New house bill H.R.2232 designed to force vaccines onto the American population#android#iPad#retweet

Vaccines are at the core of a contentious debate in the United States – one that rages between people who dare to question the ingredients in mass-produced big pharma immunizations and those who believe dangerous chemicals are the foundation of good health. Today’s parents are bombarded with facts, opinions and downright lies about vaccine dangers from friends, family, media and even physicians.

However, it is the right and duty of all parents to sift through all the talk about vaccines and make an informed decision about whether to refuse immunizations for their own children. But, is that right going to be stripped away by controlling government interests?

House Bill H.R. 2232 is a sickening proposal

If Representative Frederica Wilson has her way, parents will no longer have a say in vaccine decisions regarding their own children…

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HPV vaccine survivors in the Czech Republic#android#iPad#retweet

HPV vaccine survivors in the Czech Republic

Three different women in the Czech Republic have similar experiences after deciding to protect themselves from cervical cancer by using Silgard or Cervarix. (Note: Gardasil and Silgard are the same product marketed under different names depending on which country it is being sold in.)

Petra from Plzen, Czech Republic

HPV vaccination did not work for me.

I was inoculated with three doses of Gardasil (Silgard) in 2009. My gynaecologist believed this was an excellent vaccine for cervical cancer prevention and supported my decision to get it. Until these shots my cervical screening tests had always come back normal.

After the shots this changed rapidly. It was not long after the shots that my pap smears began getting worse. Less than three years later I developed grade CIN 3 (PAP IV A) severe dysplasia on my cervix and I had to undergo a conisation surgery to remove the part of my cervix that was affected.

Six months later I had another pap test done which showed grade CIN 1 (PAP III D) and I underwent another conisation surgery which left me with 1/3 of my cervix.

I was advised to have children as soon as possible and that I might not be able to have any if I delayed for too long.

It is clear that my cervix started changing from healthy to cancerous once I had been vaccinated with Silgard. I had a long-term relationship with the same person prior and after the vaccinations so it would be unlikely that the cancer developed because of me or my partner.

We’ve never discussed the link with my gynaecologist so it is likely that this vaccine is still being promoted by her.

Michaela from Olomouc, Czech Republic

Czech-RepublicI am 29 years old and was vaccinated with Cervarix in 2008 at age 23. I was advised to get vaccinated by my dad as he wanted the best for me. We had to pay for the vaccine privately because this vaccine is not part of the national immunisation programme in my country.

I have always been healthy and I did not suffer from any problems. I had a baby in December 2012 via c-section. During my postnatal examination I was informed that there was something wrong with my cervix.

In the spring of 2014 I was told that my cervical screening results came back abnormal showing cervical dysplasia between CIN 2 and CIN 3.

After further tests I have been informed that apart from other viruses present on my cervix there were also the ones contained in the vaccine, namely HPV types 16 and 18. It is apparent that the vaccine did not protect me against HPV types 16 and 18.

In the autumn of 2014 I underwent a biopsy and a month later conisation was performed.  My health is fine for now but nobody knows what may happen in the future.

Jana from Brno, Czech Republic

Czech-RepublicI  was vaccinated with Silgard (Gardasil) in 2007 at the age of 47. I was diagnosed with HPV virus type 16 at the time and both my gynaecologist and internal medicine doctors agreed that this vaccine would be appropriate for me as it would stop the virus from causing cancer in the future.

Since the vaccination my immune system started to deteriorate. In 2008 I ended up with trigeminal neuralgia twice and also intercostals neuralgia.

A year later in 2009 I developed phlebothrombosis and started feeling more tired each day. I have also been suffering from candida type of infections that are difficult to get rid of and they keep coming back.

In 2011 I developed trigeminal neuralgia again and I ended up off sick for the whole year.

In December 2012 I nearly collapsed from high fever, headache and joint and muscle pains. Since then I feel exhausted all the time and suffer from a lot of pain in my muscles, joints and in fact the whole body aches. I have serious neurological problems and some of my nerves are damaged.

I also developed a grade three pre-cancerous vulvar dysplasia and had vulvectomy surgery in December 2014. I am waiting to have another surgery for laser excision and vaporization and also curettage of the uterus in March 2015 in Prague, the Czech Republic.

Apart from these issues I have also suffered from insomnia and gastroenterological problems since the vaccination.

I have been unable to work since November 2013 due to extreme tiredness and pain. Of course, my doctors do not seem to see any link between the vaccine and my injuries. I am certain that these problems have been caused by Silgard vaccine.

