because of a vaccine that is apparently making people sick instead of protecting them.

Some family members have staged peaceful protest marches to demand immediate investigations; others burned tires in protest and blocked a main road that connects a coastal town of Colombia with the interior of the country.

Photo Credit: Picture published by the Colombian Daily Newspaper El Tiempo, on September 3, 2014. Signs say: “We want a solution”,   “Vaccines that kill and organized crime”, “We want healthy girls without the side effects of the vaccines of the HPV”, and finally, “Mass suggestion but in the Ministry of Health because of the 400 girls, victims of the vaccine.”

As reported by the Colombian newspaper El Tiempo, one of the parents, Hector Pineda, said:

“It is not possible for the Health Minister to say that the vaccine that was used has nothing to do with the strange symptoms experienced by our daughters. We were all expecting an answer to so many questions that we have; the Minister tried to tone down the facts, suggesting that some people were taking advantage of the system and even that there were girls who were not vaccinated and had the same symptoms”.

The head of toxicology at Saint Joseph Hospital Bogotá, Dr. Camilo Uribe, where some of the girls were treated, has publicly stated that the symptoms are “bizarre” and there are things that are still not understood in the case, but that definitely the girls’ illnesses are not caused by the vaccine!

The question is, if there are ‘things that are still not understood,’ how can any doctor categorically state the symptoms are not associated with the vaccine?

What’s more, the symptoms experienced by many girls are identical to those of a patient that Dr. Uribe personally treated: muscle weakness, shortness of breath, joint pain, etc., and blood tests indicating a high level of aluminum. All these symptoms appeared after the third Gardasil shot. After a detoxification treatment, this patient showed improvement.

Every disease in the world has a set of symptoms (diagnostic criteria) doctors use to determine what illness is being exhibited in their patients. Is there no diagnostic criteria established for suspected adverse reactions to vaccines?

Why is it that the head of toxicology at St. Joseph Hospital cannot explain why so many girls are suffering similar symptoms when the only major change in all of their lives is recent Gardasil injections? How can he be so sure the symptoms are not associated with the vaccine?

Parents are angry, and rightly so. Their daughters became ill after vaccination and the government claims the symptoms of the girls are not associated with the vaccine. The government says that perhaps these symptoms are caused by unexplained environmental causes, psychological problems, or by playing with Ouija boards!

This tragedy in Colombia was fully preventable and no surprise. Congress approved a law by which the vaccine would be “free and compulsory”. Congress did not know the consequences of the law it was sanctioning since it never investigated whether or not this vaccine had any side effects, as it clearly does.

Now the Minister and Deputy Minister of Health say, without any scientific basis, that since there haven’t been any studies the adverse reactions of the girls in Carmen de Bolivar are not linked to the vaccine. Through the art of sophistry and misdirection they have made the following statements to the mass media:

  • The girls were being affected by Ouija boards,
  • The girls shared symptoms through social media,
  • The girls are victims of mass hysteria and,
  • After conducting some initial tests – the girls suffer from lead poisoning.

Here are the facts:

The vaccine contains an adjuvant, aluminum, which can cause serious neurological problems if not eliminated by the body within 48 hours of application of the vaccine.

The medical experts I have consulted in the United States, including the researcher Lloyd Phillips, have said that this vaccine was made for people with a perfect immune system (which does not exist) and that any genetic variation can cause the aluminum in the vaccine to be impossible to remove from the body, which may then cause autoimmune disease.

In the case of the girls in Carmen de Bolivar, the Ministry of Health is diverting attention from the vaccine and instead is looking for environmental causes for these girls’ symptoms, such as lead poisoning, when in fact they should be looking for the presence of aluminum from the vaccine is contained in the blood.

In my opinion, this is a nothing more than a smoke screen, an attempt to prevent the discovery of the relationship between symptoms and the Gardasil vaccine.

It has been reported that a group of specialists sent to Carmen de Bolivar is now evaluating ‘food and how it is cooked’ in the three schools that have the highest number of cases, as well as in the homes of the children to see if there is a causal relationship to the symptoms, which according to them are explained by lead poisoning. They completely ignore that in Colombia most people cook their food in aluminum pots, which is highly detrimental to health and a hazardous combination if girls are also being injected with aluminum.

