One Reason #Vaccines #Mandatory Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines

There was one time that I visited a specialist regarding some persistent pain and discomfort I was experiencing.  He seemed to recognize the issue quickly and was confident in the suggested steps.

 Some medication and diet changes to begin with and an ultrasound for further investigation.  On the next visit we discussed the improvement but I was informed a surgical procedure would bring a significant improvement and without symptoms would worsen. 

I took the advice and following this procedure I realized excruciating pain.  The anesthesiologist told me that my body was expressing pain during the surgery.  He relayed some symptoms and said that is how they know the body is under great stress from pain during surgery. 

I went home and was hooked to a catheter for about a week and continued to experience much pain.

I share this example for one reason.

This is not uncommon, accepting medical advice from a trained professional in the proper field.  It’s just that often mistakes are made.

 About a year later I had reconstructive surgery to repair some injuries in this particular area.  The prior surgery wasn’t necessary and I underwent extreme duress and immobility for a time.

The specialist only had the information he had been taught and went off his best knowledge.  There was important information unknown to him.

When looking at vaccinations, it is important to realize that many doctors can only share what they have been taught.  It doesn’t take much study to find that it is significantly limited in regards to vaccinations and nutrition.  

There are no watch dogs in regards to vaccinations. The supposed agencies have a revolving door and have dropped the ball. Maybe over time this can be corrected but in the meantime…

 This site can assist in research especially with all the many web links listed within the articles and posts.  There is a world of knowledge available and at our finger tips.

The responsibility lies with the patient.

Let’s begin with 2014, and learn the facts and strengthen our natural immunity.

To healing, good health, friendship and prosperity,

jen vranes

Cervical Cancer Prevention: Are you a medical consumer or a medical test subject? #HPV #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines

November 22, 2013

By Norma Erickson

Trust me?

Trust me?

On 17 Sept 2013, the following headline appeared in the UK Daily Mail, Grandmother, 55, died from cervical cancer after her GP dismissed her symptoms as the MENOPAUSE. The article, written by Anna Hodgekiss explains the circumstances surrounding the tragedy. This woman knew something was wrong, visited her doctor multiple times and had her symptoms blamed on age (menopause) instead of being run through normal diagnostic procedures which would have detected her cancer when it was still curable.

Women like this are the unfortunate victims of the HPV industry created by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the United States. In this day and age, no woman living in a developed country should ever die from cervical cancer.

Dr.  Mark Schiffman, a senior officer and policy maker from the NCI, stated in 2010 that the measures for cervical cancer prevention will include:

“…prophylactic vaccination of adolescents against carcinogenic HPV infections, an increased role for HPV testing, improvements to colposcopy to increase sensitivity, and reductions in the number of lifetime screens needed for prevention.”

Based on numerous policy-making statements like this one, which was published in the official journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists [1], regular Pap smear as a proven means for early cervical cancer detection has been decreasingly recommended, and a highly promoted HPV Digene HC2 test is performed as a cancer screen substitute [2], but is known to generate considerable false-negative results. [3, 4]

The above preventive measures, namely HPV vaccination, the unreliable Digene HC2 test, improvements to colposcopy (a procedure usually performed after a positive Pap cytology), and reductions of screens would not have helped this woman.

What would have most likely prevented her untimely death? A reliable HPV detection method that included genotyping and regular Pap smears. However, policy makers at the NCI have not made these options readily available to medical consumers. Policy makers have left women with no choice but to educate themselves, demand the reliable test procedures they need and refuse those options which provide little benefit and substantial risk.

In 2010, the NCI sent $13.5 Million of our tax money to a Dutch laboratory to perform “reliable” genotyping of HPV using a PCR system with short target sequencing on a total of 375 cervical biopsy samples. [5]

Why did Dr. Schiffman not recommend the same kind of HPV testing for women’s health care in America when he was making the policy of “an increased role for HPV testing” on behalf of the NCI in 2010?

Women must stop allowing themselves to be manipulated by the news media and industry-paid consultants, whether they are in the government or the academic world.

You have a choice – medical consumer or medical subject?

The HPV vaccine debate is over? #Vaccines #One Less #HPV

The HPV Vaccine Debate Is Over

December 16, 2013

[SaneVax:  The proponents of mass HPV vaccination programs and government health officials do not seem to understand science and medicine are constantly evolving. Treatments and medications which were heralded as miracles, often have dark consequences revealed after decades of use….antibiotics are a prime example.


HPV vaccines have not been studied for long term efficacy, their potential long-term side effects, whether they have the potential to cause cancer, or whether they have the potential to cause genetic mutations. Those answers will not be available for some time. Between now and when the answers to these questions are provided, medical consumers have a right to know both sides of the science which is still evolving – the debate will continue.


Medical consumers have a right to informed choice. Informed choice cannot exist when crucial information is not adequately disclosed.]


The HPV Vaccine Debate: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell


By Sayer Ji


HPV Vaccine Controversy?

HPV Vaccine Controversy?


Katie Couric opened up a Pandora’s box of sorts simply by airing testimony about the HPV vaccine’s lack of effectiveness and safety, but shouldn’t she be commended for asking questions the mainstream media is afraid to touch?

