Hear what one of our sharpFeatured Doctorshas to say in the following clip. She is joined by other physicians that have had success worth studying further.
Dr. Dashore, having spoken at some of the biggest Lyme conferences, has now turned some of her attention to an equally formidable foe, mold. This is a huge problem all over the world, but particularly in the Northeast of the United States, where we have the combination of lots of precipitation and old wooden houses.
In this podcast you will learn
The new data on the scourge of mold on chronic disease
The common symptoms associated with mold toxicity
Best testing, protocols and tips for adding mold strategies to your practice
It has been known for many years that the World Health Organization is one of the most unethical organizations on the planet. They have been committing crimes against humanity for decades. What I am going to describe to you now is, in my opinion, one of their most heinous acts to date.
I am going to demonstrate through evidence, given to The Liberty Beacon in an interview, just how far this organization is prepared to go to cover up the truth, mislead the public and cause deliberate harm to millions of vulnerable girls and women in the developing world.
I look forward to attending Dr. Brady’s Salt Lake City E.O.S. clinic. My family and I have had lasting health success from the clinic where Dr. Brady works and the mode of healing that he has taught other physicians.
Dr. Brady is an alternative medicine doctor who specializes in emotional and nutritional therapies. He teaches one-day seminars on how to muscle test and clear emotional energy from the body. The workshop is one on one training where he works with you to develop the skill of muscle testing and teaches you his emotional clearing techniques step-by-step.
Included in the seminar is a raw food lunch from Omar’s Rawtopia and an emotional healing workbook. If you are interested in learning how to self-test or test on others, and clear subconscious emotional energy in a hands-on format, this is the workshop for you.
This is one type of modality that a number of vaccine-injured have found healing through along with general balancing/strengthening of the immune system. This type of healing reaches a wide scope of health scenarios.
These are great tools to add to your professional and personal health arsenal.
The cost is $199 and if you are interested in attending or would like more information, you can email Dr. Brady at eosworkshop@gmail.com.
More than 1.2 million people in the United States are infected with HIV 1 but government officials do not ban HIV infected children and adults from attending school, receiving medical care, being employed, or otherwise participating in society. In fact, there are anti-discrimination laws that guarantee civil rights protections for Americans infected with HIV or living with AIDS. 2
No Discrimination or Societal Sanctions for Infected Citizens
In 2012, public health officials reported that about two million people in America are infected with chlamydia, tuberculosis, syphilis and gonorrhea, 3 and they estimate another three million people are infected with hepatitis C. 4 Like those with HIV or AIDS, these citizens are not targeted for discrimination and blocked from getting a public education, being employed or moving freely in society.
Live Polio Vaccinated Children Could Still Attend School
Between 1963 and 1999, doctors gave live oral polio vaccine to millions of healthy American children, who became infected with vaccine strain polioviruses they shed in their body fluids and transmitted, sometimes causing other children and adults to contract vaccine strain polio paralysis and die. 56 Those with compromised immune systems were at special risk for getting vaccine strain polio and shedding vaccine strain poliovirus for longer periods of time than healthy persons. Yet, children recently given live oral polio vaccine were not excluded from attending school.
Calls for Societal Sanctions After Measles Diagnosed at Disneyland
But in 2015 after a handful of measles cases were identified at Disneyland, suddenly Americans are being asked to surrender civil liberties. We are being asked to discriminate against and condone extreme societal sanctions against fellow citizens, 7 including removing religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions from state laws 89 so children cannot attend school without 49 doses of 14 federally recommended vaccines by age six and 20 more vaccinations by age 18. 10
How did a handful of measles cases at Disneyland turn into a full-scale assault on civil and human rights in America?…
Merck, the pharmaceutical giant, is facing a slew of controversies over its Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine following numerous allegations of wrongdoing from different parties in the medical field, including two former Merck scientists-turned-whistleblowers. A third whistleblower, this one a scientist at the Centers for Disease Control, also promises to bring Merck grief following his confession of misconduct involving the same MMR vaccine.
The controversies will find Merck defending itself and its vaccine in at least two federal court cases after a U.S. District judge earlier this month threw out Merck’s attempts at dismissal. Merck now faces federal charges of fraud from the whistleblowers, a vaccine competitor and doctors in New Jersey and New York. Merck could also need to defend itself in Congress: The staff of representative Bill Posey (R-Fla) — a longstanding critic of the CDC interested in an alleged link between vaccines and autism — is now reviewing some 1,000 documents that the CDC whistleblower turned over to them.
