Frank B. Engley, Jr., PhD – A Pioneer in the research of Thimerosal Efficacy and Toxicity#Vaccines#ASD#IBelieve

“Apparently the medical profession does not read the safety data sheets provided by Lilly and other chemical manufacturers made available to physicians, pharmacies, hospitals and health departments. It states for thimerosal: toxic, mutagen, allergen, hypersensitivity, alters genetic materials, may cause mild to severe mental retardation, may cause mild to severe motor coordination, all sounds a lot like autism.”

Frank B. Engley, Jr., PhD, by Eric Gladen and David Ayoub, MD

New Market Ahead for Flu Vaccines: Mandatory Flu Shots for Employment to Expand Outside of Healthcare#Vaccines#Flu#Health

Health Impact News Editor                               

The 2013-2014 flu season has seen multiple lawsuits started for violating the rights of healthcare workers in refusing employment based on mandatory flu vaccinations. Now, according to a new report published by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the stage may be setting for mandatory flu vaccines as a condition for employment in other job sectors outside of healthcare facilities, such as food service, education, community and social services, personal care, cleaning and maintenance, and even real estate.

The increase in mandatory flu vaccines for healthcare workers began in 2012, with the implementation of Obamacare, which links federal reimbursement of Medicare and Medicaid funding to the percentage of healthcare workers vaccinated for the seasonal flu.

As we have mentioned in many other places, vaccines are products that cannot survive in a truly free market where freedom of choice exists because many people don’t want them. Medical leaders, backed by government authority, must mandate vaccines for the vaccine market to survive. They would like you to believe that they are smarter than the majority of the American public, and that those who refuse vaccines are simply uneducated and “unscientific,” but the facts actually show that there are more vaccine refusers among those with a higher education than there are among those less educated. (See: More Educated Parents Less Likely To Vaccinate and Feed Children Sugar and GMO Foods.)

The case for the flu vaccine is the weakest one among all vaccines, because statistics show it is the least effective, and the most dangerous. The CDC has actually been caught lying about seasonal flu statistics merely to sell more vaccines. The government and pro-Pharma mainstream media also do not report on the amount of awards paid out by HHS to those harmed by flu vaccines, including death.

Yet, the rationale given to force healthcare workers to receive mandatory seasonal flu vaccinations as a condition of employment has been to supposedly protect patients, even though the government’s own studies show that the flu vaccine given to healthcare workers is not effective in reducing influenza in healthcare facilities. (See: CDC Study: Mandatory Flu Vaccinations of Health Care Workers Offer NO Protection to Patients)…

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Linda Morin comments: Quebec’s decision to reduce Gardasil dosage#IBelieve#Vaccines#HPV

Linda Morin comments: Quebec’s decision to reduce Gardasil dosage

By Norma Erickson

Annabelle Morin

In 2008 Linda Morin lost her only daughter, Annabelle, 15 days after her second shot of Gardasil. It is small consolation for the Morin family that Quebec has decided to reduce the number of recommended Gardasil injections from three to two.

Linda wishes her government would concentrate more on the already proven safe and effective means of controlling cervical cancer – pap smears and good follow-up.

To this day, Linda and her family continue to fight for investigations into the causes of Annabelle’s unexplained death and all of the other mysterious deaths and disabilities after Gardasil. They do not believe in coincidence or epidemics of psychosomatic disorders. They want answers.

The SaneVax Team wholeheartedly agrees. When faced with the mysterious death of a previously healthy child, investigations and answers are not too much to ask for. The Morin family is to be congratulated for having the strength and courage to try and protect others from experiencing the dark side of Gardasil.

Gardasil: Quebec Suspends Third Dose

By Cédérick Caron in Écho de Laval, Wednesday 18th June 2014
Translation provided by Helen Kimball Brooke

While Quebec is suspending administration of the third and last dose of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine, Linda Morin, who remains convinced that this vaccine played a role in her daughter Annabelle’s death, feels that it would be advantageous to focus on preventive screening.

