HPV: Adverse Reactions and What are the Options?#HPV#Vaccines#Family

As soon as an advertisement for the HPV vaccine comes on the radio, my 13 and 9 year old children both reach to turn it off. My daughter asks me, “Mom, how can the government support the poisoning of us girls?” This is a tough question to answer as a mother and as a Physician. How do I tell my daughter that she is growing up in a matrix where the almighty dollar outweighs love, reason and integrity? How can I equip her to be a saavy consumer and still preserve her innocence and trust?

I admit that I’ve been angrily waiting for the statistics to come in on this HPV vaccine, and my collegues have been generous with their weekly stories about the ill effects on patients. Dr. Mercola cites the following:

In May 2007, it was reported that over 1,600 adverse reactions, including three deaths, had been linked to Gardasil, Merck’s new vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV).

Mike Adams also does a brilliant job of actually fleshing out the discrepancies regarding the FDA’s historical position on HPV in his article, The Great HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed. Here, he proves unequivocally that the FDA has flipped it’s decision  to release Gardasil’s vaccine even though the test results are not wholly conclusive for it’s safety or efficacy and:

… since at least 2003, the FDA has changed its position on the
relationship between Human Papilloma Virus and cervical cancer, stating
that the HPV strain is “not associated with cervical cancer.”

And so, in the face of my daughter’s question, I would like to offer an ethical solution to treating the negative effects of the HPV vaccine and also show you how principled Heilkünst medicine can be used to prevent the incidence of cervical cancer in young girls.

If someone has been given the vaccine and would like to “clear it from their system,” we are able to send in the nosode¹ of the exact vaccine and effectively eliminate it from their system on the basis of law, Like Cures Like. This can be done without causing any further harm to the patient. We will also treat for the aluminum found in the vaccine which can enter the brain, as well as cause inflammation at the injection site leading to fatigue and chronic joint and muscle pain. Gardasil contains 225 mcg of aluminum per shot.

The other thing that we are able to do is treat the adverse effects of this vaccine. Swelling at the site can be easily addressed using homeopathic remedies on the basis of homogenic prescribing. Chronic joint and muscle pain is often alleviated by clearing the toxicity of the vaccine itself, however, the shock can also be enough to set off one of the genetic miasms² to rear it’s ugly head, so through a thorough diagnosis, a Dr. of Heilkünst Medicine will be able to discern if this is so and treat for it accordingly.

The other great thing that can be done by Heilkünst Medicine is to treat the cause of Cancer, cervical or otherwise, using this principled art of scientific medicine. We do this effectively through therapeutic regimen, medicine and education. I can say this outright as one who has had both breast tumors and cervical cancer and I was able to resolve this easily without any harm. You can read about it in my book, The Path to Cure: The Whole Art of Healing, where I chronicle my experience with this disease. I love that I am able to do the same for my patients and a month rarely goes by that a patient doesn’t express the same level of cure for themselves.

Heilkünst provides a map that enables the practitioner to effectively strip each of the emotional shocks and traumas incurred over the course of a lifetime. It is a bit like a geological dig. After the shocks and traumas are addressed, we can access the genetic miasms, there are 8 including Cancer, and eliminate the predisposition for the disease to spawn symptoms later on. No HPV vaccine is necessary and we can not cause harm. The patient gets to get on with their lives with great health, freedom and autonomy. They get to “Be” … and I get to look my daughter in the eye.

1 A Nosode (Gr. nosos, ‘disease’, eidos, ‘from’) the potentized homeopathic remedy prepared from diseased tissue or the product of disease.  It can be used to prevent or treat a miasm or the associated disease of the tissue material or a miasm, as well as for many other uses.  J. Yasgur, Homeopathic Dictionary.

² A Chronic Miasm is passed on though the genetic code creating chronic disease symptoms.  These anchors indicate our romp through evolution and used to be infectious in nature.  Most people are thrilled to find out their OCD stems from Syphilis, or their chronic Bronchitis is anchored to Tuberculosis or their arthritis came from Gonorrhea.  Chronic Miasms can only be cured through lawful prescribing on the basis of Like Cures Like.

Article courtesy of Arcanum Wholistic Clinic.

