Forced Adult Vaccinations at Federal Levels Comment Period Now#iBelieve#Android#Family

Catherine J. Frompovich
Activist Post

The U.S. Health and Human Services published a 46-page draft proposal and notice in the Federal Register recently regarding more mandated vaccines for adults, and especially pregnant females; employer-enforced adult vaccinations; and probably for getting faith-based groups to uptake and not oppose vaccines/vaccinations.

There is an open public comment period that ends March 9, 2015, for consumers to register their comments, etc. per instructions at this website.

How to file your comments

Electronic responses are preferred and may be addressed to:


Written responses should be addressed to: National Vaccine Program Office, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue SW., Room 733G, Washington, DC 20201. Attn: HHS Adult Immunization c/o Rebecca Fish.

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Gardasil: I thought I did enough research – I was wrong#Family#Android#iPad

By Karen, County Louth, Republic of Ireland

My daughter Laura has just turned 17 and is without doubt another girl whose life is ruined as a result of the HPV vaccine Gardasil. 

When Laura first brought home the consent form from school in 2010 I read it thoroughly. I also went on the World Health Organisation (WHO) website to educate myself about this vaccine as it was new here in Ireland and I didn’t know much about it. 

After reading their information and that supplied by our Health Services, I felt not only reassured that this was a safe vaccine but also that this was something very important for ‘my little girl’ and her future health. I stupidly thought that all details good and bad had to be printed so parents and girls could make properly informed choices.

Let’s not forget this vaccine is being promoted by our schools, Department of Education, the Health Service Executive Ireland (HSE) and WHO so one would think it must be good for all our children. Surely these reputable organizations wouldn’t take any chances with the lives and health of our next generation. I was satisfied I had done my research and taken all necessary precautions.

On the day of Laura’s first vaccination and indeed the following two injections, I was called to the school as Laura was feeling weak. This was to be expected as Laura was always squeamish about needles. In fact I had to do a lot of talking with her about the necessity of this vaccination to convince her to go through with having ‘a needle’. On the day there was also a lot of scare mongering amongst the students so I probably took it for granted that this had raised their anxieties and caused several of the girls to feel weak and unwell.

The vaccinating nurse told me to take her home, let her rest and she would be fine.

In the months that followed, Laura started phoning from school complaining of feeling unwell, faint and dizzy. We thought she was starting to experience menstrual problems for the first time although her periods were well established and not problematic before. The family doctor prescribed medication.

Laura was becoming tired all the time, her short term memory and concentration were deteriorating. She also started to experience food intolerances for the first time, in particular, yeast, gluten and dairy. Laura suffered visual disturbances and noise sensitivity. Burning muscles and joint pain were her constant companion. She was unable to continue with sports.

Before all this happened Laura played basketball for Drogheda Ladies and the school team. She loved to Kayak at the weekends and during school holidays, Laura was super-fit, active and happy. All extra-curricular and social activity had by now become impossible for her.

Even friends stopped calling as she didn’t have the strength to go out with them. Slowly life as Laura knew it was changing.

To put things in perspective, my mother in her 80’s was going out to day-care and Laura was lying in bed or on the couch. In fact on many an occasion we had to use my mother’s wheelchair for Laura when she hadn’t the energy to walk. It was plain for anyone to see something was very seriously wrong.

We started to visit our GP more and more although whilst growing up Laura only visited our doctor on a few occasions. No one seemed to have any idea what was going on, tests and more tests, nearly every box ticked on the blood forms. Every kind of sample you could imagine was requested, yet none of the results showed up anything. They all came back clear, indicating Laura was in good health.

Therefore no help, advice, medications or supplements were recommended. On every occasion we returned home deflated and our hopes dashed again and again.

I could no longer sleep at night with stress and worry. Instead, I found myself up in the middle of the night logging on to google looking for answers. Night after night I lay in bed racking my brains trying to figure out what happened. When exactly had things all started to go wrong and why?

Then in early 2012 for some reason the HPV vaccine came back to my mind. Could it possibly be the cause of all Laura’s health problems, the vaccine that I was so reassured about? Laura had been an exceptionally healthy child before this. And maybe I was very foolish to dismiss her weakness after the injections. I thought things were now fitting into place, the timing of her Gardasil vaccinations and the onset of symptoms etc.

As soon as I brought my suspicions to our family doctor he wrote a letter referring us to a consultant paediatrician, who after 5 minutes of interview dismissed my fears about the HPV vaccine and reassured me yet again that this was a very safe vaccine, he diagnosed ME/CFS and told Laura she would be better in 6 months.

Thank God we thought, light at the end of the tunnel and wonderful news – it’s not long term vaccine damage.