If the specialists decide a priori that the vaccine is NOT the cause of the symptoms, which seems to be what is happening, what we are facing is the concealment of a health hazard that is disguised as a vaccine.

The negative effects of the vaccine are not limited to the town of Carmen de Bolívar. They have been presented in several other cities in Colombia such as Medellin, Cali, Sincelejo, Bogotá, Codazzi, and Valledupar, among others.

In Colombia, there has already been one case reported of another possible side effect of Gardasil that is being researched: sterility.

Spanish endocrinologist, Carme Valls reported in an interview published in the Colombian newspaper, El Espectador:

“There have been cases of girls who have experienced ovarian failure after the application of the vaccine, which means that they have been left menopausal at 20 years of age. In Spain there are two cases. In the United States there is a specialized group that has compiled information about the deaths due to the side effects of the HPV vaccine.”

Is Health Minister, Alejandro Gaviria, being less than truthful, very misinformed, or simply protecting the big interests behind the vaccine when he stated the following to reporters, referring to Gardasil:

“There have been nearly 170 million doses administered worldwide without any health risk.”

He ignores the fact that there are victims who have died after Gardasil administration in other countries; that the United States is paying money to Gardasil victims who have won their case in the Vaccine Injury Court; that the vaccine has been rejected in Japan, withdrawn in India and that legal actions have been filed in Spain against the manufacturer Merck and the Health Ministry of that country.

The Colombian Ministry of Health has NOT conducted ​​any scientific studies about the vaccine; it only repeats that the vaccine is safe because the World Health Organization has said so.

In short, health officials seem to be ignoring all the empirical and scientific evidence. Are they being dishonest or simply misinformed when they state that there are no health risks? Do they forget that even the manufacturer Merck has warned of certain risks?

In Colombia, all the international studies that have found that adverse reactions to Gardasil can kill or leave a person disabled are being ignored. Not all girls have the same reactions to the vaccine. In the specific case of Gardasil, genetic variations of individuals may play a very important role. Perhaps, in the case of Carmen de Bolivar, the vaccine was given to a genetic group especially susceptible to the vaccine. It is unfortunate the Colombian “experts” are not even contemplating this possibility.

The Ministry of Health continues to proclaim in their statements to the press that the vaccine is completely safe, seemingly relying on an almost religious faith in certain authorities and towing the line of the higher powers of the multinational pharmaceutical industry instead of using scientific reasoning.

Indeed, it would be very difficult for the Colombian government to publicly admit they may have made a mistake. Neglecting to perform thorough investigations of the matter is compounding that error by committing a crime against the health of Colombian girls and young women.

We are talking about a vaccine that can kill, leave girls with permanent physical injuries and also cause sterility.

We must demand that the Colombian government immediately suspend the application of this vaccine, because the more “successful” the government is applying it, the more victims appear.

And, worst of all, as expressed by the mother of one of the girl victims in Carmen de Bolivar, her daughter came home vaccinated and sick.

Neither the parents nor the girl were asked for consent before administering the vaccine to her and to her fellow students. They were simply vaccinated, like animals.

Read this article in Spanish here

This article in it’s entirety is compliments of

HPV vaccines are NOT good for everyone#Vaccines#HPV#iBelieve

HPV vaccines are NOT good for everyone

By Mara Mexia, Mexico City

HPV Vaccines were not good for me.

I ask you to please read Yael Leycegui’s story. She is my daughter and one of the unfortunate girls who suffered a severe reaction to the HPV vaccine, Gardasil. I write because only one side of the HPV vaccine story is mentioned before you receive the injections in my country, and many others. You only hear how wonderful it is because it could prevent cervical cancer. There is little mention of potential side effects. When they are mentioned, you are told the vast majority of them are minor.

I write asking for your help to alert the population to the fact that side effects associated with HPV vaccines pose a serious threat to some girls. My daughter was obviously one of them. ­I wish we would have been warned.

Our bitter experience:

On February 28, more than a year ago, my 12 year old daughter was injected with her third dose of Gardasil. Four days later Yael could no longer move her arm on side where the shot was given. Her arm was swollen and very painful. We went to the doctor and he told me that it was a rare reaction and she was prescribed cortisone. The problem continued in spite of the cortisone. After 15 days, pain appeared on the other arm and the leg.