The first court case, United States v. Merck & Co., stems from claims by two former Merck scientists that Merck “fraudulently misled the government and omitted, concealed, and adulterated material information regarding the efficacy of its mumps vaccine in violation of the FCA [False Claims Act].”
According to the whistleblowers’ court documents, Merck’s misconduct was far-ranging…
When did it become okay to make fun of anyone? When as a society did we start to accept people making fun or belittling each other? It isn’t okay for children to bully each other at school nor is it okay for adults to bully, make fun of, or belittle each other through their Facebook account.
It does not matter if you love or hate vaccines. I was taught growing up if you do not have anything nice to say then you do not say anything at all. I am not anti-medicine, science, or vaccines. I am however very anti-bullying, making fun of people, and bashing others because they have a different opinion.
We are all parents trying to make the best decisions for our children. Parenting is hard enough the way it is without parents making fun of each other.
I know the vaccine issue is a hot topic right now, but I have seen so much belittling from the pro-vaccine camp lately that it has pushed me over the edge. I have been seeing people post the late show host video of him bashing anti-vaxers. I normally keep scrolling when someone posts something that I do not agree with, but it is people posting how funny and great they think the video is. I do not find it funny when someone ridicules or makes fun of people.
Most, but not all, of the parents who do not vaccinate fall into one of these categories…
Our healthy active funny daughter became just that! I share our story hoping our experience will save another from becoming “one less” healthy child.
Our fifteen year old daughter, Leah is vaccine injured. It all began March 30th 2011. Leah was 11 years old, soon to be 12. We had been referred to an Adolescent doctor so Leah could be placed on oral contraceptives to help prevent cysts from forming on her ovaries.
A month prior, February 20, 2011 Leah had an Oophorectomy losing her left ovary. We were told since we had just gone through this scary ordeal, in order to keep her healthy we needed to vaccinate with the Gardasil vaccine.
Trusting in doctors and believing what they recommend is best, I never questioned their belief that this was a “must” for Leah’s health. After all, Leah had received all her recommended vaccines prior to Gardasil. What could we possibly have to worry about?
First, I have to tell you Leah has a very high tolerance for pain. The only way I knew I needed to take her to the hospital in February was because she was clammy and dry heaving. The surgeon who performed the Oophorectomy came and told us after, that she should have been in excruciating pain.
She laughed when telling Leah, “I tells my kids to quit complaining all the time, but YOU need to complain and let us know when something is wrong in your body. You know your body best and when something is off let mom and dad know!”
Recovery went smooth and we then were released and referred to the adolescent doctor for all of Leah’s follow-up care.
March 30, Leah received the first shot in the Gardasil series from Lot number #1437z. After we left the paediatrician’s office Leah said she felt sick to her stomach. I thought due to being only 4 weeks post-op she was going to feel a little ill from the car ride. But, by the time we got home she was nauseous and bloated.
I called the doctor and was told it all stemmed back to the surgery. They had removed her left ovary, so she probably was having effects from the anaesthesia that was used during the surgery. We didn’t question the response and left it at that.
The following four months she continued to have severe abdominal pain, bloating, nausea and feeling full after just a few bites of food. I called again during this time and was told because of the removal of the left ovary she was just feeling her body adjust to what her insides were adapting to with more room. They assured me it was normal and there was no cause for concern.
August 8, 2011, Leah received her second Gardasil shot from lot number 1271z. We didn’t mention anything about her new medical conditions during this visit because they had already given an explanation over the phone to why she was experiencing these symptoms.
For the next four months Leah’s symptoms did not improve. Every time she ate she felt sick. She was always nauseous and her stomach was extremely bloated. I start researching her symptoms and then became worried it might be ovarian cancer. All of her new symptoms pointed in that direction. Never once did I feel it was the vaccine. Doctors were all guiding me back to the Oophorectomy.
December 12, 2011, Leah receives the third and final dose of the HPV vaccine series from Lot# 1261AA. By this appointment I was very concerned with Leah’s health. She had continued to have the severe abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, feeling full, headaches came and went, and she was not sleeping well.
