Here’s a clue: victory doesn’t look like a trickle of hidden data occasionally seeping out of a cavern.
This is all about making a case. An explosive case.
Most (honest) scientists don’t have a clue. They don’t know how or why a story explodes. They tend to favor the “trickle theory” of releasing information because it fits their notion of order and pattern.
Order and pattern have nothing to do with the asymmetrical way a story expands.
Maybe CDC whistleblower William Thompson eventually comes forward with a definitive public statement about egregious fraud at the CDC; maybe he doesn’t.
Waiting for him to do the right thing is a loser’s game.
There is another avenue to pursue:
The CDC data that would reveal fraud.
Data contradicting the CDC assertion that there is no connection between the MMR vaccine and autism.
Whistleblower Thompson apparently claims the “no-connection” study was massaged, cooked, stepped on. Key pieces were buried…
The family of a 12-year-old girl from Wisconsin who died hours after receiving an HPV vaccine is grieving the loss of their daughter. Meredith Prohaska, described as being an extremely active and healthy girl, passed away on July 30th. [1]
According to a news report, Meredith’s mother took her to the doctor for a sore throat. At the doctor appointment, she received the HPV vaccine. Later in the afternoon, the mother found her daughter unresponsive on the floor, and she was later pronounced dead at the hospital. The parents suspect the vaccine as the primary cause of their daughter’s death. However, Meredith’s autopsy report rules her cause of death as inconclusive. [2]
Medical dogma is immune to “new insights,” especially when it comes from a parent on this topic, specifically. Many families also share Meredith’s story; the pain and emotional suffering is all too familiar…
I do not think that this little girl would be happy about her parent’s being smoke screened about her cause of death. The actions of the medical personnel and government organizations who have attempted to minimize, and deceive the parent’s are disgraceful, and the lowest of the low. I look forward to the day that these tragedies are a thing of the past.
I am so sorry for the parent’s loss, and I hope they are comforted through this time.
New Delhi: A petition currently before the Supreme Court alleges that the Drugs Controller of India issued licenses for Gardasil and Cervarix without adequate research on safety. The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare had asked for a premier investigating agency to enquire into it way back in 2010 and no action has been taken on it.
Petition number 558/2012, filed by Kalpana Mehta, Nalini Bhanot and V. Rukmini Rao, seeks to resolve this and several other issues by asking the Supreme Court of India to rescind the licenses for marketing and administration of HPV vaccines, make provisions to identify and treat any girls left with chronic health problems and/or autoimmune disorders after their participation in HPV vaccine trials, and strengthen the regulation of the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) and other foreign NGOs so that they do not flout the laws of the country with such impunity.
12 August 2014, Supreme Court Judges Dipak Misra and V. Gopala Gowda allowed Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana to be named as respondents in the case because some villages in these states were chosen for administering HPV vaccines as an experiment and reports estimate 1200 girls were left suffering from adverse reactions to Gardasil and Cervarix.
The judges directed government agencies to produce the file(s) relating to licensing of Gardasil and Cervarix, the report(s) of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare which dealt with issues relating to HPV vaccines, and any files from the Indian Council of Medical Research dealing with HPV vaccines.
The judges want to examine whether proper protocol and procedures were followed prior to the introduction of HPV vaccines.
They also wish to see what action was taken after the parliamentary committee submitted its report and what the reasons were for choosing the specific locations in Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana for introducing Gardasil and Cervarix on an experimental basis.
The Court seeks to know what actually caused the deaths of some participants in the demonstration projects/clinical trials and whether proper consent was obtained from the girls and/or their families prior to their participation in the experiment.
MSD Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. (subsidiary of Merck) and GlaxoSmithKline Ltd. were served notices.
Judges Misra and Gowda set the case for final hearing on October 28, 2014.
