France: Aluminum Adjuvants and HPV Vaccines Up for Debate#Vaccines#HPV#Health

By Norma Erickson, President

 SaneVax-FeaturedParis, France: The use of aluminum adjuvants and HPV vaccines’ benefit versus risk profile will be under intense scrutiny and open scientific debate on May 22, 2014. Stakeholders from both sides of the vaccine debate will have an opportunity to present their case to members of the French Parliament, French Senate, health authorities, medical professionals and the public due to massive efforts on the part of E3M, a non-governmental organization of patients with MMF (macrophagic myofasciitis), and OSTA, a Parliamentary Office for Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choice.

Obviously, the French government cares enough about the health and well-being of their citizens to listen to both sides of the vaccine debate – the very same ‘debate’ that government health officials in other countries claim doesn’t exist.

Vaccine Safety Debates

French government officials are willing to listen to the victims of adverse events after vaccination. They are willing to listen to scientists and medical professionals who have been conducting research to find out why some people are prone to experiencing adverse reactions after vaccination.

Not only is the French government willing to listen to the survivors of vaccine injury and scientists; they are willing to facilitate open debates with the press in attendance.

On Thursday, May 22 French government officials in cooperation with E3M will sponsor four separate round table discussions followed by open debates and press conferences.

The morning activities, organized by E3M with the financial support from the Regional Council of Ile-de-France, are primarily reserved for parliamentarians, health authorities and journalists. The first two round table debates will be led by Virginie Belle, a journalist specializing in Public Health, at the French National Assembly. The schedule of events is as follows:

Aluminum and Vaccines – International expertise requires us to act

Danielle Auroi, President of the European Affairs Committee (French Parliament) will open the conference with a short speech at 9am, followed by:

  • “The Time for Action” by Didier Lambert, president of E3M
  • “The positioning of the French health authorities” by Prof Benoit Vallet, Director of General Health.

First Round Table – Aluminum: an adjuvant under monitoring:

Introduction by Laurence Cohen, member of the Social Affairs Committee of the Senate, Member of the Board of ANSM (national drug agency)

Testimony of Dr. Bernard Izard, affected by macrophagic myofasciitis

Toxicity of aluminum in humans, by Prof. Chris Exley, Keele University, UK

Bio-persistence and neuro-migration of aluminum adjuvant, by Prof. Romain Gherardi, Manager of the Center of Muscle Neuropathology, H. Mondor Hospital, France

A clinical syndrome associated with the bio-persistence of aluminum adjuvants, by Prof Jérôme Authier, Head of the Center of Reference for Neuromuscular Diseases, H. Mondor Hospital, France

The autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants, by Prof Yehuda Shoenfeld, Director of the Center for Autoimmune Diseases, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Aviv University, and Chairman of the 9th International Congress on Autoimmunity, Israel

The autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants in animals, by Dr. Lluis Lujan, Veterinary Pathologist, University of Zaragoza, Spain

Presentations followed by a debate and conclusion by Laure Lechatellier, Vice President of the Regional Council of Ile de France.

Second Round Table – Vaccination against HPV: caution should be exercised

Introduction by Sophie Errante, MP, co-chair of the Health and Environment Group of the French National Assembly.

Testimony of Marie LOCHU, Orianne’s mother, affected by MMF after vaccination against HPV

 “A plausible pathogenesis of systemic adverse events after HPV vaccination” by Dr. Sin Hang Lee – Pathologist , Molecular Laboratory , Milford Hospital , USA

“Vaccination against HPV: a benefit/risk balance discussed” by Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic – Research Group on neuronal dynamics, University of British Columbia, Canada

Once again, the testimony above will be followed by an open debate on the HPV vaccine risk/benefit profile.

The conclusion will be presented by Michèle Rivasi, member of European Parliament.

Jean- Louis Roumegas, co-chair of the Health and Environment Group of the French National Assembly, will conduct a press conference to answer inquiries about the morning discussions.

This conference continues in the afternoon with a public hearing sponsored by The OSTA of the French Parliament. OSTA is composed of members of both the French National Assembly and the French Senate. They are a working group within the French Parliament responsible for studying scientific questions which elicit intense national debate.

Vaccine Adjuvants: A Disputed Issue

For many decades, aluminum salts have been added to vaccines as adjuvants to stimulate an immune response.