Prior to being inoculated I had a successful career as a Manager for an overseas company but today I am potentially permanently off work on a disability benefit which is not great. I hope to work in the future as the benefit does not cover my living expenses but there is a big unanswered question whether I will ever be able to as I suffer from a lot of serious problems.

Jana, Michaela and Petra,

I am so sorry you have faced these experiences.  You are strong women and know how to weather the storm.

Thank you for sharing your stories.  It must be so hard to do so.  I am certain others will be blessed by your generosity in this area.

Please know that many hearts and prayers are sent your way, and that many, many people want to see you heal as much as possible.

I am including a link to my featured doctors section.  I have a number of practitioners that have experience in this area and often distance is not an issue.

Here is the medical professional listing.  They have excellent connections as well.

I have included a musical piece that I hope brings you some respite at this time.  God bless my friends.

Hold fast to truth and hope. 


A Truthful Vaccine Consent Form – That No Mom Could Ever Sign#android#iPad#retweet

by Shawn Siegel

 The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.(1)

Those are the closing words of the first tenet of the Nuremberg Code – informed consent – and make no mistake about it – from the most personal of parental perspectives, vaccination’s a macabre experiment, every time: no parent can be certain that a vaccine won’t permanently disable her child.(2) Egregiously, the administering doctor or nurse – or CVS pharmacist – in no way meaningfully fulfills his obligation by providing incomplete information, printed on a form he may or may not even offer, all the while touting the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine.

More fundamentally, the medical industry in no way fulfills its obligation when it omits from medical school curricula any meaningful education in the reality, nature or extent of vaccine injury, or the essential, fundamentally curative role of the disease recovery process.(3)

Largely because of the internet, it’s now well known that many vaccinated kids develop the very diseases against which they’re supposedly protected…


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U.S. Health Officials: Vaccine Brain Injuries Top 2,000; Relatively Very Rare#android#iPad#retweet


 A top federal health official recently acknowledged a difficult reality: vaccines may rarely trigger autism in susceptible children. Quantifying how often that happens is a challenge.

Clues can be found among vaccine brain injuries. While very rare, claims of vaccine-induced brain damage, such as encephalitis and seizure disorder, continue to build.

A small percentage of these cases ends up in federal vaccine court. According to the latest government figures, the number of children compensated by vaccine court for brain damage from one or more vaccines has now topped 2,000…

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Medical Doctors Opposed to Forced Vaccinations – Should Their Views be Silenced?#android#iPad#retweet

 by Brian Shilhavy

Where do licensed physicians who practice medicine in the U.S. stand today regarding the current vaccine debate to remove informed consent to vaccines? This is one area of the debate where you are not likely to hear both sides in the mainstream media.

Mainstream media, for the most part, is biased in its coverage of the current vaccine debate when it comes to the issue of removing informed consent, and not allowing parents to exempt their children from vaccines. The debate is positioned as parents against doctors, with parents supposedly representing emotional pleas, while doctors are supposedly unified in stating that “the science is settled” regarding vaccines, and universally in favor of mandatory vaccination policy removing parental exemptions.

However, nothing could be further from the truth in the vaccine debate. Doctors are not unified at all on their positions regarding “the science” of vaccines, nor are they unified in the position of removing informed consent to a medical procedure like vaccines.

In this article, I am going to summarize the many doctors today who do not take the most extremist pro-vaccine position, which is probably not held by very many doctors at all, in spite of what the pharmaceutical industry, the federal government, and the mainstream media would like the public to believe…

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The Toxic Impacts of Aluminium Contained in Paediatric Vaccines on the Human Nervous System#android#iPad#retweet

 By C. A. Shaw

Our previous ecological studies of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has demonstrated a correlation between increasing ASD rates and aluminium (Al) adjuvants in common use in paediatric vaccines in several Western countries. The correlation between ASD rate and Al adjuvant amounts appears to be dose-dependent and satisfies 8 of 9 Hill criteria for causality..

For all of its positive properties as a material, Al is also demonstrably toxic to biological systems, an observation that has been in the scientific literature for at least a century. Although Al may deleteriously impact various organ systems, some of its worst impacts may be on the nervous system.

Some of the toxic actions of Al on the nervous system include:

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New Gardasil Horror Story from the UK#android#iPad#retweet

[SaneVax: Author Bryan Hubbard tells the story of a young girl from the United Kingdom who’s life changed dramatically after the administration of Gardasil. A huge thanks to Bryan and the staff of What Doctors Don’t Tell You for giving SaneVax permission to share the following article which will appear in their June issue.]