Human Papillomavirus Vaccine and the Ovary: The Need for Research#HPV#Vaccines#Health

Human Papillomavirus Vaccine and the Ovary: The Need for Research

April 26, 2014                                                                                               young medical researcher looking through microscope

Proceedings of the 18th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility. (COGI) October 24-27, 2013 Vienna, Austria 

Author and affiliation
Deirdre Little dradford@wirefree.net.au
Department of General Practice North Bellingen Medical Services, Bellingen, NSW Australia.
Visiting Medical Officer Bellinger River District Hospital, NSW, Australia

 This article published with the permission of the author, Dierdre Little MD


New onset of menstrual disturbance and oligomenorrhoea commencing four months after quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV4) and proceeding to premature ovarian failure over the next twenty four months occurred in a well 16-year-old girl. Exclusion of metabolic, other endocrine, genetic and overt auto-immune causes left unknown causation as it does in 90% of cases. Enquiry of vaccine animal testing found no research reports were available of ovarian histology or of ongoing ovarian function in vaccine tested rats. Histology reports were available of vaccine tested rat testes and epididymides. Pre-clinical studies did not consider the duration or capacity of the reproductive life-span. Subsequent phase II and phase III clinical studies before vaccine licensing have lacked the capacity to attest to ovarian function due to weaknesses in study design and hormonal contraceptive usage. Studies since licensing lack capacity to evaluate ovarian function due to focus on emergency department presentations, and definitional limitations. Vaccine adverse event notifications of amenorrhoea are poorly investigated and followed up. Other documented published cases of premature menopause following HPV4 vaccination indicate the need for further research of the ovary after HPV4 vaccination. In the interests of women’s reproductive health and egg-bearing capacity, this issue needs to be resolved prior to the implementation of universal vaccination programmes. 

Keywords: HPV4 (Gardasil TM) oligomenorrhoea periods ovarian failure menopause            

Read the Entire Article Here

Gardasil Injuries: No more excuses, we need answers#HPV#Vaccines#Health

Gardasil Injuries: No more excuses, we need answers

April 26, 2014 
By Tine Albek, Copenhagen, Denmark

 Gardasil Injuries: We need answers.

Gardasil Injuries: We need answers.

 I am 28 years old. Before Gardasil, I worked as a full time painter and decorator, a career I had enjoyed since 2004.  In my spare time I was involved with Crossfit training, walking, roller tours and actively socializing with friends and family.  I have travelled a lot. Generally I was very physically active whether at work, or leisure activities!

 I had my first injection of Gardasil on the 15th of September 2012.   Back then, I felt like I had done something good for myself. It took me a long time to realize the truth – Gardasil has a dark side.

 My second injection of Gardasil was on the 16th of January 2013.  After this shot, my arm was really very sore and badly swollen at the injection site.  The pain and swelling continued for approximately 2-3 weeks.   At the time I thought it was because my doctor, who seemed a little stressed that day, had given me the vaccination too quickly and that was what was causing these symptoms.

 In February 2013, I started to feel pain in my left elbow. About 14 days after the pain started in my right elbow. The pain was very intense in the area around the elbows. It hurt a lot during my Crossfit exercise sessions when I attended my classes in February.

 In April, it was really bad and I could not complete a training session. My coach said that I should not train again until I had been to a physiotherapist for treatment. So I went to a highly recommended physiotherapist. She gave me three treatments.

 My physiotherapist wondered if the pain was coming from my back, or whether I had tennis elbow. She suggested I go and see a chiropractor as her form of treatment was having no effect.

 After four treatments and various examinations, the chiropractor concluded I had tennis elbow in both arms. He advised me to go to the doctor and to not use my arms unnecessarily.

 As a painter/decorator my work began to suffer because I could not use my arms as I did before Gardasil. I was experiencing bad pain in both my arms. I was given easy tasks for approximately 14 days, but because of the pain I was forced to go on sick leave from 16th May 2013.

 I went to see my GP in May.  She also announced that I had tennis/golf elbow in both arms, since I had a lot of pain when she squeezed my elbows. We agreed that I should keep my arms at rest and do some specific exercises to try and reduce the inflammation.

 I went back to see my GP 14 days later because there was no improvement in my arms. I was referred to a rheumatologist.

 I got my third vaccine on the 6th June 2013.   At that time I had no idea that there could be a possible connection with my aching arms and Gardasil.

 10th June 2013:  I had hydrodilatation treatment in both arms.  Unfortunately this form of treatment only made my situation worse, despite the fact that I had not trained for a long time, had not worked in a month and had rested my arms. The pain only increased after this treatment.