HPV Vaccine History in India:
2006: As part of a four-nation initiative against cervical cancer, PATH decided to launch ‘demonstration projects’ for the HPV vaccination in Peru, Uganda, Vietnam and India, using a grant of $27.8 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This decision was made by PATH with funding granted two years before HPV vaccines were approved for use in India.
2008: Gardasil and Cervarix were approved for marketing in India, allegedly without following the standard government protocol for vaccine approval in the country.
July and August 2009: The Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat governments, in association with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), launched what they described as a ‘demonstration project’ for vaccination against cervical cancer.
During these demonstration projects: Gardasil, manufactured by Merck Sharpe & Dohme (India) Pharmaceuticals Private Limited (MSD), was administered to 13,791 girls in Khammam district in Andhra Pradesh. Cervarix, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals (GSK) of Rixensart, Belgium, was administered to 9,637 girls in Vadodara district in Gujarat. An estimated 5% of those who participated were left with chronic health problems and/or autoimmune disorders.
Concurrently: Women’s groups, health networks, human rights groups and child rights groups in India voiced concerns about the safety, efficacy and public health value of both vaccines. Many joint memoranda enumerating these concerns were submitted to the Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare demanding an immediate halt to the demonstration projects.
2010: The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) conceded that the HPV vaccination project was in fact a “post-licensure operational research study.” The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) admitted that their ethical guidelines had been flouted in the course of this trial. The trial was temporarily suspended by the government, and a committee formed to conduct an inquiry.
The investigation revealed the so-called ‘demonstration project’ to be a calculated, multi-level violation of all existing protocol on clinical trials, as well as a glaring breach of children’s rights.
2012: Ultimately, the suspension and subsequent investigations allowed advocates in India to take their case to the Supreme Court. The Writ of Petition (#558/2012) was filed asking that the licenses for sale and marketing of both HPV vaccines be revoked because Gardasil and Cervarix are unsafe and the permits were granted without adequate research.
2013: The petition for the case was formally admitted by the judges on January 7, 2013. By September 2013, the court had issued notices to all participants involved while the Indian Parliament issued a scathing comment condemning all organizations involved in the so-called ’demonstration projects’ calling them a case of child abuse expressly carried out to create a market for the two companies – Merck and GlaxoSmithKline.
The Supreme Court issued notices to the Government of India and the Drugs Controller asking for their responses to the allegations in January 2013. By September, neither had bothered to file a reply.
2014: As a result of continued investigations regarding clinical trials involving HPV vaccines in India, additional allegations of unethical conduct were lodged against Merck. The allegations pertain to Merck’s recent trials of the new V503 HPV vaccine, a proposed nine valent HPV vaccine. The additional allegations of multiple ethics violations were added to the currently ongoing Supreme Court Case via an affidavit added as an addendum to the brief previously prepared regarding the ’demonstration projects’
According to a press release written by Kalpana Mehta, Nalini Bhanot and V. Rukmini Rao, there is documentary evidence that though PATH is a non-governmental organization (NGO), in this case it entered into a business agreement with Merck so Merck would have a ready market for HPV vaccines in resource poor countries. In fact PATH got funding for this purpose from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in the same month that Gardasil was licensed in the USA, June 2006.
12 August 2014: Supreme Court Judges Dipak Misra and V. Gopala Gowda sent notices to several respondents requesting further information as outlined above and set the petition for final hearing on October 28, 2014.
Will India be the first country in the world to revoke the marketing licenses for Gardasil and Cervarix?
Will the Supreme Court of India move to protect the health and welfare of their young citizens, or the interests of the HPV vaccine manufacturers?
Will PATH and similar agencies be banned from operating in India?
Will the victims of adverse reactions to HPV vaccines be located, treated and compensated for being forced to participate in a trial that violated their human rights?
Perhaps these questions will be answered on October 28th.
The vaccine touted to prevent ‘cervical cancer’ has been a source of controversy since 2006. What are you going to decide for your child?