French-language newspaper Le Devoir reported on June 9th that the Health minister had taken the decision not to administer the third dose of the HPV vaccine which is part of the Canadian vaccination campaign for teenage girls in their third year of secondary school.

The reason is that according to current scientific data, a similar level of protection could be achieved with only two doses at lesser cost.  This could save Quebec $8.5M.

“In my opinion”, says Linda Morin, “this decision is purely political and financial.  If only the money saved could be reinvested into prevention of cervical cancer (triggered by the different strains of HPV), by encouraging sexually active girls to get regular Pap smears.”

Since her daughter Annabelle died in December of 2008, this brave woman from Laval has been leading a crusade against the Gardasil vaccine; she is convinced that it was what caused her daughter to drown in her bath.

“To stop giving the third dose will not resolve anything;” claims Mrs. Morin.  “The problem is the first dose.”

Controversial Vaccine

In the death report he submitted in December 2010, Coroner Michel Ferland concluded that Annabelle Morin drowned and this was the cause of her death.  He specified that she died of inexplicable natural causes but did not exclude the possibility that the vaccine could have been implicated.

The coroner also raised questions on the HPV vaccination program and advised Santé Canada, the Canadian health system, and the Health Minister to provide the population with better information on the potential adverse effects of this vaccine.

He mentioned that in the United States at the time of Annabelle’s death, the National Vaccine Information Center had already recorded 78 deaths linked to the vaccine and suggested that similar research should be conducted in Canada.

The vaccine continues to be the topic of many articles just about everywhere, including Europe where lawsuits have been filed against JV Sanofi Pasteur MSD, the pharmaceutical company which markets the product in France.

According to Mrs. Morin who is in touch with the parents of French girls who have experienced different kinds of adverse effects after receiving this vaccine,

“52 lawsuits have been filed against Gardasil in France.  One of the cases is even pending in a criminal court.”

In Canada, British Columbia has already followed in the footsteps of Quebec by deciding to administer only two doses, as incidentally is the case in Switzerland also.

Merck however, the pharmaceutical company which developed the vaccine, still claims that three doses are required for optimum effectiveness of the vaccine.

The Laval Centre de Santé et de Services Sociales (Health and Social Services Department) reports that dropping the third jab will not have any impact because it was administered alongside two other vaccines.

View the original article here.

Linda, thank you for staying so strong in the midst of such adversity, and holding the torch for others. My heart is very heavy when I think of what you and your family have been through. Annabelle is such a lovely girl, and I’m sure your efforts would make her proud.

It seems that turning around this run-away, pharmaceutical train, has to be engineered by parents. The lack of government, and medical support is inexcusable. They should have thrown on the emergency brake a long time ago, until our youth were no longer at risk. I hope that your efforts travel far and wide.

Here is a little musical gift. I hope it brings you some peace and comfort. God Bless. Your friend, jen

Article compliments from

How to Lie to a Generation of Families – Malfeasance in the CDCs Vaccine Safety Program – Dr. Brian Hooker#Flu shot#ASD#Vaccines

If you receive a Thimerosal (mercury) containing flu shot when pregnant, then you are 37% more likely to have a child with autism.

Find the details, and much more within the clip below. This talk was given at AutismOne from Dr. Brian Hooker, who is a PhD, PE, biochemist, researcher, investigator, vaccine industry watchdog, and father of an autistic child.

You can gather additional details to educate yourself in the link below.  Often a practitioner will say there is no mercury, but sometimes that is what they are told, and they do not know for certain.

There are many more harmful ingredients, but if you determine to take the shot, for work purposes, then protect yourself, and your family by insuring you read the package inserts, to insure no Thimerosal is contained within the shot.

  You Have A Choice!  🙂

Article Continued Here

Study Links Vaccine Induced Immune Overload to Autism, Diabetes, Obesity#Vaccines#Health#ASD

Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder

A new vaccine study published in Molecular and Genetic Medicine is bringing to the forefront the disturbing connection between the dramatic expansion in the quantity of routine childhood vaccines administered and a corresponding increase in inflammation-associated disorders.