Laura just about managed to sit her junior certificate exams a month after this diagnosis with special provisions made for her by the department of education. Her results were very good under the circumstances but definitely did not reflect the top honours student she always was.

Six months started to roll on to 12 months and Laura was definitely not getting any better. In fact, by September 2013 she was no longer able to attend school, only now and again for a half day or a couple of classes at a time.

Weeks at a time went by with Laura lying in her bed, exhausted, but unable to get any kind of rejuvenating sleep, racked with pain and barely able to communicate. The weeks became months, we saw less of her around the house as she was spending most of her days in her bed. At her lowest point I found her younger brother Conor spoon feeding her as she didn’t have the strength or energy to feed herself. She moved into a spare bed in his room as she was lonely and afraid in her room on her own.

Meanwhile I kept researching ME/CFS trying different supplements etc. to try to help her, not all of her symptoms fit under the ME/CFS heading. That HPV vaccination came back to my mind again and again as being the cause of all her problems.

One night I typed in ‘HPV vaccination injury’ – ‘injury’ being the all-important word. This search lead me to hundreds of articles and sites on serious adverse reactions and long term side effects caused by HPV vaccination and in particular Gardasil, the very one Laura was injected with.

There it was right in front of me on my screen, thousands of girls like my Laura with similar symptoms, some worse and some who had actually died. I can barely read any more of these stories as I find them so painful. I’ve cried more than I thought ever possible. My God, the immeasurable guilt I feel every day for signing that consent form.

It’s now four years since Laura received her Gardasil vaccination. Through educating ourselves with useful information posted by other vaccine injured girls and their families, Laura is making improvements.

She follows a very strict diet, is trying to detox her system of heavy metals found in this vaccine. She gets acupuncture and vitamin B12 when she feels these will benefit her. She also found very high doses of top quality Omega 3 EPA to be very helpful.

Laura says, every year she feels sick to her stomach when she hears the first years being called to the hall for their HPV injections. Who could blame her? If she does recover from this and please God she will, Gardasil has taken away years of her life and experiences that can never be replaced.

There’s also the added worry of her fertility. Many of the other girls have experienced ovarian failure as young as 16.

As for Laura’s future, it is still unclear. She has made some improvement and is into the final 18 months in secondary school but still missing an awful lot of classes and even several days at a time. Every week she prioritises what classes she needs to attend and when she can fit in rest periods. She has her sights set high in terms of college points.

At this stage she herself feels she may have to defer for a few years. This is yet another blow but Laura rarely complains, just tries to stay realistic and upbeat…. I’m her mother and I’m no fool. I know there are times when it’s all a front because she doesn’t want to see me upset.

If we have learned anything positive from this horrendous life altering experience, it is that there are some very good people out there eager to help who have taken a genuine interest in Laura’s plight. But unfortunately no one seems to have the cure.

Please God by sharing our experiences we can all help one another.

Read this article in French here.

Karen and Laura, what strong woman you are and great examples to many others.  I am sorry you have faced such a distressing and life-altering situation.  Your strength and integrity shows through.  No doubt, others will read your story and will be spared from a like trial.  It is very kind for you to share such personal details.

I feel inspired and so will others to face life’s challenges head- on, and through working together we can minimize the hard effects.  I know that as you place your burdens on the Lord, he will lighten the load and guide you on paths that you probably don’t even know exist.

I am grateful you are in touch with the team at SaneVax.  They have huge hearts and have worked tirelessly to assist others in like situations.  I also have a Featured Doctors section  in my menu that has doctors who are familiar with vaccine damages and how to heal. 

God bless and please enjoy the musical art below.  Your friend, jen

Article in it’s entirety, is compliments of

Update: HPV vaccines and the Supreme Court of India#HPV#Vaccines#Android

 By Norma Erickson

January 2013, the government of India was ordered by their Supreme Court to file an answer to allegations put forth in a petition filed on behalf of Gramya Resource Centre for Women from Andhra Pradesh. This petition challenged the licensing of Gardasil and Cervarix for use in the private sector as well as attempts to introduce HPV vaccines for use in the public sector. The petition implicated the Drugs Controller for having licensed the vaccines without adequate research on safety and efficacy;  the Health Ministry for not carrying out an enquiry into licensing of these vaccines as ordered by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare in April 2010 and not taking any action on the report of the internal enquiry committee despite all alleged irregularities associated with the PATH project being confirmed.

October 2014, India’s Supreme Court Justices issued instructions for all petitioners and respondents in the ongoing case against to either serve the opposition with copies of affidavits filed and/or file any affidavits and rejoinder affidavits pertinent to the case within the next four weeks. The matter was then set for what was supposed to be a final hearing on January 13, 2015.