We live in a time when simply questioning the safety and effectiveness of vaccines has become, in the eyes of the mainstream media and conventional medical establishment, an unconscionable act…

Click on above link to continue reading the article.





Prevention #Pregnancy & Vaccines #Autism #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines


Autism Prevention

The instances of developmental disorders in the United States has been reported as 1 in 6 children.1 Therefore, prevention of developmental disorders is paramount for parents.

Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by a wide range of physical and psycological symptoms. Although the cause of Autism is still not well understood, the prevailing thinking is that it is caused by a genetic predisposition and an assault on the immune system either during gestation or after birth. Prevention, therfore, begins before conception. Through a protocol of eliminating environmental toxins, stenghtening the immune system and understanding your family history the risk of autism can be minimized.

More specific autism risk factors include parental and sibling history of autism, ADHD, OCD, some psychiatric illnesses, genetic disorders, allergies, asthma, poor immune system (either hyper-immune or low-immunity), learning and language difficulties, advanced maternal age, poor nutrition, low essential fatty acids, chronic infections, poor periodontal hygiene, before conception and during pregnancy exposures to toxic metals through environment, fish and vaccinations.2

Click on the above link to access expert guidance in regards to Before, During and Post pregnancy.  There is a world of time tested and helpful ideas just a click away.


Gardasil: The Carnage Continues in France #HPV #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Gardasil

Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective Vaccines and Vaccination Practices

December 30, 2013

By Norma Erickson

SaneVax-LogoCriminal complaints have been filed in France against yet to be named defendants regarding severe injuries after Gardasil vaccinations. The complaints were filed by Camille Krouchner on behalf of ten young women, ages 18 to 24, suffering from a variety of autoimmune disorders including lupus, Guillain-Barré, ADEM, idiopathic hypersomnia and multiple sclerosis after being injected with the HPV vaccine, Gardasil.

According to lead Counsel, Camille Kouchner, the reason Sanofli Pasteur MSD is not directly named as the only defendant is because:

“The one thing these young women have in common is they have all contracted severely debilitating diseases in the weeks and months following vaccination when they had no medical history. There are many stakeholders and (we) must seek everyone’s responsibility.”

Gardasil was launched in France in 2006 as a preventive measure against cervical cancer. Almost immediately, safety concerns began showing up in medical journals and news reports from the United States, Spain, Germany and Austria. These concerns are being echoed in countries around the world including India, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Japan, Israel, Mexico, Columbia, Peru, New Zealand, Sweden, and The Netherlands, just to name a few.

According to French philosopher and social scientist, Elena Pasca:

“You cannot kill the Gardasil based on singular stories, scientific demonstration is required; but there is circumstantial evidence against the vaccine.”

Ms. Pasca is absolutely correct. Scientific validation should be required – if safety of the vaccine for some individuals was the only issue at hand. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

According to Dr. Spinosa, gynecologist from Switzerland, analysis of peer-reviewed studies of Gardasil’s efficacy indicates:

“Even if we vaccinated 85% of girls aged 12 until 2060, assuming it (Gardasil) is 100% effective and immune for life – after 52 years, cervical cancer would decrease 10%; cervical cancer mortality by 13%…”

The SaneVax Team believes it is high time government health authorities take the concerns of medical/scientific experts seriously. The issue of side-effects and HPV vaccines should have never arisen.

When injecting a healthy population against one risk factor for cervical cancer – NO RISK TO CURRENT HEALTH IS ACCEPTABLE – particularly when said vaccine has not been proven to eliminate even one case of cervical cancer.

Katie Couric Interviews Rosemary and Lauren Mathis #HPV #Vaccines #One Less

December 12, 2013 By

By Norma Erickson


HPV Vaccine Controversy?

HPV Vaccine Controversy?


December 4th, Rosemary and Lauren Mathis were interviewed on the Katie Couric Show, for an episode entitled The HPV Vaccine Controversy. They were there to tell people what happened to Lauren after she took the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, and to  advise people to exercise their right to fully informed consent by doing some research before deciding whether or not to add HPV vaccination to their cervical cancer prevention regime.


For those who would question, Rosemary would like to make it perfectly clear that she in NOT anti-vaccine. Had she been so, she would have never considered HPV vaccination for her daughter. This is not the case, Lauren was completely up-to-date on her vaccines when their family doctor suggested Gardasil. Trusting that their doctor would never recommend anything that could harm Lauren without telling them of the potential risks, she received all three injections in 2008. They had no idea how drastically their lives would change from that point on.


Lauren spent the next two years experiencing a variety of new medical conditions, some of them so severe that Rosemary would sleep next to Lauren because she was afraid she was going to lose her. Rosemary spent what free time she had between doctor and hospital visits researching to try and find out what was happening to her daughter.


Watch the clip of Rosemary and Lauren on the Katie Couric Show below to hear their story.


The information Rosemary discovered during her research sent her on a mission to protect other families from experiencing what hers did without knowing the potential risks. Rosemary is determined to make sure every parent has full disclosure of potential side effects of HPV vaccines prior to their child’s vaccination.