In order to appease me, doctors told me they would do a cat scan to make sure her right ovary was all right. I asked them to do a blood test, CA125. This would measure the protein in the blood, detecting early signs of ovarian cancer. I was told that it would come back positive because she had just had the Oophorectomy. So it would not be accurate to do the testing.
I will be honest, I hadn’t researched to see how long it would take from the time of the surgery for her to keep testing positive, if it would at all? I did keep questioning them. Again, I trusted them and thought they knew best. After all, they have the degree, I don’t…..right??
Cat scan came back normal. Everything looked fine. We were told to hydrate and make sure she was moving her bowels. They changed the oral contraceptives thinking that would help relieve some of the symptoms.
All of 2012 Leah continued with the same symptoms. I kept telling her to push through because they said nothing was wrong. She is constantly coming to me with aches and pains, here and there…arms will hurt, legs hurt, feels funny. I ask my husband if we have made her a complainer since the surgery. I tell Leah she doesn’t have to tell me every time she hurts somewhere.
Looking back on this now, breaks my heart to think I ignored a lot of symptoms she was actually having. Like I said before, her pain tolerance is high, she wasn’t physically showing how bad the pain was or crying in pain, it was more of “matter of fact” so, I played it down instead of really listening.
The end of 2012 I take Leah to an actual OB/GYN. She had never stopped complaining with all of the symptoms from the last year. I was still scared and thinking it was Ovarian Cancer. This new doctor spoke with Leah and me and said she would order an MRI and double check that everything was okay. Leah to this date has never had an actual Pap screening concerning her cervix or uterus. MRI was normal and this doctor put her on yet another new contraceptive. Said a low oestrogen would help with the pain and the headaches.
During this whole time since her Oophorectomy, Leah has never had a normal cycle. She would bleed for maybe a day and it was always black blood. Of course they say this is normal and all due to the contraceptives; always assuring me that everything is fine.
The whole year of 2013 Leah continues to just push through the pain. The doctors say make sure she is hydrated, that her bowels move, it’s the contraceptives or normal teenage hormones. Her medication is changed several times trying to see if that would improve symptoms. It never did.
By the end of 2013 Leah is complaining about her vision. She does wear prescription glasses/contacts so I made an appointment to have her eyes checked out.
Before I tell the rest, I have forgotten to tell you about who Leah truly is… Leah is an honor roll student. She loves to read and write stories. She will finish a book in just under a day. She was active in 4H and loved taking animals to our county fair. She has taken pigs, rabbits and goats as well as creative writing. Excels in her studies and plays various sports.
You will laugh in her presence when you don’t feel like it because she will do or say something silly to change your mood. She is very outgoing and always makes friends wherever she goes. She is always laughing and singing 80’s music.
The year of 2011/12 she was playing with the local YMCA club volleyball, basketball and softball for her middle school along with travel softball in the summer. She continued with the softball for the school and the travel ball throughout the next two and half years. Softball is her favourite!!
She was excited for the summer of 2014. It was to be a great summer before becoming a sophomore in high school. Players were starting to write to different colleges that they would be interested in attending and possibly to play softball for. They would write to the head coaches and explain they were interested in playing for them while attending their college. Asking for them to come and watch them play for their travel ball teams, in hope of gaining their respect by wanting them to represent their school. Hoping they would keep in touch during the rest of their high school years.
When your academic scores are high and you play ball well enough, colleges are pleased to offer scholarships. Leah was taking this very seriously. One of the colleges Leah wrote to, Rhodes in TN, came to Ohio and watched her play. She was ecstatic and that just made her want to strive harder. She pushed through last summer playing in more pain than before, but worth the pain for the sheer joy of a sport she loves and was wanting to continue playing through college.
We are now in the beginning of 2014. It is January and her vision had changed so we order new contacts and glasses. The Optometrist never questioned anything out of the norm when examining Leah. Wrote a new script and we were on our way.
Leah’s headaches were increasing and not leaving her at all. She is still suffering from the severe abdominal pain, bloating, feeling full, and nausea. She was now having blurred vision even with her new script. Doctors were saying the contraceptives will cause eye issues. Nothing they could do.
She starts having bladder spasms and feels like she always has a bladder infection. When doctors sample her urine we are told just traces of white blood count and that she doesn’t have an infection.
Sharp shooting pains down through her groin. Her right hip is always hurting. We are told over and over to make sure she hydrates!
