The Vaccine Racket: Amazing infographic reveals financial connections behind criminally-run vaccine industry#android#iPad#retweet

Today we are officially releasing our Vaccine Racket Infographic which details the financial connections behind the criminally-run vaccine industry. (Tweet #VaccineRacket)

Click here for a full-sized version of the infographic.

The infographic documents the nefarious players of the vaccine industry: the mainstream media, the CDC, deceitful vaccine propagandists like Paul Offit, the secretive vaccine court, the cover-up of vaccine-injured children, mainstream media propaganda that programs the public to worship vaccines, and much more.

I first sketched out this Vaccine Racket Infographic after observing the behavior of all the key players in the contrived Disneyland measles outbreak, which was used as a public panic springboard to launch a series of government-enforced vaccine mandate legislation efforts across the country..

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‘Why NOT vaccinating my kids was the best decision I ever made’: Mother of EIGHT had six of her babies vaccinated but refused to immunise her two youngest… and says they’re the only ones without chronic health problems#android#iPad#retweet

I have great admiration for this mother. I am sure she had many of the same concerns that a lot of other parents have, and she exhibited the courage to do what was in the best interest of her children.

When I first became a Mum, I never questioned getting my children vaccinated. It was just what you did when you have children – you do what your doctor tells you, because they know best.

My husband and I had never been told that there could be any adverse reactions, only a bit of redness and swelling at the injection site. So as each of our six eldest children got progressively sicker after each vaccination, we never made that connection.

Out of our six vaccinated children, our 16, 12 and 10-year-old have moderate to severe Autism, our 25-year-old has ADHD, our 14-year-old has a severe language disorder, and our 20-year-old has severe mood swings…

…They also suffered from chronic ear infections, bronchiolitis, asthma, eczema, psoriasis, urinary infections, gastrointestinal and autoimmune disorders, allergies, chemical sensitivities and intolerances. 

We tried genetic testing to look for answers, but no reason was found for our children’s afflictions. So I started looking for answers on my own. I read books, went to seminars, read all the scientific studies I could get my hands on and that’s when I discovered that our family was not the only one…

70% of the media is funded by pharmaceutical companies.

I like the advice I once heard, to view the media through the lense of watching a commercial.

If you ever wonder why So many medically trained doctors are adamant about vaccines, then take a look at who is funding their medical schools and writing their textbooks.

If you take a step further you will find that their schooling is near absent of any training on how to recognize a vaccine adverse reaction, the critical importance of timely reporting of the vaccine adverse reaction and how to heal, when possible, a vaccine injury.

You would think that with the constant push for vaccines that there would be greater training on the topic. I bet that a lot of pediatricians would have appreciated this knowledge before beginning medical school.

Our society views medical doctors as experts on this topic, then why aren’t they?

Just because a medical school or the American Medical Association does not teach these things does not mean that the practicing physician does not have a moral obligation to learn these things on their own.

The only ones left to guard the health and safety of the child are the parents, and thus the need to hang on to our vaccine exemptions.

The media and medical establishment assault on parental choice is clear.

Each member voting in a legislature and governmental board has the responsibility to study these matters out.

Thankfully, there are thousands of parents and groups that are helpful in this area.

Eventually, vaccines should be an opt in choice not something that parents have to go through the effort to opt out of one or more.

Being that any vaccine can cause death or injury, a vaccine philosophical exemption should Always be available.

Blackmail and the Medical Vaccine Exemption#android#iPad#retweet


By Barbara Loe Fisher

Vaccine risks for you or your child can range from zero to 100 percent depending upon the genes you were born with; your microbiome DNA; the environment you live in; your age and health at the time of vaccination, and the type and how many vaccines you get. 1 2

Vaccines are not safe or effective for everyone because we are not all the same and we do not all respond the same way to pharmaceutical products like vaccines. 3 4

Our response to infectious diseases and the risk for complications can also vary, depending upon our genes, environment, and age and health at the time of infection. 5 That is why malnourished, vitamin deficient children living in impoverished environments, for example, are at higher risk for complications from gastrointestinal, respiratory and other childhood infections. 6 7 8

The doctor or nurse giving vaccines to you or your child does not know whether the odds will be in your favor. You may get vaccinated and have no reaction or your immune system and brain function could be severely compromised. 9 10 The scientific literature is clear…

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Maine Doctors Testify That They Are Unqualified To Vaccinate Patients#android#iPad#retweet