My Horror Story

By Bryan Hubbard, What Doctors Don’t Tell You

We believed them when they said the HPV vaccine was safe
We believed them
when they said the
HPV vaccine was safe

Lotte Amit has not lived a proper life for two years since she had the HPV vaccine against cervical cancer. Tragically, her story is one of a growing number that suggests there is something terribly wrong with the vaccine

Charlotte (Lotte) Amit never had the MMR vaccine. She suffers from hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland) and her parents, Sue and Ian, thought it best not to vaccinate. But they didn’t have the same doubts when they received the standard letter from the local doctor’s surgery for Lotte to have the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine against cervical cancer.

“Certainly, we were surprised to receive it because Lotte was only 15 and she definitely wasn’t sexually active. I queried it and they told us it was a safeguard for the future. We had complete faith that this was for her good, and that it was safe and that the doctor knew what was in the vaccine,” said Sue, of St Austell, Cornwall.

Lotte had the first two of the three-course Gardasil vaccine in the autumn of 2012. After the second jab, she started spinning her hands around for several minutes. She kept complaining of tingling in her hands and wrists. It reminded Sue of the behavior she regularly witnessed in the special-needs children she cared for as a care agency director.

This strange behaviour lasted for only a couple of days, so Lotte was given the third and final vaccine the following year, in March 2013. Two days afterwards, the nightmare began, said Sue. Lotte would roll around on the floor for 10 minutes three or four times a day, screaming with the pain in her hands and feet. Ian and Sue gave her painkillers, but they didn’t seem to help.

Lotte, who had always been a vibrant and energetic girl, suddenly became very lethargic and couldn’t get out of bed, and would sleep for the entire morning. Her periods stopped abruptly.

She also developed a strange obsessive–compulsive problem: whenever anyone sniffed, she felt excruciating pain in her hands and feet. This got so bad that she often ran out of the house at all hours of the day or night, once when she was naked.

The local police eventually found her hiding in some woods. “Looking back, I think some association built up when someone sniffed while she was in pain,” said Sue. Sue and Ian said it was “painfully obvious” that the HPV vaccine was to blame. They took Lotte to the family doctor who had administered the jabs. “He just told us to get on with it,” said Sue. Convinced that Lotte’s problems were a form of hysteria, the doctor referred her to a psychiatrist, who prescribed antianxiety drugs, including Risperdal (risperidone).

One evening, Sue was lying against Lotte’s chest and noticed she had an irregular heartbeat; using a heart monitor, she realized she was skipping four beats out of every 10. Doctors at an emergency unit told them she had a systolic heart murmur, which wasn’t life-threatening.

They also took her to a local homeopathic clinic, where the homeopathic toxicologist there told them that Lotte’s nervous system, ovaries, kidneys and liver were damaged. He treated her for several months, and Sue noticed a big improvement in Lotte.

He also advised Lotte to start drinking spring water, as the silica in the water binds to aluminium, which was one of the ingredients of the vaccine. After drinking several litres of water every day for a few days, Lotte had her first period in a long time. “I think she has had three proper periods in two years since having the vaccine,” said Sue.

Sue had to pull Lotte from school last year just three months before she was due to sit her GCSE exams, and have her hometutored. She ended up with five low-grade GCSEs, and got a D for her science when she had been predicted a B. She started college last September, but had to leave because of her phobia of hearing people sniffing. Lotte is now studying ancient history and classical archaeology at home as a distance-learning student.

Today, Lotte, 17, is learning to cope with her phobia, and Sue says she’s showing signs of some recovery, although nobody knows if she will ever fully recover or even be able to start a family of her own. “While we’re extremely angry that Lotte’s life was almost ruined by the Gardasil vaccine, we’re just thankful she’s not permanently in a wheelchair or dead, which we know has happened to too many young girls who were given the HPV vaccine, having been told it was perfectly safe.”

Read What Doctors Don’t Tell You here.

This article in it’s entirety, is complements of

Lotte, you are a very brave girl and thank heavens you have such supportive parents.

I am so sorry you are having to go through this complicated and painful ordeal.  You will undoubtedly help other kids from enduring these pains through sharing your story.

What a good move to attend a homeopathic toxicologist.  It is great to hear that you and your parents are searching for the best healing modalities for you and the success you are receiving.

I have a menu option on my site called Featured Doctors. 

You will find that I have links to various health practitioners with experience in this area.  Many times distance is not an issue.

