Vaccine injury fund tops $3.5 billion, as patients fight for payment#android#iPad#retweet

By Jessica Boehm

WASHINGTON – When Phoenix nurse Tarah Gramza realized that her daughter’s autoimmune disorder may have been caused by a vaccine, she looked into suing the vaccine manufacturer.

Then she learned that the government won’t let her.

Instead, Gramza is beginning what could be a years-long legal battle with the U.S. government, trying to get an infinitesimal slice of the $3.5 billion fund set aside to compensate people who have adverse reactions to vaccines.

Gramza, like most Americans, had never heard of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program – the trust fund that’s financed by a 75-cent tax on each dose of vaccines that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends for children.

The program started in the 1980s after a number of vaccine manufacturers threatened to pull out of the United States in the face of a growing number of lawsuits.

In order to protect the vaccine supply, and keep the majority of Americans immune to possibly devastating disease, Congress pledged to protect the manufacturers from lawsuits.

But some say that solution – the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program – is not living up to its promises. It’s complicated, litigious and time-consuming – and often ends without any compensation at all.

“There’s no part of it that’s easy,” said Renee Gentry, president of the Vaccine Injured Petitioners Bar Association. “It’s knock-down, drag-out fighting at every step.”…

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200 Evidence-Based Reasons NOT To Vaccinate – FREE Research PDF Download!#android#iPad#retweet

Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder

It is abundantly clear that if the present-day vaccine climate, namely, that everyone must comply with the CDC’s one-size-fits-all vaccination schedule or be labeled a health risk to society at large, is to succumb to open and balanced discussion, it is the peer-reviewed biomedical evidence itself that is going to pave the way towards making rational debate on the subject happen.

With this aim in mind, has painstakingly collected over 300 pages of study abstracts culled directly from the National Library of Medicine’s bibliographic database on the wide-ranging adverse health effects linked to vaccines in the today’s schedule (over 200 distinct adverse effects, including death), as well as numerous studies related to vaccine contamination, and vaccine failure in highly vaccine compliant populations.

This is the literature that the media, politicians and governmental health organizations like the CDC, pretend with abject dishonesty does not exist – as if vaccine injury did not happen, despite the over 3 billion dollars our government has paid out to vaccine injured through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund since it was inaugurated in 1986.

We have written extensively about this research previously, highlighting different studies, focusing on translating their implications to the lay persons (view our vaccine article section here), but we believe that collecting and condensing solely the primary literature itself makes a much more powerful statement…

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U.S. Rates Worse for Maternal Health#android#iPad#retweet

Despite advanced medical technology, US trails in maternal health
According to a new report conducted by the State of the World Mother’s, the United States ranks 33 out of 179 countries surveyed for maternal health. [1]

Just last year, the U.S. was at 31. How can a country so developed be drastically behind other countries in taking care of mothers and their newborns? Could it be the medical establishment in the country that is driving the maternal health crisis, or something far more hidden and obscure?

Maternal Health Even Worse in United States

One out of 1,800 women each year dies during or following childbirth, representing the worst maternal death rate of any developed nation…

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Personally, I think that women and babies are best suited in a calm and secure birthing environment.

I admire the strong woman that choose home births.  I would think that one’s home would have germs that the mother and baby are familiar with as well.

Another nice option are hospitals that offer mid-wives.  It would seem you would have the best of both worlds, though the busy atmosphere of a changing, and rushed staff can be a challenge.

I have heard of birthing centers in the Norwegian countries that allow doctors as well.

I prefer a mid-wife, but to have a doctor on hand would be considerate of the mother and child’s health.

Birth preferences are unique to the mother and family, and having the options for all involved, just make sense.


Breaking News: Vaccine Tragedy in Mexico#android#iPad#retweet

By Mario Lamo-Jiménez, Guest Author

May 8, 2015: The indigenous municipality of Simojovel, in the state of Chiapas, Mexico reported the death of two babies after the administration of vaccines against hepatitis B (HepB), tuberculosis (BCG), and rotavirus.

Within hours of receiving the vaccines, 37 babies out of a total of 52 vaccinated had adverse reactions; some began to convulse with the tragic result of two dead and 37 hospitalized, 13 of whom reported to be in critical condition.

According to the Catholic organization Pueblo Creyente, the dead included a 30-day-old girl and a 28-day-old boy.

The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) ordered the preventive suspension of the BCG (Tuberculosis), Rotavirus and Hepatitis B vaccine, after what they suspect were allergic reactions to the vaccines administered to the minors in Chiapas.