When the ’final’ hearing date arrived, several respondents had still not complied with these instructions. At least one of them went so far as to hold their two-and-a-half-foot tall affidavit for presentation to the Court on  January 13th. The Honorable Supreme Court Justices did not seem to be amused.

After hearing the evidence presented on January 13th, Justices Dipak Misra and Prafulla C. Pant issued an order reminding all participants of concerns raised in a prior hearing on 12 August 2014. Those concerns are as follows:

  • Did the Drugs Controller of India and the ICMR (Indian Council on Medical Research) follow proper protocol for the introduction of HPV vaccines prior to the use of said vaccines in the demonstration projects in India?
  • What actions were taken after the submission of the Parliamentary Committee’s 72nd report on August 30, 2014?
  • What were the reasons for choosing certain places in Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh for the HPV vaccine demonstration projects?
  • What actually caused the deaths and other ailments experienced after HPV vaccine administration in said demonstration projects?
  • What steps were taken to monitor the safety of HPV vaccines by the Union of India and the State Governments who have an equal role in guarding the health of the nation?
  • Was proper consent given by the parents/guardians of all girls who were administered HPV vaccines, as the Justices been apprised?
  • What protocol is required to be observed/followed when this type of vaccination program is conducted?

The Honorable Supreme Court Justices deemed it appropriate to grant permission for the State of Gujarat, State of Andhra Pradesh, and State of Telangana to be added as parties to the current case.

The Justices also agreed to M/S Glaxosmithkline Asia Pvt. Ltd. and MSD Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., the companies responsible for manufacturing HPV vaccines, being served as respondents in the proceedings.

Justices Misra and Pant granted permission for the attorneys representing the petitioners to serve papers on the concerned Ethics Committees of all three States involved in the HPV demonstration projects.

In view of the fact that the above mentioned concerns had still not been adequately addressed, some respondents had failed to appear for prior hearings, and others had ignored requests for information or failed to submit affidavits in a timely manner the Justices included the following statements in the current order:

  • This Court hopes and trust(s) that on the next date of hearing, the Standing Counsel of all the States shall remain present and argue the matter.
  • The Union of India shall direct its competent authority to produce the file by which the Drugs Controller General of India approved HPV vaccines for use along with any other relevant documents to the Court and the Counsellors for the Petitioners in this case.
  • Learned Counsel for the Union of India shall apprise this Court what steps have been taken to comply with the recommendations put forth in the Parliamentary Committee’s Report on HPV vaccine demonstration projects in India.
  • Counsel for the State shall file their counter-affidavits within a period of four weeks.
  • The Union of India shall file their counter-affidavit (case #921/2013) within four weeks. Rejoinder affidavit, if any, within two weeks therefrom.
  • By the same time, rejoinder affidavit to the counter-affidavit filed by PATH International to be filed.
  • The Advocate for ICMR shall produce the file dealing with HPV vaccines by the next date.
  • Regarding the ’concept of consent’ and the resultant deaths: it has been submitted that though innovative explanations have been given stating that some girls in the States of Gujarat and Telangana expired due to snake bite and fever, in actuality, it is due to the administration of vaccinations.
  • It was noted that though HPV vaccines were administered for the purpose of experimentation, there is no data with regard to the adverse effects faced by the young girls.
  • Counsel for the Union of India, the State of Gujarat, and the State of Telangana shall state by way of affidavit what the procedure and protocols are to be followed while obtaining informed consent. The stand taken by the Union of India and the States shall be clear and in consonance with law, for the affidavit is not expected to be filed in contravention of that has been envisaged in law.
  • The present public interest litigation has to be perceived from the point of view of rectification and caution for the future.
  • The ’caution’ would convey what steps have to be taken in the future so that this kind of grievances do not arise.

In conclusion, the Supreme Court order states:

Learned counsel appearing for the Union of India and the States of Gujarat and Telangana shall file their respective affidavits keeping in view the directions given herein-above. To elucidate, the affidavit filed by the Union of India shall contain explicitly (i) what steps they intend to take on the basis of the report given by the Parliamentary Standing Committee, (ii) what is the procedure to be followed for the purposes of consent and what steps are required to be taken to find out the sufferings, if any, by the persons who were vaccinated, and (iii) the liability of compensation, if any, to be paid and whose liability it would be.

Justices set the next hearing date for April 21, 2015.



India: HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix make it to the Supreme Court

India: Supreme Court HPV Vaccine Controversy Continues

Original Supreme Court Documentation, go to this link – then select “Writ Petition (civil)” as the case type; 558 as the case number; and 2012 as the year. Then click submit. Follow links from there to access original documents.