According to some scientists, the safety profile of these adjuvants is excellent. On the other hand, studies conducted over the last 15 years insists there is a link between these adjuvants and various medical conditions which indicate the long term effects of using aluminum salts as adjuvants should be further analyzed.

OSTA is sponsoring public debates to discuss the controversy beginning with a reception at 1:00 pm on May 22nd. The entire programme can be viewed here – (official program here)

First Round Table:  The Safety and Efficacy of Aluminum Vaccine Adjuvants

Session 1: The points of view of the scientific community

  • Prof Yehuda Shoenfeld, chairman of the 9th international congress on autoimmunity, chief of the medicine department, Tel Aviv University of medicine

  • Prof Christopher Exley, professor in bioorganic chemistry, Keele University, United Kingdom

  • Prof Romain Gherardi, chief of the department of histology and embryology, Henri Mondor Hospital

  • Prof Jean-François Bach, perpetual secretary of the National Academy of Science and member of the National Academy of Medicine

  • Prof Daniel Floret, chairman of the technical comity of vaccinations, High Council of Public Health

  • Prof Brigitte Autran, professor of immunology at Pierre and Marie Curie University, chief of the department of immunology at La Pitié-Salpétrière Hospital, in charge of the coordination of the Consortium for research on vaccination (COREVAC)

Session 2: The points of view of the other stakeholders

  • Prof Benoît Vallet, director-general of health, Ministry for social affairs and health

  • Dr. Nathalie Garcon, vaccine adjuvants specialist, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)

  • Prof Michel Georget, biologist, representative of the National League for Freedom of vaccinations

  • Dr. Bernard Izard

  • Dr. Nicolas Ferry, director of innovative therapies, human body’s products and vaccines, National Agency of Drug Safety

Second Round Table: Which Patterns To Plan In The Future?

Session 1: Is a moratorium a pertinent answer?

  • a former member of the studies group on vaccination of the National Assembly

  • Prof François Jérôme Authier, responsible for the reference Centre of rare diseases, Henri Mondor Hospital

  • Prof Laurent Belec, chief of the laboratory of virology, Georges Pompidou Hospital

  • Prof Pierre Bégué, member of the National Academy of Medicine

  • Mr. Serge Montero, chairman of the vaccine Comity, Drug companies

Session 2: Are there alternative vaccine adjuvants?

  • Mr. Didier Lambert, chairman of the Association of mutual assistance for patients suffering from macrophagic myofasciiti

  • Prof Hervé Bazin, emeritus professor of Louvain University

  • Prof Bernard Begaud, director of the department of pharmacoepidemiology and evaluation of the impact of health products, National Institute of Medical and Research Studies

  • a member of Sanofi-Pasteur

Much to the credit of the French government, both of these round table debates will be open to the public in the presence of the press and television. These debates are not occurring behind closed doors with the proceedings hidden forever from the public.

As a matter of fact, members of E3M intend to go one step further and personally interview each scientist attending and produce a video of each scientist’s presentation for public distribution.

Make no mistake – these events did not happen by accident. They are the result of many years of hard work on the part of victims of adverse events post-vaccination, ethical scientific and medical professionals willing to conduct the necessary research and report their findings, political representatives who do the job they were elected to perform, and dedicated vaccine safety advocates.

France is leading the way toward vaccine safety. Will governments in other countries listen to the vaccine-injured? Will governments in other countries sponsor open scientific debate?

In order to protect the health of our next generation, there is really no viable alternative.

Article courtesy of SaneVax Inc.

My Road to Recovery Post-Gardasil#Vaccines#HPV#Health

By Kristin Clulow, Newcastle, NSW, Australia

My Recovery Post-Gardasil

My name is Kristin Clulow. I am 31 years old and live in Newcastle, Australia. I wrote an article a few years ago regarding my Gardasil experience. As this last post was over three years ago, I would like to take this opportunity to update you in the hope that it may be of assistance to you, or someone who you know who is suffering a similar illness.

In 2008, I received two out of three Gardasil vaccines. Soon after I lost the ability to run, skip, jump, dance, wear heels, and then struggled to walk in flat shoes, and then in a straight line. My writing disappeared; my speech followed. Any cuts and bruises would take months to heal, and would be multiplied by my increasing clumsiness and incoordination. I constantly felt sick, nauseous and suffered ‘brain fog’. The right side of my body had slumped, similar in physical manifestation to a stroke. My whole body would tremor with intention to do even the smallest task.