 My other medical treatments:

 Body SDS – a special massage: to provide harmony and inner peace; dexterity in mind and body.

 Neurologist – I had an appointment in September 2013 and I was advised that the Neurologist could find nothing wrong with me.

 GP:    Regular appointments with my doctor since being vaccinated.

 Physiotherapist (physical movement) – for a period of three months I attended her classes but at the end of this period I was advised that she could not do any more for me.  But she did say that she is certain that I do not have tennis/golf elbow.

 Chinese Clinic – it was recommended that I should go to this clinic to try acupuncture, power and suction cups.  I had ten treatments in October and November 2013.  This did help a little but not as much as the clinician expected.  I had to stop this treatment due to the costs involved.

 Glostrup Hospital:  I had an ultrasound and X-ray in November 2013 and an MRI scan in January 2014.

 I received the results from these procedures and like everything else they did not show any positive results.  My case has now been officially “closed”.

 My elbows are the biggest problem as they prevent me from working. Therefore I have spent all my time trying to find a solution for the pain I am experiencing in my elbows.

 But in the meantime I have also had the following side effects:

 Swelling and tenderness at the area where I received my first two vaccinations

  • Headache
  • Neck problems
  • Stomach cramps
  • Dizziness
  • Failing memory, getting mixed up with my words, difficulty concentrating
  • My head would be covered in red spots after my bath
  • My whole body would feel tender
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Visual disturbances
  • Out of breath
  • Weight loss
  • My knee has also just started to cause me problems, but not so much – yet!
  • Since November 2013, my hips/groin started to get every bit as painful as my elbows.   This has made any walking I try to do much more difficult for me and this was the only exercise I was capable of before these additional pains started.

 I do discuss my health problems with my boyfriend and my parents and naturally chat with my close friends and with all the doctors I have had to meet since I became sick.   There are times I naturally do not want to speak about this too often but when I became aware of other girls experiencing similar side effects after HPV vaccination, it all made sense to me!

 After being advised to have a Vega test, which I did in February of this year, the practitioner could see many imbalances in my body.  I had become intolerant to gluten, lactose, beef, pork and I must not drink alcohol.

 So to try and make me feel better I only eat organic food; I include meat, fish and chicken in my diet.  I also take these supplements to help improve my health:  Genacol, D3, Mega B- Stress, E, Zinc, Progesterone D4, liver oil, CBD oil and chlorella.

 I have NEVER been intolerant of any foods until this became apparent after being vaccinated.

 The last time I was checked by my doctor, everything seemed to be normal – of course that medical check was taken before I received the HPV vaccinations.  So something pretty significant must have occurred to change my eating habits from being able to eat everything to having to exclude foods which normally had never affected me.  And like so many the only significant change in my lifestyle was having the Gardasil vaccine.

 My condition right now is unchanged. There have been good days and bad days, but one week off Genacol has put me right back again. I still have a lot of pain in my elbows and my hip, as well as still experiencing many of the symptoms I have listed above. I’m still sick and cannot exercise, do housework, go cycling, rollerblading and MUCH more without having to suffer so much extra pain!

 When will someone out there start to realize we are not making any of this up? We are decent human beings who believed we were doing the right thing when we were vaccinated with Gardasil. Now, it feels like we are abandoned because the medical profession either does not care or simply has no idea how to treat any of us.  Possibly the latter, but it is about time they investigated these cases and came up with some answers.

 This is my plea on behalf of all HPV vaccine-injured girls and boys – Please, stop giving us excuses – start looking for answers.

Tine, thank you for standing up, and being such a great leader to all the youth, world-wide that are suffering from the Gardasil/Silgard and Cervarix side effects.  Not a clear-thinking human soul would EVER want this vaccine, if they knew even a 20th of the side effects.

It is disconcerting that you and others who are struggling daily with these ailments, also have to carry the torch, on sounding the alarm.  At this point, you would think you would be able to focus on your healing.  I Know Heavenly Father will bless you for this.  What an angel you are to so many right now.

My heart is so full with gratitude toward you, and your family.  Let’s hope, and pray the Danish government will take notice, and take immediate steps to remedy this situation.  This should be at the top of their list. These vaccines are not helpful in the least, they are detrimental to one’s health.