That is why Rosemary is one of the founding members of SaneVax. She believes Safe, Affordable, Necessary and Effective is not too much to ask for when it comes to vaccines. There is a huge difference between being anti-vaccine and being pro-common sense.


When it comes to HPV vaccines, she wants people to know that they are using a medical intervention in a healthy population attemptimg to reduce the incidence of a disease that would not normally occur for decades. Since there is already an effective and proven safe method of controlling this disease in place, any risk to the current health status of the target population is unacceptable.


Rosemary has never told anyone not to use HPV vaccines. She simply asks people to do some research before they decide if HPV vaccines are right for them. The decision is theirs – as it should be.


The SaneVax team would like to thank Katie Couric for having the courage to provide a venue for serious discussion of the HPV vaccine controversy. The discussion is long overdue – thank you on behalf of parents around the world.


Rosemary and Lauren, thank you for giving a voice to the thousands of parents whose children have experienced new and unexplained medical conditions after HPV vaccine administration.


Watch all of the clips from The HPV Vaccine Controversy here. If you have questions, comments, or opinions about HPV vaccines, feel free to join the conversation.





If HPV vaccines were consumer goods would they still be on the market? #Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines #One Less

f HPV vaccines were consumer goods would they still be on the market?

December 2, 2013 By

By Stephen Tunley, Director, SaneVax Inc.

The latest statistics from the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) statistics concerning the serious side effects and deaths associated with HPV vaccines such as Gardasil make for chilling reading.

In summary a single investigation of the VAERS database, widely accepted as being 10-100 times under reported about, shows the following:

  1. 148 deaths recorded after HPV vaccinations,
  2. Over 3,000 hospitalizations and
  3. More than 6,000 who did not recover from the new medical conditions experienced after HPV vaccines.

The picture is not pretty and were you to add a zero or two to these numbers to account for under-reporting, the picture is frightening indeed. It’s important to note that the statistics are for events occurring primarily in the USA; not taking into account other countries, which have faced very similar health issues…

Read French version of this article here.

Please click on above links too read further.


The Thinking Moms’ Revolution #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Autism


So many who united to see the problem and took action to make a difference. Vaccine-caused disorders are rippling the planet.  Click to watch the above video.

Why are so many blind to the pressing and building dangers of our current day vaccines?

So much heartache and disappointment abound from those who have studied and pondered the issues at great length and just want the freedom to refrain and not be hassled or demeaned.

Why is it, that many refuse, to respectfully consider another possibility? To be considerate of another persons choice, to pick and choose vaccines or abstain altogether.  I read recently in, The Four Doors, when some choose absolute freedom then others are left with limited freedom.

What part of the Constitution or scripture would suggest one group having absolute freedom to demand injection of  harmful drugs into another human being?

 It is not, it is a part of some cultures and corrupt individuals have attempted to exploit so many for their gain under the guise of, It’s Best For All. 

Let’s discuss this idea with those and their families who are injured or dead.  Another topic in and of itself, Taking Care of Our Own.  Where did that action go in regards to those injured?  Easy to dismiss if a doctor refuses to suggest a vaccine injury.  I believe most of us recognize the feeling of walking on egg shells if the mighty, greatness of vaccines is questioned.

I could go on and on with examples of doctors repeating they can’t or will lose their job if injury from a vaccination is suggested or diagnosed.

Our doctors in many ways are left in the dark on diagnosing with so little or no training provided in medical school to recognize a vaccine injury.

So why the quick judgement and stereotyping of those who do not desire to receive every new vaccine?  Would some doctors be viewed as bad doctors within our culture?  We wouldn’t want to be bad parents.  

Trusting that your doctor knows completely what is best for your God given body without personally researching dangerous injections. I don’t believe brochures and college texts designed by the drug manufacturers are trustworthy sources and why are so many acting like experts in this area?

Every person on this planet has been mistaken about any number of things or had oversights. Why the cruel treatment of those who desire choice in this area when they are asking such a simple request.

Choice over our bodies and those we love.

What if the roles were reversed?  Would those who desire to vaccinate appreciate their choice being taken away and simultaneously receive poor treatment?

Vaccines are no small issue. Vaccines have only been in the picture for a short time throughout the history of this world.

Isn’t it understandable that many would prefer to opt out of injecting aborted fetus material, human blood, formaldehyde, mercury, monkey kidney cells, etcetera into their bodies? Many who have studied these issues at great length, from all parts of the world, believe this will be one of the heaviest regrets when reflecting back 100 years from now.

Perhaps a more global perspective would help. Where does your country fall on the world-wide health scale and which countries have repeatedly been an example of above average health. Let us learn from those who have a track record of better health. What might they be doing differently? Possibly glean successful ideas from different countries.

The corrupt state of vaccines right now is like the elephant in the room that so many do not want to see. Let‘s all open our eyes, be kind and seek for the truth together. No matter what your views, let‘s allow personal liberty to prevail. Let each individual be entitled to their free choice and especially without  penalty.

A true right under the United States Constitution written by men through the guidance of God.