I was administered eight doses of Intravenous (IV) Methylprednisolone on two separate occasions (three and five doses respectively), which worsened the symptoms. The traits which were primarily limited to my right hand side now spread to the left hand side of my body, and were worsening.

Despite extensive physiotherapy and exercise as well as full-time work, my body continued to deteriorate to the point where in June 2009, my primary Neurologist stated ‘We have missed something’.

I underwent a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scan. A PET scan is similar to a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scan, but is more minute in results. The individual is injected with a glucose resin, which highlights parts of the body of concern. In my case, it showed up that my cerebellum had switched off. I was diagnosed with a condition called Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM), which is an immune mediated disease of the brain, and may appear following a vaccination.

At this point, I was at my worse. I could not walk; I could not write; I could barely speak and could barely eat (as I could not find my mouth to ingest food). My nervous system, my immune system and myelin sheath surrounding my nerves were dissolved. I was given little hope of any improvement.

When faced with a situation such as this, there are two options: fight, or flight. Running away from this was not going to make it better. Fighting was the only chance I had – the harder option, but I do not shy away from challenges.

This one moment in time made me re-evaluate my life – my goals, my values, and the importance of relationships, material possessions, and overall issues. What I’ve realized is that without your health, you are helpless. And I also realized that out of great fear, comes great faith.

I researched neurosciences and neuroplasticity and believed that the brain could repair itself. I gave up full-time work at my doctor’s instructions for two years.

Instead of just concentrating on Gardasil, I returned to University to obtain another degree in Masters of Teaching (Secondary). Every day, I undertook extensive physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and hydrotherapy, as well as hours of study, exercise and countless other activities.

Every 28 days, I was admitted to hospital to receive IV Immunoglobulin (IVIG). This was warranted due to my diagnosis of ADEM.

IVIG is a drug in limited quantity– its demand is much higher than stock in supply. CSL, the licensee of Gardasil in Australia refused to honor my claim on three separate occasions for this drug, although having access to it.

Ultimately, my family purchased this from a different supplier, had it flown to Newcastle and administered to me. I have no doubt that this played a huge role in saving my life. IVIG is wonderful medication. I suffered major headaches, but saw improvements in my motor skills.

There are issues however:

  1. It is not cheap. A lot of females suffering Gardasil cannot afford to have a PET scan or obtain this highly sought after drug. Nor can they get access to the top medical professionals that I had working on my case. Unfortunately, money and contacts go a long way in a case of this caliber.
  2. IVIG will not work for everyone, and;
  3. For a cheaper option, I would try homeopathy.

I class myself as a guinea pig for Gardasil. I have tried both Eastern and Western remedies. Some have worked, many have not worked.

For me, IVIG worked in western medicine. After trying just about everything in eastern medicine, I would recommend homeopathy in the first instance.

Approximately six months ago, I received word from another Gardasil Girl that there was a doctor, Dr. Isaac Golden, in Melbourne, Australia that was ‘fixing’ girls affected by Gardasil with his own personal remedy. This remedy does not reverse the effects of Gardasil. Instead, it helps the body in breaking down the barrier that Gardasil has created, allowing the body to recover itself.

At the time of receiving this advice, I had reached a plateau. Regardless of how much exercise I did, I could only see limited improvement, so I went to see Dr. Golden.

What he administers is completely natural. He is a homeopath, specializing in vaccination injuries. For me, I started on dose #1. All it took was placing two small tablets under the tongue every few days and allowing them to dissolve. I report back any progress and/or side effects to Dr. Golden every few weeks, and then it is decided if my dosage should be increased. At present, I am on #6. The price of these tablets is small and affordable.

Since beginning to take these tablets, I have noticed a decrease in my tremors, an improvement in my walking (I am starting to wear heels again), and the tone and speed of my voice has improved.

The side effects are that I get pain in my head on occasions. This pain is limited to the cerebellum area. I do get tired on occasions, but this could be due to the busy lifestyle that I choose to live.

I am still continuing to take these tablets and plan to do so indefinitely, as I believe they are assisting.

Approximately two months ago, I had a hair mineral analysis test conducted. This required taking a small portion of untreated hair out and sending it to a lab for testing. This test showed up that my body was high in Aluminum (a major ingredient in Gardasil), and that my body was not absorbing the nutrients from food. As such, I have booked in to see a dietician to resolve this issue.