It is February and she is conditioning for softball. She is having difficulty keeping up. Feeling as though she wants to pass out. Not able to keep her breaths regulated. Of course we are told she needs to hydrate and she had taken the winter off so she was out of shape.
This continues the rest of the school year. She keeps pushing through just so she can play ball. School is over end of May. Travel ball conditioning starts up. Her headaches are more severe along with all the other symptoms. She is experiencing all over pain that won’t go away. She sleeps the day away until it is almost time to go to ball practice. She practices two to three times a week and plays all day on the weekends.
I have noticed that she sits more when not playing. She will come and sit with me, not wanting to join in with the others. Not just at ball but when we are out as well, she will not leave my side. She starts acting like she is afraid to do anything by herself.
Headaches get so severe we go to the ER. Right away they see that her optic nerves are swollen. They call in an Ophthalmologist and he confirms what they see. They do a CT on her head, it shows normal so they ask us to come into the office the next day for more abrasive testing. Next day all tests come back fine.
They tell us to give it a month and come back for recheck. If they are still swollen but no change in tests then it is a birth defect.
THIS is when I finally wake up! How can it be a birth defect if the eye doctor didn’t see it back in the beginning of the year? Or when we were at the doctors for bladder pain?? Doctors always check your eyes, wouldn’t they had seen it then?
I was ignored and asked to schedule for a month out. Meanwhile, we were referred to a Headache clinic.
This Clinic acknowledged what other doctors saw and said her headaches were more than likely genetic headaches. Take some pain reliever and rest, along with drink more water!!
Even with Leah’s pain she still pushed through. She wouldn’t take any type of pain reliever. Said it didn’t help, so why take it? She hides the pain well, so I would just try and make sure she was staying hydrated.
Ball season comes to an end…School will be starting in a week. She is sleeping more. Emotions are all over. She acts like she is still afraid of everything. She won’t even walk by herself from the car to a friend’s front door. Wants me to walk with her??? Wherever I am she wants to be. Not wanting me to leave her side. She is becoming anxious, having lucid dreams. Trouble sleeping, pain is all over her body. She is waking up drenched in sweat. Cold and hot throughout the day. She feels as though her body cannot support her own weight. Tremors in her arms legs and face. Her hands and feet keep going numb. She was having low grade fevers and all the symptoms she has had for the last three years have increased.
She is changing from once a healthy girl to one that can’t even get out of bed. It is August 2014, her sophomore year starts and she is excited. She is planning on getting her temps in October, attending homecoming and playing fall travel ball.
Leah comes home from school exhausted. She falls asleep right away and wakes up in more pain than before. She says she is hurting so bad at school she has a hard time concentrating and understanding what the teachers are saying. She’s having a hard time hiding the pain from her friends. As she walks to each class she says she feels as though she is going to pass out. She’s still having severe back pain and new pains going down into legs. Lights hurt her eyes while inside and when she steps outside the pain shoots through her head making it difficult to see. Lights are too bright all over. The sun is torture. Her legs are having more spasms and her heart keeps racing even when sitting still. She started to just stare off into space and writing words over and over in her school work like she is stuttering, not realizing this until she reads her work.
Research came to my attention about the Gardasil vaccine and adverse reactions. When Leah came home from school one day I asked her to please write everything down, all her pains and odd things that was happening with her body. I told her I believed it was all happening because of this shot.
I made an appointment with her pediatrician and started to research. The more I researched I was certain this was what was happening.
When we saw the doctor she didn’t think that was the case. I told her there was a lot of research out there and how was it that Leah’s symptoms were the same as what was happening to all the other children claiming it was the vaccine as well??? The only common factor was the GARDASIL.
She listened and because of all of Leah’s symptoms she referred us on to several specialists. She ordered what blood work she was able to do. Said she would look into it and would be in touch.
I requested the lot numbers from her adolescent doctor and checked them from a study I found on SaneVax. Dr. Lee had done a study back in 2012 and found several lots to be contaminated with a non B conformation DNA attached to the aluminium adjuvant.
I wasn’t sure what all that meant, but reading through all the information I could find, I started seeing that this shot was sheer poison. When I checked Leah’s lots against what Dr Lee had tested I started to cry. There in black and white was the very first lot number that Dr Lee had tested-the same lot Leah had been injected with!
I was sick. I was mad. Then I realized I had Proof!