Gardasil® in the News
As parents get their children ready to go back to school or college this fall, they are going to be confronted with the quandary of how to navigate the ‘back to school checkup’ that includes vaccination. Some parents of females and males ages 9 to 26 will have a new question asked during their child’s annual check, “Would you like the Gardasil® vaccine today?” without accompanying information on the severe side effects, including death.
‘The only thing different about that day was that shot’: Did a trip to the doctor kill a healthy 12-year-old girl? – Fox6Now news, August 7, 2014 2.
A 12-year-old Waukesha girl is dead — and there is seemingly no reason why — except perhaps, one.
Meredith Prohaska was an active, fun-loving 12-year-old girl one minute. A few hours later — she was unresponsive on the floor. In between that time, there was a trip to the doctor — and now, Prohaska’s family wonders if that’s what killed her…
Whistleblower Says CDC Knew in 2003 of Higher Autism Rate Among African-American Boys Receiving MMR Shot Earlier Than 36 Months
WATCHUNG, NJ–(Marketwired – August 18, 2014) – A top research scientist working for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) played a key role in helping Dr. Brian Hooker of the Focus Autism Foundation uncover data manipulation by the CDC that obscured a higher incidence of autism in African-American boys. The whistleblower came to the attention of Hooker, a PhD in biochemical engineering, after he had made a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for original data on the DeStefano et al MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and autism study.
Dr. Hooker’s study, published August 8 in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Translational Neurodegeneration, shows that African-American boys receiving their first MMR vaccine before 36 months of age are 3.4 times more likely to develop autism vs. after 36 months…
Families with new babies who query vaccinations in Arizona are being given a wad of paperwork assuring them that vaccinations are safe and effective. Reading through this information, I was shocked to see exactly what these vulnerable parents are being told, because, as usual, they are only being told half the story.
Part one of the paperwork, titled Infections Are the Enemy, Not Vaccines, was written by Karen Lewis, MD, the Medical Director of the Arizona Immunization Program Office for the Arizona Department of Health Services and published by the magazine Immunications. She wrote…
A former Centers for Disease Control (CDC) researcher, best known for his frequently-cited studies dispelling a link between vaccines and autism, is still considered on the lam after allegedly using CDC grants of tax dollars to buy a house and cars for himself.Poul Thorsen, listed as a most-wanted fugitive by the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General, was discredited in April 2011 when he was indicted on 13 counts of wire fraud and nine counts of money laundering. Some have argued that his alleged fraudulent behavior calls into question the validity of his studies. There is no indication the studies have been retracted to date.According to the HHS Inspector General…Read the Entire Article Here
I am the mother of three children, ages 1, 8 and 9. In addition to taking care of my home and family, I work as the sales coordinator for a local newspaper. I enjoy family outings and holidays. I used to run 20km at a time to stay physically fit. Gardasil changed all of this.
The quadrivalent HPV vaccine, Gardasil, was approved for use in Denmark in 2006. I had read a little on the internet about it, but did not find any reason why I should not take the vaccine. On many sites, Gardasil was looked at as a somewhat miraculous breakthrough in the prevention of cervical cancer.
March 26 2013. I got my first injection of the HPV-vaccine, Gardasil.
May 1st, 2013, I woke up during the night with extremely low blood pressure and a terrible pressure in the chest. I had difficulty breathing and the low blood pressure made me dizzy. My boyfriend called the doctor who only ordered me to stay calm and rest. He questioned whether my sphygmomanometer (blood pressure monitor) was working at all. I knew I bought it in 2012 and it was a very good quality instrument.
During the long period after, I had a lot of off days where my blood pressure was very low, my heart rate was high and I felt unwell in general.
For a long time I fought extremely low blood pressure. I felt so tired and exhausted. I was constantly nauseous, which I thought to be connected to the fact I was so tired and did not have any energy at all.
My doctor suggested eating liquorice – actually he was not very worried about my condition.