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Is the Flu Vaccine the Solution or the Problem?#Flu#Superbowl#Vaccines

  by Kelly Brogan MD

Flu Vaccine the Solution or the Problem

The idea behind vitalism and holistic healthcare is that an environment for wellness can be cultivated once we recognize the body’s inherent complexity, wisdom, and its inextricable connection to the world it inhabits. While it is powerful to see studies like the one I am about to describe, supporting immunity is so much more than throwing a supplement at a problem. It goes without saying that we will never “win the war on microbes”. Not with antibiotics. Not with vaccines. Not with bleach and hand sanitizers. The dawn of the our awareness of the microbiome has changed medicine for good. Somehow, despite the face of every other field being rechiseled by science supporting the role of inflammation and the gut microbiome, infectious disease and vaccinology is still living in the early 1900s when the idea of rubbing the pus of a milkmaid onto a little boy seemed compelling…

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The FDA Approves a New HPV Vaccine Containing Over Twice as Much Aluminum As its Predecessor#HPV#iBelieve#halftime

You can expect that the FDA has received a lot of correspondence from parents, advocates, physicians, researchers and so forth in regards to the significant injuries following the Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines.  It is stunning that they have once again approved this vaccine and now with even higher amounts of aluminum.  

A clear message that they do not have your best interests in mind.

by Christina England

 According to recent reports, the FDA has approved yet another HPV vaccine, despite documented safety issues and the new vaccine containing an exceptionally high level of aluminum, a known neurotoxin.

Until now, only two vaccines have been manufactured to protect men and women against human papillomavirus (HPV), a virus believed to be the leading cause of cervical cancer: Cervarix, which is believed to protect against strains 16 and 18 of the virus, and Gardasil, which is believed to protect against strains 6, 11, 16 and 18…

Many are skeptical and have begun to question whether or not this vaccine is yet another unsafe, fast-tracked vaccine.

Parents Question Whether or Not They Can Really Trust the FDA’s Claims…

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Related Articles:

My Daughters Life Altering Changes after Gardasil

Warning Gardasil Injuries can have a Permanent Impact

My Gardasil Survivor

HPV Vaccines: SaneVax Message to Columbia

FDA Approved Gardasil 9: Malfeasance or Stupidity

What if HPV does NOT cause cervical cancer?#HPV#HearThisWell#cdcwhistleblower

The title of a paper recently published by McCormack et al in Molecular Cytogenetics says it all, ”Individual karyotypes at the origins of cervical carcinomas.” If the findings in this paper are true, a vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) is extremely unlikely to protect against cervical cancer.

According to this paper neither genetic predisposition nor HPV infections are necessary for the development of cervical cancer. All cervical cancer cells investigated during the course of this study contained  new abnormal karyotypes. The clonality (genetic makeup) of these new abnormal karyotypes indicates the cervical cancers originated with these karyotypes – NOT from a virus.

In order to grasp the potential significance of these statements, one must have a basic understanding of karyotypes. Most living things have chromosomes, or units of genetic information, in their cells.  The human-karyogramnumber and appearance of chromosomes varies from one species to another. A karyotype is the number, size, and shape of chromosomes in any given organism.

See the graphic representation of the human karyotype to the right. Every human has 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 total) as illustrated, with the last pair on the bottom right determining the sex of any particular human. Any different number would indicate a different species. For example, apes have 48 chromosomes and kangaroos 20. The number, size and shape of the chromosomes in any given cell reveals the species of origin for that cell.

Cancer-specific karyotypes explained

All cancers have individual clonal (cells descended from and genetically identical to the parent cell) karyotypes (number, size and shape of chromosomes) and thus phenotypes (expressed physical traits).  No two cancers are the same.  See the karyotype arrays in the paper named above and referenced at the end of this article.

The karyotype determines the phenotype via thousands of messenger RNAs (about a thousand per chromosome), which in turn make thousands of proteins – at concentrations (copy numbers) that are cancer karyotype-specific – all cancer cells are individually very different from normal cells. In this respect, cancer cells resemble a new cellular species existing within the human body, much like a parasite.

The genes and proteins within cancer cells are expressed at very abnormal concentrations when compared to the normal cells surrounding them. However, since all genes and proteins expressed within cancer cells originated from human cells, cancers are not immunogenic (able to produce an immune response) – despite their huge biological differences from surrounding normal cells.  This is the reason the immune system cannot “see” cancers.

Since the new carcinoma karyotypes express thousands of normal genes abnormally they generate numerous new cancer-specific phenotypes that correlate one-to-one with the new karyotypes of cancer cells.  Cervical cancer cells are one example.