Let’s pray for guidance, citizens to be aware, and more world leaders to step forth, and correct the course.

I like to send a little artistic gift with my post.  I chose this video, because I see you as someone who is lifting the pain, and toil of others, and touching their lives with hope, life, and splashes of beauty.  Your friend, jen  🙂

SaneVax Inc.

 Far & Away Overall, Best results I have found in Healing

French Medical Professionals ask: Are HPV vaccines necessary?#HPV#Vaccines#France

French Medical Professionals ask: Are HPV vaccines necessary?

April 3, 2014  By Norma Erickson

 SaneVax-FeaturedMore than 600 medical professionals and 250 midwives in France have signed a petition demanding the establishment of an emergency parliamentary commission to investigate whether HPV vaccines are necessary in the battle against cervical cancer. The doctors, midwives and pharmacists who have signed the petition believe Gardasil and Cervarix are inefficient and too expensive, making the products unsuitable for mass vaccination programs.

This petition specifically addresses concerns medical professionals have in regards to proposed mass HPV vaccination programs. The organizers ask that only medical professionals or government health officials sign, and even then, only if they agree with the nine points stated below. (Translated by google)

The French petition states:

If you are a general practitioner or specialist, pharmacist, midwife, and if you agree with us on the following points:

–   That the consequences of vaccinating young girls against HPV are unknown and that HPV vaccine effectiveness remains to be proven,

– That the High Council of Public Health estimated less than 20% efficiency when HPV vaccination programs included those 16-23 years of age,

–   During clinical trials, HPV vaccines were tested against a false placebo … false, since it contained aluminum, a known neurotoxin.

–   That the presumption of serious adverse events is not to be neglected,

–   That when vaccinating women who started their sexual life a study conducted in Australia, showed an increased number of severe precancerous lesions,

– That the vaccine is particularly expensive, and it is a very heavy cost to the Insurance,

– That a recent survey published in “Le Canard chained” showed that there was suspicion of conflicts of interest,

–   It has been shown that a majority of women believe that the smear becomes useless after vaccination, the result of a feeling of protection that actually proves illusory,

–   That health authorities have shown that regular practice of smear alone, properly conducted and analyzed, has demonstrated its benefit in the detection of precancerous lesions, prior to the development of cervical cancer.

The SaneVax team believes these questions and concerns should have been adequately addressed and resolved scientifically prior to the institution of mass HPV vaccination programs in any country. Failing to have these issues addressed prior to instituting mass vaccination programs is nothing less than conducting a health experiment on uninformed test subjects.

Human beings are not test tubes. If they are to participate in a medical experiment; they must be afforded the opportunity to give their informed consent.

This is a concept government health officials worldwide seem to have forgotten. What has happened to the concept of informed consent prior to medical treatments or medical experiments?

Learn more about the French petition here.

Medical professionals are cordially invited to sign the petition at the above link if they agree with the stated concerns.

SaneVax Inc.

Gardasil: Are you paying for your own bullet?#Vaccines#Health#Family

April 14, 2014

By Sandy Lunoe, Guest Author


Gardasil: Informed Choice?

Gardasil: Informed Choice?

The temperature of the heated controversy concerning Gardasil was recently raised even more when Dr. Bernhard Dalbergue (France), former pharmaceutical industry physician with Merck, recently predicted that the vaccine will become the greatest medical scandal of all times.

In an interview in the April 2014 issue (no. 66) of the magazine Principes de Santé (Health Principles), Dr. Dalbergue, who has worked for over twenty years with the industry, describes the widespread corruption and his concern that the health of patients is sacrificed on the altar of profitability.

Dr. Dalbergue stated:

I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers.

According to Dr. Dalbergue the pharmaceutical industry has hardened considerably during the last decade, as shown by increased violations of ethics, manipulation of clinical trial data, widespread corruption, gross conflicts of interest and generally less emphasis on pharmacovigilance.

The anti-inflammatory drug Vioxx, where Merck hid evidence for years about the dangers, is but one example of the industry’s ethical degradation. Tens of thousands of deaths due to cardiovascular complications were caused by Vioxx before it was removed from the market. Merck then made a change in the molecule of the active substance in Vioxx and produced a replacement drug, Arcoxia which is widely marketed and is suspected of possibly being as dangerous as Vioxx.