Although this news has been widely disseminated in the Spanish-language press, it has been virtually ignored by the English-language press.

What is wrong with this picture?

A recent outbreak of measles originating in Disneyland with no fatalities received world-wide media coverage and calls for legislation resulting in a heated battle regarding public vaccination policies.

A vaccination incident in Mexico which negatively impacted nearly 80% of the recipients, resulting in two deaths, 37 hospitalizations and 13 babies fighting for their lives has not been reported to the community at large and is certainly not being reported in other countries, particularly the United States.

Is this lack of media coverage because vaccines are promoted as “safe and effective” and no one wants to tarnish that image?

Is the lack of media coverage because it would negatively impact efforts to make vaccines mandatory and affect the profits of vaccine manufacturers and various other stakeholders?

It is crucial that the international community be informed of these deaths and of the fact that these vaccines have as of now been suspended in Mexico. It is an essential part of the universal right to informed consent.

Mothers in Simojevel are now asking themselves how safe these vaccines can be if they can kill perfectly healthy children within hours, and also leave many more in a very precarious health condition.

The municipality if Simojevel has historically been besieged by drug traffickers with their religious leaders have received death threats. It seems the only state intervention so far has been to promote these vaccinations, with the reported catastrophic results.

When will human lives become more important than vaccine uptake?

Read this article in Spanish here.

Business Standard reports two killed 37 sickened after reactions to vaccines in Mexico
IMSS suspended Tuberculosis vaccine, Rotavirus and Hepatitis B after events in Chiapas
IMSS will investigate poisoning of children in Chiapas after being vaccinated

Article in it’s entirety, is compliments of


Why more attacks on those who chose to avoid vaccines matter to you#android#iPad#retweet

The Disneyland measles outbreak is now officially over. But the whole affair is not over. Big Pharma is pushing their vaccines more than ever. And why shouldn’t they? How would you like it if you had a patent on a drug that was approved to be used on every single man, woman, and child even if they were well? Big Pharma has that in vaccines. And how about if you got the government to protect you from any liability in the event that your drug caused damage or death? Big Pharma has that as well. And how about if you got the insurance industry to pay for the drug? Check, they have that too. And finally, how about if you got the government to force everyone to take the drug? That would really be great. The money would roll in like crazy without any risk or liability. The perfect scenario for a drug company. But here’s the problem. They don’t have that — yet!

No they don’t have it yet, but they are busy working on that little problem. Just recently, legislators in California…


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Babies in the U.S. Being Force Vaccinated by Relatives behind Parents’ Backs#android#iPad#retweet

Health Impact News Editor

KS95 radio in Minneapolis Minnesota talked to a woman calling into their show recently who admitted that she took her 18 month old nephew into a doctor to have him vaccinated because her sister and brother-in-law did not believe in vaccines. She admitted that her sister did not know she had done this. 

The woman explained that she was watching her nephew for a few days while the parents were traveling, and decided to take him to a doctor and get him vaccinated.

Listen to her explanation for doing so in the audio below…

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Vaccine controversy shows we need markets, not mandates#android#iPad#retweet


 If I were still a practicing ob-gyn and one of my patients said she was not going to vaccinate her child, I might try to persuade her to change her mind. But, if I were unsuccessful, I would respect her decision. I certainly would not lobby the government to pass a law mandating that children be vaccinated even if the children’s parents object. Sadly, the recent panic over the outbreak of measles has led many Americans, including some self-styled libertarians, to call for giving government new powers to force all children to be vaccinated.

Those who are willing to make an “exception” to the principle that parents should make health-care decisions for their children should ask themselves when, in history, has a “limited” infringement on individual liberty stayed limited…

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Senator Nancy Schaefer: Did her Fight Against CPS Child Kidnapping Cause her Murder?#android#iPad#retweet

 …In one county in my District, I arranged a meeting for thirty-seven families to speak freely and without fear. These poor parents and grandparents spoke of their painful, heart wrenching encounters with DFCS. Their suffering was overwhelming. They wept and cried. Some did not know where their children were and had not seen them in years. I had witnessed the “Gestapo” at work and I witnessed the deceitful conditions under which children were taken in the middle of the night, out of hospitals, off of school buses, and out of homes…

…I have come to the conclusion:

  • that poor parents often times are targeted to lose their children because they do not have the where-with-all to hire lawyers and fight the system. Being poor does not mean you are not a good parent or that you do not love your child, or that your child should be removed and placed with strangers…

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