I have heard that many Gardasil Girls suffer from food intolerances. I also suffered from this. I try to eat fresh food, limit processed food, and try and eat as much gluten free, lactose free and sugar free products as possible. I try not to eat takeaway foods, as well as trying to limit artificial colors and preservatives.

If you are having food allergies, I would recommend trying the ‘Elimination diet’. This is a slow process, but affordable, whereby you go back to basics (phase one is rice, chicken, beans and pears etc.) and then you add in different foods. You record your progress and find out which ones you have a reaction to.

This was conducted under the assistance of a dietician who was able to give me advice as I proceeded. I also had a gluten and lactose blood test, which showed that there was a level of intolerance, and also resulted in headaches, nausea, cramping and bloating.

Further, I attend Chiropractic care twice per week. My Chiropractor is a doctor with extensive experience and serves to readjust my spine and stimulate the nervous system and the cerebellum.

I try and attend the gym three to four times per week and undertake over an hour of cardio, weights and stretching. I am now able to interval run, however my right foot still lacks coordination. My strength and tone is improving. I also do additional exercise to challenge my body and brain. In the last few months I have tried surfing, stand up paddle boarding, dancing (many forms), yoga, Pilates – and the list goes on. Although I am not the best, I have shifted my mindset to ‘giving things a go’. Any form of exercise is beneficial and works out different muscles of your body.

As for my hands, my right hand was more affected than my left. Being right handed, I have relied heavily on the use of technology to aid in communication. I practice my handwriting; however still find it quicker and easier to type.

As a teacher, I am very grateful that our school uses electronic whiteboards, which limits the amount of writing. The staff and students are also extremely supportive of my present inability.

I was also a good pianist pre-Gardasil, and this has resulted in me going back to basics. I still know the notes and theory, but I was unable to play due to the tremors in my hands. Thankfully, this is slowly improving due to constant practice of technical work (e.g. scales).

I have suffered insomnia since Gardasil. Some nights I can sleep well, others, I average three to four hours sleep. I still suffer pain, primarily leg pain. For this, I take Panadeine. I try and exhaust my body as much as I can, as this often means I get a better sleep.

My life now is about 85% compared to before – if I had to put a quantitative measure on it. I say this simply because there are still things which I struggle to do – to walk, speak and write.

My friends see me as being completely normal, which is uplifting. I, however, am much harder on myself because I know what I was like before.

I have learned so much from my experiences after Gardasil. The happiness I experience daily because of this, far exceeds any feeling before. If I could change the past, I would not change a thing – as this experience has made me who I am today, and I truly believe that everything happens for a reason.

I trust that this, in some way, can be of assistance to you. Everyone is going to have different symptoms and different things work for different people.

If you have a daughter or a loved one going through this, my advice is this: they need you. They are too tired and too sick to fight for help to make it through. They need support. They need someone to go to doctor’s appointments with them.  When you have brain fog, you do not recall much. Make sure they keep a diary, or have someone who can record everything that happens. I know this is painful, but if you need to refer back to anything, it is easier to track it this way. Have a video/photo database.

This is something that I did not do, and I wish I had. But, I was so sick and tired (and looked terrible!) that I did not want photos being taken. But do it. If this ever escalates, you will need proof.

Listen to advice, try things that you think will work, and always stay positive. Having a bad attitude does not help (and gives you frown lines!).

Lastly, never give up. You will have times when you want to, when it seems pointless, hopeless, unfair etc. I have been there. I have felt all of those emotions – and more. But I am living proof that you can improve and that you can, once again, enjoy a quality of life.

If you would like any more information, I can be contacted via Facebook (Kristin Clulow) or via email: I am in contact with hundreds of Gardasil girls and families all around the world and can put you in contact with the relevant people. We are all here for each other, and can help you.

Thank you and kind regards,

Kristin Clulow

Article courtesy of SaneVax

Kristin, I loved reading every word.  You are a shining example of determination, endurance, and having a positive attitude.  You are undoubtedly forging a path for many others to follow.  I hope your insights, and formula for success travel far and wide. I am sure that many and many more to come will find refuge from trying circumstances, and reassurance in their future within your company. Thank you for all you do.