When Gardasil first appeared on the market it was said by many that the vaccine was “Merck’s new Vioxx”. Some interpreted this as implying that the vaccine would be a new blockbuster. Others suspected that it meant that Gardasil would, like Vioxx, be a scandal involving tens of thousands of injuries and many deaths across the world.

Tragically, there are signals that Dr.Dalbergue’s prediction may become true.

Dr. Dalbergue went on to explain:

The full extent of the Gardasil scandal needs to be assessed: decision makers and many others knew when this vaccine was released on the American market that it would prove to be useless – and it costs a fortune!

Diane Harper, a major opinion leader in the United States, was one of the first to question several aspects regarding this vaccine.

When asked why Gardasil is not being withdrawn from the market Dr. Dalbergue replied:

There is far too much financial interest for these medicines to be withdrawn.

Regarding vaccines in general, Dr. Dalbergue stated:

Cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, paralysis of the lower limbs, vaccine-induced MS and vaccine-induced encephalitis may be induced, whatever the vaccine

Dr. Dalbergue compared the price which vaccine injured patients may be forced to pay to the way dissidents are dealt with in China, saying: 

In China, dissidents are executed with a single shot of a bullet to the neck and executions are broadcast on television.  Worse still, the victim’s families are made to pay for the bullet used.  In my opinion, 18,000 to 30,000 deaths in France caused by medicines are the same: the patients are made to pay for the bullet which kills them.


Dr. Dalbergue is author of the newly published book Omerta Dans Les Labos Pharmaceutiques” (Omerta in pharmaceutical labs). For the first time a person within the system describes the methods which are used including cheating, embezzlement and brainwashing.


Read the interview in French here.

SaneVax Inc.

Gardasil: Two shots were too many for my daughter#HPV#Vaccines#Health

Gardasil: Two shots were too many for my daughter

By Lone Frederiksen, Copenhagen, Denmark               

Gardasil: Just two shots!

Gardasil: Just two shots!

Let me begin my story by saying that my 24 year old daughter Karina was a very active girl prior to receiving the HPV vaccine Gardasil.  She loved to swim and would do this at least 5 to 7 times per week and her sessions would last for around two hours.  She had to give this up when she started to study at the University.  She also biked 3-4 times a week to or from the University which is 17 km from her home and often enough would do this both ways.  Karina is studying at the University of Copenhagen for a BSc in Natural Science and Information Technology (IT) with specialization in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.  Unfortunately since she became sick after vaccination she is now struggling with her exams and she has just completed her BSc course and is very disappointed as her grades are not as good as they would have been if she had not been so sick.

The reason Karina had this vaccination at an older age was because our central government, with effect from 27th August 2012, introduced a temporary vaccination scheme which meant that the HPV vaccine was free for girls born between 1st January 1985 to December 1992.  We thought we were doing this in her best interests to prevent her from possibly developing cervical cancer – oh if only we had known that what we believed would protect her, was going to cause her to have such serious health issues.  Prior to being vaccinated, Karina was a very healthy young lady – her medical records can testify to that.

Karina had her first shot of Gardasil on 30th August 2012.  She had a lot of pain in her arm for about a month but we just took it for granted that this was a common side effect and was harmless.  Also about a month later she had a bad week with vomiting and stomach aches.  Again we did not connect this to the vaccine.

About two weeks before she should have had the second shot, she had very severe pain in her groin.  It got worse and she went to see her doctor to get some help.  He took a urine test which showed bacteria and blood and put her on to antibiotics.  The next day she got her second shot and an hour after vaccination she was admitted to Hvidovre Hospital with a high temperature which just kept rising.  Karina was still having problems in her groin area and some of her lymph nodes were still badly swollen.   Her urine was cultured but the results came back negative but blood was still present in this sample and every urine test she had over the next 3-4 months.

The hospital knew that Karina had just had her second vaccination of Gardasil, but the doctors denied that the vaccine had anything to do with this health issue she was experiencing.  They put her onto another course of antibiotics even although there were no bacteria found in her blood.  Her health just got worse from this point on and her temperature had risen to 40 degrees Celsius.  By this time, Karina had also developed a serious rash which the hospital said was a reaction to the antibiotic.  I now know a lot more than I did then and we are quite certain that the rash was as a result of her being given antibiotics and the vaccine at the same time.  Her body was struggling after getting the second vaccine and then she was given an additional poison to add to her health problems.  Then the vomiting started while she was still in hospital and she could not keep anything down and she really was a very sick girl and I was so afraid I was not going to get her home again.