Below is a link to additional practitioners with experience in this area as well.

SaneVax medical professional listing

Your diligence and determination is an inspiration to me and many others.

I know as you continue trekking forward, and keep the Lord by your side, that you will not be alone and you will see beautiful things happen. 

It might be hard to say that now, but the hardship you face will become easier as you see His hand in your life.  He loves you and will help you.

Here is a musical piece that I hope you enjoy.  God bless, and keep your sites on Him.

your friend jen.

Michele Rivasi addresses the Gardasil scandal in Europe#android#iPad#retweet

[Note from SaneVax: What is the justification for using HPV vaccines? What is the benefit/risk profile? What place do HPV vaccines have in the cervical cancer prevention strategy, and at what cost? Is Gardasil a cervical cancer vaccine or a cancer of policies? Where are medical ethics in cervical cancer prevention plans? More than 200 European doctors signed a letter to parliament asking for a moratorium on the use of HPV vaccines until these questions are resolved.

On April 9,2015, Michelé Rivasi, European Ecology MEP, delivered a presentation to the European Parliament on behalf of more than 200 European physicians demanding answers to these questions. Ms. Rivasi calls for a parliamentary mission to provide those answers.

Read the translation of her presentation below, kindly provided by Helen Kimball-Brooke.]

Presentation by Michele Rivasi, European Ecology MEP

Michele Rivasi, MEP

It is an honour for me to receive Dr. Philippe de Chazournes today in the Parisian offices of the European Parliament.  Dr. de Chazournes has fought long and hard as spokesperson for doctors in the current scandal linked to the Gardasil vaccine, the famous Sanofi-Pasteur MSD vaccine against certain strains of the human papillomavirus which can cause cancer.  A large number of doctors have signed his open letter to Marisol Touraine, Minister of Social Affairs, expressing their fears around the idea of doubling the vaccination rate of young girls with a vaccine whose effectiveness is scientifically controversial.  Some of them are here today and I thank them for this.  They are demanding a parlementary mission to clarify this question.  Last April, I personally asked for a moratorium, i.e. that we stop mass vaccination with this vaccine until in-depth research can be performed on its benefits, risks and effectiveness.

Vaccine safety is being increasingly questioned as a general rule.  Between 2005 and 2010, the proportion of French people in favour or very in favour of vaccination dropped from 90% to 60% (2013 INPES Peretti-Waterl health barometer).  The percentage of French between the ages of 18 and 75 who are anti-vaccination increased from 8.5% in 2005 to 38.2% in 2010.  In 2005, 58% of doctors apparently questioned the usefulness of vaccines administered to children while 31% of doctors were expressing doubts about vaccine safety.  These figures must surely have increased since then.

Alongside this dramatic slump in confidence, research carried out worldwide – here in France by R. – K. Gherardi and F.-J. Authier, in Canada by C. Shaw and L. Tomljenovic, in North America by S. Seneff and S.-H. Lee, in Israel by Y. Shoenfeld and in the UK by C. Exley and others – blames the dangerous toxicity of the aluminium salts used as adjuvants in vaccines.

The injection of these aluminium salts could be the cause of the considerable and unexplained increase in the number of pathologies because they migrate through the body until they reach and accumulate in the brain.  In certain predisposed individuals, very serious adverse effects have been observed following vaccination: death, convulsions, fainting, autistic disorders, Guillain-Barre syndrome, transverse myelitis, facial paralysis, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune diseases, pulmonary embolisms, macrophagic myofasciitis, pancreatitis and others.

Having seen the work of E3M, an organisation formed by macrophagic Myofasciitis victims, I felt the need to bring this subject up within the European Parliament.  Macrophagic myofasciitis is a little known but extremely disabling disease caused by the aluminium salts in vaccines.

Without being totally against the actual principle of vaccination, I feel that it is essential for our vaccine policy to be specified with the greatest of transparency and that the voices of vaccine victims be heard so that appropriate responses may be given: urgent and heavy research financing and provision of a basic vaccine which is aluminium-free in particular.

I therefore invited scientists and specialists in this area to come speak to us about their work on Gardasil during a press conference at the Parisian offices of the European Parliament, last April.

Over the last seven years, nearly two million young women between the ages of 13 and 26 have received at least one dose of this vaccine, 65% of which is reimbursed by the French Social Security… while its effectiveness has still not been proven.  Since then, an increasing number of young girls claim that it has made them ill and the matter is taking on a European dimension.

Marisol Touraine, French Health Minister,

This article in it’s entirety, is complements of