By Ginger Taylor

So I wrote this bill…

Last summer a reporter I had never heard of from the Portland Press Herald called me about vaccine stuff. I started with my standard, “First of all I am not anti-vaccine. I vaccinated my children and one of them got hurt…” thing. Then he interviewed me for an hour and I got to discuss all the corruption problems at length. Seemed like an OK interview. But as is the reality of our world, the hack, Joe Lawlor, turned out to be a poor man’s Mnookin, and “Ginger Taylor, an antivaccineadvocate from Brunswick…” Cut to two weeks later and look who is sitting on a dais with Paul Offit at the National Press Club being held out as an example of exactly how to journalize right on vaccination. After writing ONE story on vaccination. (Lawler is the new Offiteer on the beat… will he soar like Seth “I hate my mother’ Mnookin to teach science journalism at MIT or become he head of a media strategy group serving Eli Lilly and GSK like Trine “Cupcake” Tsouderos … stay tuned and find out.)

There have been half a dozen propaganda pieces by Lawlor since then, all working to get people excited about the HUGE new opportunity we have to get rid of measles in Maine by restricting vaccine exemptions. Well, I mean, there hasn’t been a measles case in Maine in 18 years, so we are not so much trying to get rid of Measles as much as we hope that removing the rights of parents will help us achieve negative measles in Maine. That way if we still get a few cases of measles, we can still have no measles. You have to stay hyper vigilant, you know. Measles is only a tea cup ride away…

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New house bill H.R.2232 designed to force vaccines onto the American population#android#iPad#retweet

Vaccines are at the core of a contentious debate in the United States – one that rages between people who dare to question the ingredients in mass-produced big pharma immunizations and those who believe dangerous chemicals are the foundation of good health. Today’s parents are bombarded with facts, opinions and downright lies about vaccine dangers from friends, family, media and even physicians.

However, it is the right and duty of all parents to sift through all the talk about vaccines and make an informed decision about whether to refuse immunizations for their own children. But, is that right going to be stripped away by controlling government interests?

House Bill H.R. 2232 is a sickening proposal

If Representative Frederica Wilson has her way, parents will no longer have a say in vaccine decisions regarding their own children…

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A Truthful Vaccine Consent Form – That No Mom Could Ever Sign#android#iPad#retweet

by Shawn Siegel

 The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.(1)

Those are the closing words of the first tenet of the Nuremberg Code – informed consent – and make no mistake about it – from the most personal of parental perspectives, vaccination’s a macabre experiment, every time: no parent can be certain that a vaccine won’t permanently disable her child.(2) Egregiously, the administering doctor or nurse – or CVS pharmacist – in no way meaningfully fulfills his obligation by providing incomplete information, printed on a form he may or may not even offer, all the while touting the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine.

More fundamentally, the medical industry in no way fulfills its obligation when it omits from medical school curricula any meaningful education in the reality, nature or extent of vaccine injury, or the essential, fundamentally curative role of the disease recovery process.(3)

Largely because of the internet, it’s now well known that many vaccinated kids develop the very diseases against which they’re supposedly protected…


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U.S. Health Officials: Vaccine Brain Injuries Top 2,000; Relatively Very Rare#android#iPad#retweet


 A top federal health official recently acknowledged a difficult reality: vaccines may rarely trigger autism in susceptible children. Quantifying how often that happens is a challenge.

Clues can be found among vaccine brain injuries. While very rare, claims of vaccine-induced brain damage, such as encephalitis and seizure disorder, continue to build.

A small percentage of these cases ends up in federal vaccine court. According to the latest government figures, the number of children compensated by vaccine court for brain damage from one or more vaccines has now topped 2,000…

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Medical Doctors Opposed to Forced Vaccinations – Should Their Views be Silenced?#android#iPad#retweet

 by Brian Shilhavy

Where do licensed physicians who practice medicine in the U.S. stand today regarding the current vaccine debate to remove informed consent to vaccines? This is one area of the debate where you are not likely to hear both sides in the mainstream media.

Mainstream media, for the most part, is biased in its coverage of the current vaccine debate when it comes to the issue of removing informed consent, and not allowing parents to exempt their children from vaccines. The debate is positioned as parents against doctors, with parents supposedly representing emotional pleas, while doctors are supposedly unified in stating that “the science is settled” regarding vaccines, and universally in favor of mandatory vaccination policy removing parental exemptions.

However, nothing could be further from the truth in the vaccine debate. Doctors are not unified at all on their positions regarding “the science” of vaccines, nor are they unified in the position of removing informed consent to a medical procedure like vaccines.

In this article, I am going to summarize the many doctors today who do not take the most extremist pro-vaccine position, which is probably not held by very many doctors at all, in spite of what the pharmaceutical industry, the federal government, and the mainstream media would like the public to believe…

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