Then new symptoms started to occur, Karina’s left leg started to hurt more and more, her foot kept swelling up and her ankle joints and knee were swollen also and very painful.  They scanned her lymph nodes which were the size of chestnuts and this caused the hospital officials a lot of concern as they wondered whether Karina had cancer.  So she had to undergo a full body scan with a radioactive liquid and three pelvic examinations but all results were normal for which we are ever so thankful.  Again and again we asked if the HPV vaccine could have had something to do with all of Karina’s health problems and like everyone else who asks this question, we got exactly the same answer …’there is no connection with the HPV vaccine’.

It was at Hvidovre Hospital that they carried out a biopsy of her lymph nodes and the result came back negative.  The swelling in her groin started to come down but Karina can still feel the glands and knows that the problem has not been resolved. 

Karina was then transferred to Glostrup hospital to see if she had any form of rheumatism, again these tests came back negative. So at this time we were no further forward in knowing what was making our daughter so ill.

Then finally in November 2013 we had an official diagnosis – she was diagnosed as having POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome).   Tests were carried out because she was experiencing strong heartbeats as if her heart was trying to get out of her chest.  She was very dizzy and had very bad headaches 24 hours a day and in addition was very nauseous and could not keep anything down.

Karina has been very ill and weak since her second vaccination and this is a list of the side effects she has been experiencing and that is why we made the decision not to let her have the third shot of Gardasil, this was our decision, not the doctor’s.

  • Swollen glands (neck, armpit, and groin)
  • Joint pain
  • Headache (24 hour every day)
  • Unusual tiredness, weakness
  • Tension and pain in neck and back
  • Generally feeling unwell
  • Leg and arm pains
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Aching muscles
  • Abdominal pains, almost every day
  • Bleeding or bruising more easily than normal
  • Pain in her stomach, side, or abdomen, possibly radiating to the back
  • Increased hunger
  • Muscle weakness, sudden and progressing
  • Hair loss, thinning of hair
  • Muscle pain or stiffness
  • Sleeplessness
  • Difficulty remembering and concentrating; Forgetfulness

As I write this story I see my daughter suffering with extreme pain in her groin and side, at her ankle and knee and in many other parts of her body.  I see my lovely daughter who was once such an active girl now falling apart – and is not the same lovely, young girl she was prior to being vaccinated.  My girl is starting to lose the meaning of life.

I see a girl trying so hard to keep up with her education and not even knowing if she will be able to work if she is able to complete her course.  She is struggling so much and getting bad grades because of her poor levels of concentration and not being able to remember information as she once was able to do.  Before Gardasil she was such a happy student and a part of her degree course was to visit Scotland to complete part of her study but unfortunately this could not be accomplished as Karina was just too sick to travel.

Karina’s doctor is not a bad doctor but he just does not know what to do and how to treat my daughter.  He has reported her health problems as a reaction to the Gardasil vaccine.  But sadly we do not get any additional help on how we can make our daughter well again.

Karina is now at the stage that she does not want to go and see any more doctors, attend hospital appointments, have blood tests taken as she feels no good will come of it, they simply have no idea how to treat her. 

She still has extreme pain sometimes, she had a period of 14 days with so much pain but she would not go and see the doctor as she has lost trust in him being able to help her. 

We feel that the doctor should have known about some of Karina’s side effects if only he had read the Patient Information Leaflet prepared by the manufacturer. 

We also believe that the nurse who does all the vaccinations has not read this leaflet either – we ask ourselves: “Why Not?   

Sadly, our medical practice has been informed there are no side effects with the Gardasil vaccine and instead of investigating they accept what they have been told.  So as a result of her doctor not being able to help her, Karina’s health issues are not going away and sadly she is not getting any better.

All our daughter wants is to get her health back – in the 21st century that should not be too much to ask for.

Lone, thank you for sounding the alert for other youth and their families.  I hope many health practitioners, that come across this information are listening, and have the courage to act in behalf of the patient. It seems that somewhere along the line, too many practitioners, forgot the oath they signed upon receiving their designation.  I am still stunned to hear of another physician, saying there are no side effects from Gardasil, Cervarix and Silgard. I suppose many of these same physicians wouldn’t see an elephant sitting in the middle of a small room either.