In March, my daughter could no longer eat by herself because she did not have enough strength to lift a glass or close her hand around the silverware. By April, she was suffering with terrible and disabling pain throughout her body. She needed a wheelchair to get around and was totally dependant on her family.

In order to rule out disorders like Lupus, Autoimmune Reactions, Arthritis, Guillain Barre Syndrome, and others, my daughter was subjected to diagnostic tests of all kinds including a Lumbar Puncture, EEG, resonances, hair follicle test for metal exposure, and an Electromyography … all of them were very shocking.

She went through all of these just to find everything was normal and had no abnormal results except for a high concentration of aluminum. Everything else came back normal. She was diagnosed a “probable adverse reaction to the HPV vaccine”.

Before Gardasil, my daughter was a healthy, happy and active girl, and outstanding at school. She used to go swimming, running, cycling, skating, dancing, etc.

Now, a little over a year later, Yael is not capable of attending school because of the incapacitating pain. There are still days when she needs help to get out of bed and go to the restroom or take a bath. Sitting and writing prove really hard for her. Sometimes, she goes out for a walk out of the house and has to come back with us carrying her.

In October, I was told that she had Fibromyalgia so I took her to a well-known doctor who has been treating this disease for years, DOCTOR MANUEL MARTINEZ LAVÍN. He is considered an authority on the condition.

He told me that my daughter does not have Fibromyalgia, that it all looks very related to the vaccine ….

Then, I started looking on the internet and finally found an association of people who have been affected by HPV vaccines in Spain, the AAVP. I decided to make contact. It turns out there are more cases like my daughter, that doctors ignore. The doctors say that the vaccines carry risk, yet they do not warn parents so they can make an informed decision prior to administering the vaccine.

Some say adversely affected girls are just statistically insignificant – that serious reactions are extremely rare. I am here to say, ”My daughter is not simply a statistic, nor is her life insignificant. Gardasil was NOT good for my daughter. ”

There are about a hundred strains of the HPV virus and the vaccine given to Yael only contains four. My daughter was affected and her life ruined by a “protection” against two strains of a virus that may or may not have caused cervical cancer for her and two strains that cause genital warts.

In any case, the condition(s) could be readily detected and easily treated without subjecting her to the risks involved with HPV vaccines. Risks that no one warned us about.

As it turns out, there are girls similarly affected all around the world – Colombia, Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Denmark, just to name a few. Girls who are going through the same thing as my daughter. Girls who have been misdiagnosed, ignored, or told they have psychiatric disorders or that their families are inventing their problems. This is not acceptable!

Girls around the world are crying for help

I hope you can help me do something. I hope you are among the few people who have the courage to help get the truth out there. Every parent in the world must act in solidarity.

HPV vaccines are very dangerous for some people. They have not been proven to be effective because they haven’t prevented any cases of cervical cancer this far.  Who knows whether or not they will in the future.

What I do know is HPV vaccines have caused untold pain, disability and death to many healthy girls around the world. Japan and India have already stopped recommending them. In France and Spain there are already many cases filed in court seeking justice for the injured and their families.

Please, help make parents aware of the potential risks. Parents have a right to make the decision to vaccinate their girls or not, but only after being properly informed.

My daughter is not an isolated case. Simply do an internet search for “HPV vaccine adverse reactions”.

PLEASE Share our story – give other girls a chance; a chance my daughter never had. Don’t allow other girls to suffer like my daughter has. Help our voices to be heard around the world.

Article in it’s entirety is compliments of

Maria, I am so sorry that you, Yael and your surrounding family have experienced such a horrific trial.  I am glad that Yael has such a tremendous, and supportive mother.  You are shining a light of truth that will spread far and wide.  Thank you for sharing your story so that others can avoid the medical/pharmaceutical crimes taking place.

Yes, Yael is Significant, and the immense risks of the HPV vaccine should have been disclosed so that she had a choice.  As you can see from your research, the HPV vaccine has not prevented one case of cervical cancer. 

I hope your family receives plenty of support at this time, and thank heavens you have heard of  They have contacts the world over that are experts in healing from the damages of this vaccine. Here are some contacts I have as well.  Distance is not a problem.   Blog Featured Doctors

May God be with you.  Miracles do exist today.

Below is a clip of a talented group with a gifted solo vocalist.  I hope their music can lift your hearts, and help you take your mind off the pain for awhile.  Your friend and sister in truth, jen  🙂