French Medical Professionals ask: Are HPV vaccines necessary?#HPV#Vaccines#France

French Medical Professionals ask: Are HPV vaccines necessary?

April 3, 2014  By Norma Erickson

 SaneVax-FeaturedMore than 600 medical professionals and 250 midwives in France have signed a petition demanding the establishment of an emergency parliamentary commission to investigate whether HPV vaccines are necessary in the battle against cervical cancer. The doctors, midwives and pharmacists who have signed the petition believe Gardasil and Cervarix are inefficient and too expensive, making the products unsuitable for mass vaccination programs.

This petition specifically addresses concerns medical professionals have in regards to proposed mass HPV vaccination programs. The organizers ask that only medical professionals or government health officials sign, and even then, only if they agree with the nine points stated below. (Translated by google)

The French petition states:

If you are a general practitioner or specialist, pharmacist, midwife, and if you agree with us on the following points:

–   That the consequences of vaccinating young girls against HPV are unknown and that HPV vaccine effectiveness remains to be proven,

– That the High Council of Public Health estimated less than 20% efficiency when HPV vaccination programs included those 16-23 years of age,

–   During clinical trials, HPV vaccines were tested against a false placebo … false, since it contained aluminum, a known neurotoxin.

–   That the presumption of serious adverse events is not to be neglected,

–   That when vaccinating women who started their sexual life a study conducted in Australia, showed an increased number of severe precancerous lesions,

– That the vaccine is particularly expensive, and it is a very heavy cost to the Insurance,

– That a recent survey published in “Le Canard chained” showed that there was suspicion of conflicts of interest,

–   It has been shown that a majority of women believe that the smear becomes useless after vaccination, the result of a feeling of protection that actually proves illusory,

–   That health authorities have shown that regular practice of smear alone, properly conducted and analyzed, has demonstrated its benefit in the detection of precancerous lesions, prior to the development of cervical cancer.

The SaneVax team believes these questions and concerns should have been adequately addressed and resolved scientifically prior to the institution of mass HPV vaccination programs in any country. Failing to have these issues addressed prior to instituting mass vaccination programs is nothing less than conducting a health experiment on uninformed test subjects.

Human beings are not test tubes. If they are to participate in a medical experiment; they must be afforded the opportunity to give their informed consent.

This is a concept government health officials worldwide seem to have forgotten. What has happened to the concept of informed consent prior to medical treatments or medical experiments?

Learn more about the French petition here.

Medical professionals are cordially invited to sign the petition at the above link if they agree with the stated concerns.

SaneVax Inc.

Not just for children—adults need play for stress relief#Family#Health#Stress

Not just for children—adults need play for stress relief

While the importance of play for children is well understood, many don’t realize it’s a necessary form of stress relief for adults. One also could argue it’s the most enjoyable part of a wellness plan—say compared to giving up donuts or eating more broccoli—but can take just as much thought and practice to implement.

Scientists have found ample play is necessary for the proper development of children and young animals. Crows, for instance, have been observed playing tug-of-war, ganging up together on a cat, or swinging upside down from a branch. Dolphins, chimpanzees, otters, and even octopus play throughout their lives.

Play develops motor skills, socialization, problem solving, creativity, conflict resolution, and mental and physical health. In fact, studies show that preventing play causes dysfunction in animals, and one researcher even found that most serial killers did not play as children.

Grown-ups have forgotten how to play

Unfortunately, we Americans, who lead the industrialized nations with the longest work hours, have lost touch with the importance of play and the stress relief it can bring. A life of all work and no play (or all television and no play) makes us more vulnerable to stress-related diseases, depression, interpersonal violence, and addiction, according to Stuart Brown, MD, author of Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination and Invigorates the Soul, and founder of The National Institute of Play. Brown has conducted more than 6,000 play studies on a wide range of people, and says play is a particularly important form of stress relief in down times, such as the current economic situation.

Have you forgotten how to play? To stoke the dormant play pathways in your brain, Brown says to recall how you played as a child, and then experiment with what sounds fun. It could be roller skating, horse riding, basketball, crafting, storytelling, or even playing fetch with the dog. The objective is to forget you’re engaging in a powerful form of stress relief because you’re having so much fun.

The elements of successful play

Successful play is more a state of mind than a specific activity, and the health benefits go beyond stress relief. Regular play will make you feel better about yourself, stimulate brain activity, enable you to transform negative experiences, boost creativity and imagination, and help you connect with others.

Bottom line: Regular play simply makes people happier, and happiness is a great antidote to stress.

According to Brown, and Diane Ackerman, author of Deep Play, genuine play has the following qualities:

  • Play is purposeless, all-consuming, and fun
  • It is not about improving a time or score, or winning at all costs
  • Play has its own place, separate from the rest of life (a basketball court, the roller rink, a favorite trail, or even your back yard)
  • Play has a prearranged time—it’s important to make time to play
  • Play is about exuberance, license, and abandon
  • Play requires freedom—you do it because it is enjoyable, not because you’re supposed to
  • Play involves a “make believe” element
  • Play is enjoyed for its own sake

Not just for children—adults need play for stress relief

HealthWise Clinical Nutrition

The Scary Truth About the New York City Flu Vaccine Mandate#Flu#Family#Health

The Scary Truth About the New York City Flu Vaccine Mandate

Read the Entire Article Here

Vaccine philosophical exemptions: A moral and ethical imperative#vaccines#health#family

Vaccine philosophical exemptions: A moral and ethical imperative


by: Alan Phillips, J.D                                                                                                                                       

It is not enough to be informed about the many problems with current immunization policy and practice. We must effectively apply that knowledge to expand our right to make informed choices. Where the rubber meets the road with vaccine rights is in the statutes and regulations that provide or restrict those rights. Therefore, a great deal of my time is spent helping citizens throughout the U.S. present their case to state legislatures about the necessity of the right to make informed choices wherever vaccines are concerned…

Read The Entire Article Here

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Autism continues to rise across the nation#ASD#Autism#Vaccines

Autism Continues to Rise Across the Nation                                           

The CDC released their updated Autism rate figures showing a 30% rise in the number of children affected.  Click below to see the graph and gain added insights into this dilemma.

Read the Entire Article Here

Vaccinations are the environmental toxins that can easily be avoided, and also create significant damage, being they are injected past the blood-brain barrier.  For those whose children are ill with Autism, there is healing available.  You and your child deserve to know this, and begin on a healing path today.  You can find additional details on healing, in the links below.  There are many therapies to choose from, and much can be done through simple changes at home. I have also included, articles of physicians who have provided significant healing to their children, who at one time were diagnosed with Autism.

You do not want to wait for consensus across the board, because it might take decades.  Every day of life is too precious to wait for permission from someone else, and possibly someone who has no clue as to the daily difficulties and struggles of this illness. Almost all vaccinations contain highly poisonous adjuvants. What seems like a small injection contains very high doses of toxic chemicals.  This can easily be avoided, and so much suffering can be alleviated. Thankfully, many brave scientists, and doctors have followed their instincts, and provided vital information to us all.

Autism continues to rise across the nation

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