I have included a musical clip that has given me hope, lifted my spirit, and  I hope you will also enjoy.   Your friend, jen 🙂

The Know Your Rights Hour: Sandy Lunoe, Pharmacist#Vaccines#Autism#Health

Join Doctor, Attorney & Author Mayer Eisenstein, Vaccine Rights Attorney Alan Phillips, and special guests Norwegian pharmacist Sandy Lunoe and medical researcher Dr. Paul King, Ph.D. as they discuss the many vaccine ingredients that most people, including the doctors who administer vaccines, don’t know about, and the harm those ingredients can cause vaccine recipients; why you can’t get information about *all* vaccine ingredients, even through Freedom of Information Acts; why the vaccine industry hides some vaccine ingredients; why injections from multidose vaccine vials pose a particularly serious risk to the child who gets the last vaccine from a multidose vial; how foreign DNA gets into vaccines, and why it is impossible to filter out all foreign DNA from vaccines; why the FDA approved the culturing of vaccine viruses in human cancer cells (?!); what the manufacturer of Gardasil did when they were confronted with a direct lie on their package insert about genetically modified HPV in the vaccine; the boundaries of parents’ Constitutional right to refuse vaccines in medical situations; the fact that vaccinated children can be carriers of the disease they are vaccinated against; and more!

More Health Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Know Your Rights Hour on BlogTalkRadio with Know Your Rights Hour on BlogTalkRadio

Treating HPV Vaccine Damage#HPV#Autism#Vaccines

Treating HPV Vaccine Damage

By Alan Freestone

Alan Freestone, Homeopath

As some of you may be aware, I have been treating cases of HPV vaccine (Gardasil & Cervarix) damage over the past year.

I am very pleased to see that fantastic charities such as SaneVax have done some incredible work to bring the matter of HPV vaccine damage into the public consciousness, I see my role as helping to resolve the symptoms of this damage in people who ask for my help.

So… how have my HPV cases done? Well, the results in the past have been mixed to be honest. I have had some great results, and others that either didn’t improve at all, or that improved less than I had expected or hoped. This sent me back to the drawing-board, I was obviously missing something!

The advantage of treating ailments from such an obvious cause is that I know exactly what the toxin is that’s caused the problem! Superficially this should mean that we simply need to remove this toxin, the symptoms will resolve themselves, and the patient can return to living a full life rather than suffering from myriad symptoms such as being permanently bed-ridden with total fatigue, muscle and joint pains, drastic changes to their hormonal cycles, chronic headaches, depression and mood changes, epileptic fits and more.

However, my observations after treatment were:

  • Some patients resolved their HPV vaccine damage symptoms and returned to their normal lives
  • Some experienced some improvement, but their health was still impaired
  • A few experienced no improvement in their symptoms, or even a temporary aggravation in their symptoms.

What was going on? Why did some improve and others did not?

I believe that the answer is connected with why some people are clearly damaged by the HPV vaccine and other’s are not, it’s a homeopath’s favourite word:Susceptibility.

There is a reason that someone becomes ill after their HPV shot, someone cannot be perfectly healthy beforehand and yet become bedridden after one, two or three vaccine shots. Typically there has been a cumulative build-up of toxins, with the HPV vaccine the final assault that tips the person into chronic ill-health. THAT’Swhy simply detoxing the HPV vaccine doesn’t always work, it is just one factor in an already compromised system. (this seems so obvious to say here, but it took a few months of study and contemplation for it to finally dawn on me!)

My job just got more complex. So now we need to investigate the other factors that could be contributing to a person’s ill-health. Often they will have a genetic predisposition to having impaired methylation, put simply their bodies aren’t as good at detoxing heavy metals as the rest of the population.

Other factors include:

  • Long-term contraceptive and corticosteroid use that can totally disrupt normal hormone function and consequently immune-response
  • Use of other pharmaceutical drugs
  • Anaesthetics
  • Factors like pesticides, metals or plastics from the environment.

For example It might only be when we detox the corticosteroids that an asthmatic person had been taking for many years that we will see a massive improvement in the HPV vaccine damage symptoms. The HPV vaccine was just one assault too many on an already compromised immune system that tipped them into chronic ill-health.

In conclusion, homeopathy offers an effective and gentle treatment path for everyone damaged by the HPV vaccine until it finally gets banned and removed from use. Sometimes there might be a few ‘false starts’ in treatment, but we will get there in the end!

Please share this post with anyone who you feel may benefit from it. I am very happy to talk about my methods with potential clients, charities and other organisations in the field, as well as fellow homeopaths and other healthcare providers.

Thank you Alan Freestone

Originally posted here.