May 27, 2013 I had a similar attack as described above. Again I contacted my doctor and told him that something was wrong in my body but I could not explain what.
On May 29 we planned to travel down to the South of Europe for two weeks, but something told me it would never work out. My doctor decided to refer me to Fredericia Hospital. He wanted me to be tested for some rare heart diseases. The chief physician explained that travelling with this low blood pressure and the other symptoms I had would not be safe. Then a longer diagnosing period started including a lot of different tests.
June 13th 2013 I got my second vaccination. Between the two vaccinations I had weak health but I did not think about any connection to the first vaccination, so I got the second.
On July 19. 2013 I got a call from the chief physician who informed me that everything was normal. The reason for my symptoms was that I was dreaming about an earlier course of disease in connection with the birth of my first daughter. That should be the reason for the hyperventilation and the low blood pressure. And the low blood pressure gave me the nausea. He could not explain the very strong pain I had in my legs.
On July 28, 2013 my boyfriend saw the front page of one of our tabloid newspapers. The headline was 422.000 have received the HPV-cancer-vaccination – doctors are worried about the side effects. In the article we read about the side effects and the damages the vaccine could cause to the body. When I read the symptoms, it was like reading a list of my own new medical conditions. In the next couple of days I realized that the vaccination could be the reason for my new disorders.
On August 15, 2013 I went to my doctor bringing the newspaper. He listened with interest and skepticism. He took the newspaper in order to read it thoroughly and thereafter gave me his judgment. He saw the similarities and suddenly all my symptoms made sense. My doctor understands me. He recognizes and accepts my new medical conditions as side effects of HPV vaccination.
On August 24, 2013 I was hospitalized again with difficulty breathing, chest pains and muscle spasms. I was met by skepticism at the hospital. As all blood tests and EKG did not show any signs of disease, they could only conclude that I did not feel well and as they said, ”We are so sorry.” The next day I was sent home. I stayed in bed for a week due to pain in my legs and chest.
Today June 30, 2014 my side effects are completely controlling my everyday life. They are as follows:
Extremely low blood pressure (measured as low as 70/43)
Constant nausea
Constant changing heart rate
Burning pain in the body
Constant heartburn
Pressure in the chest, difficulty breathing – often during the evening and into the night
Short of breath even during light exercise
Problems with short-term memory
Pain in the stomach
A lot of pain in the legs
A lot of pain the sole of my foot
Loss of strength in the muscles
Very painful periods including heavy bleeding
Visual disorders in the left eye
Pressure in the ears
Lack of B3, D vitamin and calcium
The symptoms are influencing my daily life as follows:
I cannot take care of the household
I have difficulty going to the first floor of our house
I need help very often to take care of our three children
I cannot arrange anything ahead as I do not know how my condition will be from one day to the next
On bad days I cannot drive our car
I can only work 30 hours a week
I cannot take care of the shopping
I cannot handle more than one thing at a time
I am only capable of a limited number of impressions a day
We are considering selling the house due to uncertainty of what the future holds
I am tied to the house. I cannot travel, do any trips or similar activities
I cannot run anymore – I used to run 20 km at a time
I am completely exhausted after 1.5 km walking with the baby carriage
I am dependent on others 24 hours a day
I wish Gardasil was like other medications. When you have an adverse reaction to a pill you are taking, you simply discontinue using it and the symptoms go away. It is not nearly as easy to fix a bad reaction to a vaccine.
Anika, I am so sorry to hear of this awful trauma to you and your family. You have been let down by your government and medical authorities just like so many others. Due to stories like yours, others are able to avoid or lessen the trauma until the madness of this situation is halted.
You are obviously a strong individual, and will make the most of this difficult situation. You are an inspiration to me, and many others.
You are in good hands with SaneVax Inc., who have very helpful resources and understand the nature of this injury. Here is an additional link to health practitioners who have had success in treating similar injuries. Oftentimes, distance is not an issue.