As I continued my search for the truth about this vaccine, I was discovering that thousands among thousands all over the world were injured the same as my daughter. Some far worse than her. None that I had found had one of the lot numbers in the study. That told me that EVERY LOT of this senseless vaccine could have the same contaminates as the one in the study!
We have been to eleven different specialists. Most of the tests all come back normal. A few have discovered some type of medical disorder. I have to say that I guess I wanted to rule out any major diagnosis. Doctors are quick to get you out of their office once you mention the possibility of vaccine injury. We are left feeling our only hope is a Bio Medical doctor that does not treat from a pharmaceutical manual. I have lost all trust and respect for any doctor that treats and diagnoses their patients from those manuals.
We were not treated with respect and care. We were told there was no way the Gardasil vaccine could be the reason for all of Leah’s new symptoms. Some even questioned why we would even consider a biomedical doctor. Most found it hard to believe Leah was having all of these symptoms at the same time. Several referred us to a psychiatrist!
I had a phone conversation with one of the psychologists, let’s just say once I started describing what was happening to my daughter and how I had PROOF, they were NOT going to diagnose her with Conversion disorder!
Our conversation ended with, “I am so sorry you and your daughter are going through all of this. My services are not needed at this time. If you feel like you would need for Leah to ever talk to someone, please let us know!”
WOW!!! Thanks doctor for the wonderful concern!
My daughter IS VACCINE INJURED from the HPV vaccine GARDASIL. She has been diagnosed with Lyme disease, metabolic disorder, immune deficiency, and encephalopathy, chronic gastritis with pre-cancerous cells throughout her stomach and colon, and ovarian failure.
She has several ACTIVE viruses within her system which include; Bartonella, babesia, coxsackie B, francisella tularensis, and HPV-6. The HPV-6 was a strain that this senseless vaccine was to fight against!!!
She is heavily toxin with heavy metals that do not want to leave her body. We are receiving treatment and trying to detox her body. Hopefully one day soon Leah will be her Healthy, Active, Funny self.
I urge you if you have not yet received the vaccine, DONT!!! DON’T LET YOUR CHILD Become “ONE LESS” HEALTHY ACTIVE TEENAGER!
Research for yourself and look at the prescribing information that comes with each vaccine. I promise you, if you do you will never vaccinate your loved ones again, with any vaccine!
If you are injured as well from this horrific vaccine, I am truly sorry! You have found HOPE by finding this site.
I promise to ALL of you that are injured, I WILL NOT STOP FIGHTING TO GET THE WORD OUT! I will go to whatever lengths I must to prove to the WORLD what is happening to our children is unethical and needs to STOP!!
Shannon and Leah, it was hard to read through the piled on adversity you have been through. You are strong women, and have endured this time amazingly well.
I am so glad you have locatedSaneVax, they are angels, and have expertise in healing from vaccine injuries.
I have aFeatured Doctorsmenu option as well, with doctors that have experience in this area. I hope the tide has turned and things only improve for you from here.
I chose the following artistic piece for you being it hits on the depth of pain you must endure at times, and the reminder that, “Whoever saves one life saves the world entire.” A great man was given a gold ring with that phrase engraved on the inside for his generous, and courageous acts as seen in the film, “Schindler’s List”.
For you to take the time, with all you face each day, to reach out, and to save other teens from the tragedy of the Gardasil/Cervarix vaccines is touching. I am certain that you will save another in this effort.
I hope your testimonies travel far, and that Leah, you receive all the care that you need.
You will be stronger from this, and I believe you can receive miracles in many different ways.
Being that you are putting your trust in God, you will never be alone and he will guide your every step. God bless, your friend, jen.
For the past four months, the Bay Area News Group has been documenting the alarming use of psychiatric medications in California’s foster care system — and the impact on thousands of vulnerable kids who suffer the consequences.
Here, in Part 5 of our investigative series “Drugging Our Kids,” we present a documentary video that gives voice to many of these young people, who say they were silenced during their youth by the powerful drugs.
From Los Angeles to the Bay Area to Humboldt County, reporter Karen de Sá and photographer Dai Sugano interviewed more than 175 people, including dozens of current and former foster youth who were frequently moved and heavily medicated by a system that struggled to manage their complicated childhoods.
Now, there’s a growing call for change among former foster youth, psychiatrists, public health nurses and youth advocates. The stories of lost childhoods and remarkable resilience provide compelling lessons on how California can better address their trauma and stop “Drugging Our Kids.”