Titled, “Review of Vaccine Induced Immune Overload and the Resulting Epidemics of Type 1 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome, Emphasis on Explaining the Recent Accelerations in the Risk of Prediabetes and other Immune Mediated Diseases,” the study argues that vaccine-induced immune overload is a driving factor in a number of rapidly accelerating childhood epidemics including:

  • Autism
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Food allergies
  • Many autoimmune diseases
  • Obesity
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFL)
  • Metabolic disease.

The paper sought to provide a theory of vaccine induced immune overload to explain many observations about the changes in the epidemics.  The fundamental problem, according to the study, is that vaccinology assumes a ‘one size fits all’ approach that results in the majority of the vaccine recipients having overstimulated immune systems:

“One major problem with vaccines is the concept of one size fits all. Package inserts of almost all vaccines recommend a dose based on age. In order for a vaccine to be a commercial success it is expected to induce a protective immune response in well over 90% of children. In order for this to happen a dose, based on age, must stimulate a protective immune response in those with the weakest immune system. In the process of doing this, the other 90% or more of children have their immune system over stimulated. The process of over stimulating the immune system time and time again increases the risk of inflammatory diseases like autoimmune diseases, and allergies which cause even more inflammation.”…

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Should Premature Babies Be Included In The One-Size-Fits-All Vaccination Policy?#premature#Health#vaccines

by Christina England       

According to a fact sheet published by the University of Auckland, premature babies weighing as little as seventeen ounces are supposed to be vaccinated with same dose of vaccines given to an adult. The vaccination schedule is not being adjusted in any way and does not take into consideration a premature baby’s fragility or their weight.

Their decision has left many professionals questioning whether or not the “one-size-fits-all” vaccination policy is really suitable for premature babies, given the fact that many of them are not yet medically stable.

The University of Auckland believes that no changes are needed and recommends that the vaccination schedule should not be adjusted. They insist that these fragile babies should be vaccinated according to their chronological age, rather than their due date, and that they should be vaccinated in line with the vaccination schedule set by the government.

Is The One-Size-Fits-All Policy Right For Premature Babies?

In the USA, approximately 500,000 babies are born prematurely each year. These are babies born before 37 weeks of completed pregnancy. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the earlier a baby is born, the more likely they are to suffer from severe health problems. Many of these babies die, while others may be severely disabled with learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, respiratory disorders, visual complications, hearing loss and feeding and digestive problems.

The CDC states:

“Although most babies born just a few weeks early do well and have no health issues, some do have more health problems than full term babies. For example, a baby born at 35 weeks is more likely to have—

  • jaundice
  • breathing problems
  • longer hospital stay” [1]

Many of these babies spend weeks, if not months, in incubators, while their lives hang in the balance. Is it really appropriate to vaccinate such fragile babies, regardless of their state of health?

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CDC’s Vaccine Safety Research is Exposed as Flawed and Falsified in Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal#Vaccines#ASD#Health

CDC’s Vaccine Safety Research is Exposed as Flawed and Falsified in Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal

PRNewswire-iReach/ — Just months after U.S. Congressman Bill Posey compared the Center for Disease Control (CDC)’s vaccine safety studies to the SEC’s Bernie Madoff scandal, malfeasance in the CDC’s studies of thimerosal-containing vaccines has, for the first time, been documented in peer-reviewed scientific literature. While the CDC states on its website that “low doses of thimerosal in vaccines do not cause harm, and are only associated with minor local injection site reactions like redness and swelling at the injection site,” the journal BioMed Research International now provides direct evidence that the CDC’s safety assurances about the mercury-containing preservative are not fact-based, according to the article’s lead author, Brian Hooker, PhD.

The paper opens by citing over 165 studies that have found Thimerosal to be harmful, including 16 studies that had reported outcomes in human infants and children of death, acrodynia, poisoning, allergic reaction, malformations, auto-immune reaction, Well’s syndrome, developmental delay and neurodevelopmental disorders including tics, speech delay, language delay, ADHD and autism. These findings by multiple independent research groups over the past 75+ years have consistently found thimerosal to be harmful. “Substantial scientific evidence exists and has existed for many years that the vaccine ingredient thimerosal is a developmental neurotoxin” says George Lucier, former Associate Director of the National Toxicology Program.