Too many practitioners have become lax in familiarizing or at the least, reading the manufacturer’s patient Information leaflet. How can you inject someone when you don’t know the ingredients within.  How did our society get to this point?

Karina, thank you for sharing your story.  That is not an easy thing to do. You have demonstrated great courage and will be a name in history.

As I care very deeply for the youth at risk of this vaccination, I have come to greatly appreciate SaneVax Inc.  They have your best interest at heart.  Even though you live a great distance, they can assist you to begin the path of healing.  I wouldn’t waste any time.  This is a healing process you can once again put your trust in.

I have a Featured Doctors link on my site with wonderful health practitioners who have the skill to heal.  You can read through their methodologies and find a match for you as well. The one commonality among these physicians is that they have had great success in healing those that have been vaccine-injured.

I want to hear how your healing journey progresses.  You are now in my heart just as you will be in the hearts of many others.

As I read over your current circumstance, some one-of-a-kind guys came to mind.  I saw them in concert at the end of last year, and have never experienced a concert quite like theirs. They have a life and uniqueness to their music that stands alone.  I think you will enjoy this little clip.

You and your family are great examples to us all in seeing the situation clearly, and being the ones to stop the shots.  Hang in their Karina, have faith that God will open a path for you.  The fact that you have found SaneVax tells me you are on God’s radar, and that you are ready for your healing and miracles to begin today.



After Gardasil: Will I ever get my normal life back?#Vaccines#BYUYA#Family

By Helena Overgaard Andersen, Helsingør, Denmark

Gardasil: I just want to be normal again.

I am a 15-year-old girl from Denmark, who unfortunately has been harmed by the HPV vaccine like thousands of other girls worldwide. I had no idea that this vaccine could change my life so much and take away all my energy. Since I was vaccinated I have been having more and more adverse reactions. At first we did not think that all my health issues were being caused by the vaccine. 

Before being vaccinated with Gardasil, I was always a very energetic and positive girl, I played handball 3-4 times a week and was very active in my spare time. My weekends were typically booked with tournaments, shopping and sleepovers and so on. I always looked forward to my weekends and sharing time with my friend.

April/June/November 2011: 

I received all Gardasil shots in 6th grade. I also had the last MFR (MMR in the United States) vaccine with the first shot of Gardasil. I had no concerns about receiving Gardasil, as the authorities encouraged me to be vaccinated in the many campaigns that were circulated at that time. I was not aware of any other girls in Denmark having a serious reaction to the Gardasil vaccine and as I was not informed that there could be a risk by the nurse doing the vaccination, I went ahead and had the three shots.  

Already in December I was throwing up and felt seasick. I also had trouble in particular with one of my ears; suddenly I could not hear anything for a week. It was also at that time my headaches started. I didn’t think that it had anything to do with the vaccine. We just assumed that it was some kind of virus. 


Suddenly, all kinds of illnesses started to trouble me. I had pain and cramps in my stomach every day. I felt I could not eat anything for a period of 3-4 months. I also started to feel very nauseous every day. At that time, I did not even think there could be a connection with Gardasil. I had 35 days off from school but most of the time I tried to ignore the headaches and stomach pains as best I could in the hope that the symptoms I was experiencing would disappear somehow.  

January-May 2013: 

During this period in time, the nausea, headaches and the bloating were still with me, and I was actually starting to feel much worse.  I could not sleep. Most nights I fell asleep between 3 and 4 o’clock in the morning, and I began to feel frightened and became very anxious. I had several attacks of feeling very anxious, where it felt like I was paralyzed and could not move. Several times I had to go to the doctor because of the pain in my stomach. She thought it may be some kind of stress. 

I do not remember when, but during the spring of 2013 I began to have trouble with my legs. Before Gardasil, I could run at least 5 kilometers, but suddenly my legs felt like stones and my muscles were in pain. I could not warm up before handball matches like before. And I was completely finished after a match, and had to go home to lie down for the rest of the day. Sometimes my legs felt like they were burning inside and some days I could hardly walk. 

At the same time I realized that my hands and feet were turning purple even though it wasn’t cold at all. 

June-August 2013: 

The holiday period was starting and I looked forward to going to Turkey and Malta on holiday.  On the day we were going to Malta, I had hardly had any sleep that night and I felt very shivery inside. I was also feeling very nauseous. 