Studies showing harm from thimerosal sharply contradict published outcomes of six CDC coauthored and sponsored papers – the very studies that CDC relies upon to declare that thimerosal is “safe” for use in infant and maternal vaccines. Dr. Hooker, biochemist and vaccine industry watchdog, said of the six CDC studies, “Each of these papers is fatally flawed from a statistics standpoint and several of the papers represent issues of scientific malfeasance.  For example, important data showing a relationship between thimerosal exposure and autism are withheld from three of the publications (Price et al. 2010, Verstraeten et al. 2003 and Madsen et al. 2003).  This type of cherry-picking of data by the CDC in order to change the results of important research studies to support flawed and dangerous vaccination policies should not be tolerated.”

Dr. Boyd Haley, international expert in mercury toxicity and a co-author of the recently published paper said “There is no doubt that authorities in the CDC have initiated and participated in a cover-up of vaccine-induced damage from thimerosal to our children—-and this I consider criminal.” The paper, “Methodological Issues and Evidence of Malfeasance in Research Purporting to Show Thimerosal in Vaccines is Safe,” was published on June 6 and contains eight pages of evidence that the CDC has had knowledge of the vaccine preservative’s neurological risks, yet continues to cover them up.

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Herd Immunity: Myth or Reality?#Vaccines#Health#ASD

Written By: Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD 

Tetyana Obukhanych (Ph.D. in immunology from Rockefeller University, New York, NY) is the author of Vaccine Illusion. The book is available in pdf e-book form for immediate download here.  

Even though endemic outbreaks of common childhood diseases, such as measles, have been eliminated in some regions after prolonged mass-vaccination efforts, we are still being constantly reminded that reducing vaccination coverage of children in a community poses the risk of a reimported disease outbreak with potentially dire consequences to infants and immuno-compromised individuals.  We are also being persuaded that implementing strict vaccination compliance will prevent an outbreak and protect vaccine-ineligible infants via the herd-immunity effect.

There is no question that a disease outbreak can happen in a non-immune community, if a virus gets there.  The real question is, how well can high-vaccination compliance ensure herd immunity and protect a community from an outbreak?

Herd Immunity, a Key Principle

Herd immunity is not an immunologic idea, but rather an epidemiologic construct, which theoretically predicts successful disease control when a certain pre-calculated percentage of people in the population are immune from disease.  A scholarly article on herd immunity states:

“Along with the growth of interest in herd immunity, there has been a proliferation of views of what it means or even of whether it exists at all. Several authors have written of data on measles, which “challenge” the principle of herd immunity and others cite widely divergent estimates (from 70 to 95 percent) of the magnitude of the herd immunity threshold required for measles eradication.”[1]

Herd immunity has been deemed instrumental in rapid disease eradication.  Relying upon the meticulous work of Dr. A. W. Hedrich, who documented annual measles attack rates in relation to the proportion of naturally immune people in the 1900s-1930s, the United States Public Health Service had confidently announced in 1967 its intent to swiftly eradicate measles in the USA over the Winter by vaccinating a sufficient number of still susceptible children.[2] Mass vaccination was implemented, but the expected herd-immunity effect did not materialize and measles epidemics did not stop in 1967.

The concept of herd immunity has been used to justify the idea of vaccinating children against a mild disease, who do not personally benefit from such vaccination, to protect a vulnerable but vaccine-ineligible segment of the population.  For example, rubella is not dangerous for children.  However, for pregnant women who have not become immune from rubella prior to pregnancy, a rubella infection poses a danger during the first trimester by increasing the risk of fetal developmental abnormalities (congenital rubella).  Obviously, vaccination with a live-attenuated viral vaccine, such as the rubella vaccine, is contraindicated during pregnancy….

Herd Immunity, a Flawed Concept…

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