My mother was very close to cancelling the holiday, because she was concerned at how I was feeling. But we went on holiday anyway and I fell asleep on the way to the airport and felt a little better. But my stomach was in pain all the time, and I could only walk very slowly when we went out for dinner in the evening. 

When the school started again, I was experiencing chronic tiredness (fatigue), “calf-cramps” and constipation/diarrhea.  My world just collapsed in these days, I felt unwell most of the time. 

September-December 2013:

My mother accidentally heard about a girl in the news, who suffered with adverse reactions from the Gardasil vaccine.  It did not take her long to find out that there were other girls who were experiencing adverse reactions to the vaccine and these girls were suffering from very similar health issues to mine. 

She called our doctor and spoke with her about it. But the doctor would not hear about it at all.  She said: “There are no such side effects.” 

My mother got in touch with another Danish mother who had been on the news and we are now 100% certain that all my adverse reactions are because of the vaccine. 

We didn’t feel that the doctor could help, as she didn’t think anything was wrong with me after taking a lot of blood tests which didn’t show anything. 

My mother and I joined a Facebook group (HPV adverse reactions) where we got a lot of hints from the other girls of how we could make changes to try and get better. We changed my diet to eliminate food with lactose and gluten. I also have been having treatment by a homeopath but still feel very weak and am not able as yet to play handball. 

January-February 2014:

I am experiencing bad constipation and this can go on for several days.  No matter that I had changed my diet and now eat more healthily, nothing seems to work.  I just watch my stomach getting bigger and bigger and becoming more uncomfortable.  

Adverse reactions I have been experiencing:

  • § Headaches (every day)
  • § Nose bleeds
  • § Abdominal pains (weekly);
  • § Chronic constipation;
  • § Gluten and dairy allergy;
  • § Dizziness;
  • § Sleeplessness;
  • § Bad balance
  • § Shivering inside
  • § Put on weight ;
  • § Forgetfulness;
  • § Low-back-pain;
  • § Cramps in hands and legs;
  • § Neck pain
  • § Tooth pain
  • § Knee pain
  • § Inability to concentrate;
  • § Bloating; Nausea;
  • § Cold hands and feet turning purple;
  • § Fatigue;
  • § Spotty skin from time to time
  • § Fear; Panic attack
  • § Like electric shock inside the body and in head
  • § Chest pain
  • § Problems with breathing
  • § Fainting (4 times)
  • § Feeling that my heart is jumping out
  • § Feel feverish without having a fever
  • § Pain in my fingers

 As I am now in touch with many other girls who have been vaccinated with Gardasil and who also have been suffering many health issues, many similar to mine, I am determined to do the best I can to investigate ways of improving my health.  

I do not feel that my doctors can help me as they do not appear to recognize that this vaccine is causing many health issues among young girls, not just in Denmark but in many other countries, wherever this vaccine is administered. 

I know, as does my family, that I have had a bad reaction to Gardasil but my hope is that our doctors will acknowledge that something very strange has happened, not just to me, but to many other young people and at least investigate this more thoroughly.  

All we ask for is to be able to return to the normal life we once led and hope that our doctors will help us achieve this.  SaneVax.org

Rapid Healing Method

Helena, I am sorry for the response you have received from your doctor.  Let’s hope she will familiarize herself with recent, world-wide studies.  I am sure she is a bright doctor, since you had chosen her. I have to think that Denmark will become another leading nation of knowledge in this area.  I am surprised they are not up to speed yet.  I have a great admiration for the Dane’s self-reliance.

Thankfully, you have such a wonderful and supportive family.  That makes all the difference.  Even though things are very tough right now, you started with a great beginning, and you will no doubt end with the best possible result. It is so uplifting to see you reaching out to others who have been injured as well.  Your positive and upbeat attitude will brighten their day and make yours go smoother too.

I wish you all the best. Fortunately you have been led to SaneVax Inc.  They have many helpful resources and please feel free to search my site for Featured Doctors and healing resources as well. 

I have included a few links to one of my favorite groups.  I have been a fan of their performances since I was a girl.  Their music is very comforting and exciting to listen to. I was lucky to catch their concert this month.  It was Amazing!! Maybe they will tour in Denmark sometime in the future. I hope you will enjoy and know that you and your family are in our prayers.  God be with you, jen  🙂  

BYU Young Ambassadors