Think about Down syndrome as a model; one extra small 21 chromosome changes a lot.  Cancers typically have 60-70 chromosome variations compared the 46 +1 of Down syndrome.

The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Causes Cervical Cancer Hypothesis

This hypothesis states that HPV encodes proteins which cause cancers as the virus replicates.  Having common transforming proteins, all cervical carcinomas would be more or less the same if this were accurate.  Since viral proteins are foreign to humans, viruses, virus-infected cells and possibly virus-transformed tumor cells would inevitably be immunogenic and as such eliminated by the host’s immune system within weeks to months after infection.

This is the reason why HPV-induced warts are eliminated by the immune system within weeks to months after infection.

This hypothesis raises four questions:

  1. Why would only 1 in 10,000 HPV-infected women develop cervical cancer?
  2. Why would cervical cancers only develop 20 to 50 years after infection? – In other words, why would the virus not cause cancers when it is biochemically active and causing warts, namely before it is neutralized by natural anti-viral immunity?
  3. Why are cervical carcinomas individually very distinct from each other in terms of malignancy, drug-resistance, cell histology, as originally described by Papanicolaou et al. in Science in 1952, although they are presumably caused by the same viral proteins?
  4. Why are cervical carcinomas that are presumably generated by Human Papillomavirus proteins not immunogenic and thus not eliminated by natural antibodies?

Despite over 25 years of research on the HPV causes cancer hypothesis, there are no direct answers to these questions.

Instead poorly defined “co-factors” are mentioned as “collaborators” of HPV in the causation of carcinomas.  Poorly defined cellular mutations are mentioned as the causes of the cervical carcinomas of HPV-negative women.

Moreover, about 30% of cervical cancers are virus-free.   In these cases the virus couldn’t even theoretically be responsible for the cancer.

The Karyotypic Speciation Theory of Cervical Cancer Development

The McCormack et al. study, ”Individual karyotypes at the origins of cervical carcinomas” advances the theory that carcinogenesis is a form of speciation (See Duesberg et al., “Is carcinogenesis a form of speciation?” Cell Cycle 2011).

According to this theory karyotypic evolutions generate new cancer species from normal cells after exposure to carcinogens (e.g. cigarette smoke or X-rays) or after spontaneous mitotic accidents. The common function of carcinogens is the induction of aneuploidy (chromosomal disruption, either gains or losses).  By unbalancing thousands of genes aneuploidy automatically destabilizes the normal human cell karyotype and thus catalyzes random karyotypic variations.  Selections of variants with proliferative phenotypes form nonclonal pre-neoplastic hyperplasias (enhanced growth of non-neoplastic cells in a tissue or an organ) with persistently varying karyotypes. Very rare karyotypic variations form autonomous (capable of replicating without influence from surrounding host cells) new cancer species with individual clonal karyotypes.  Cancer karyotypes are stabilized within narrow margins of variation by clonal selections for cancer-specific autonomy.  Since this mechanism is very inefficient, it predicts long latent periods from carcinogen exposures to cancers with individual clonal cancer karyotypes.

In agreement with this theory, the authors discovered new, cancer-specific karyotypes and phenotypes in all cervical carcinomas tested so far – both in HPV-DNA-positive and negative carcinomas.

Furthermore, they discovered the individual karyotypes of each carcinoma correspond 1 to 1 to their individual phenotypes (e.g. invasiveness and resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs).  This is proof-of-principle that these karyotypes determine the phenotypes of cancers – rather than the defective and latent Papilloma-virus DNAs.

According to the karyotypic speciation theory, the defective viral DNAs of “HPV DNA-positive” carcinomas are functionally irrelevant, because they are not expressing any viral proteins.  Instead they are non-immunogenic fossils of long past Papilloma-virus infections.  As such they are no matches for the thousands of cellular genes that are abnormally expressed in cervical carcinomas.

Karyotypic speciation theory explains paradoxes presented by the HPV causes cancer hypothesis

Why would only 1 in 10,000 HPV-infected women develop cervical cancer? 

According to the karyotypic carcinoma theory this discrepancy is the result of the facts that HPV infection and carcinogenesis are two entirely independent events:

  • No specific correlation exists between HPV and cervical carcinoma. HPV is very common, about 70 to 80% endemic in the American population.  The rest of the population is HPV-free.  The virus is typically sexually transmitted at young age.  Since cervical carcinomas occur in both HPV-positive and HPV-negative females, there is no specific correlative evidence that HPV plays any role in causing cervical cancer.
  • There is also no specific functional correlation between HPV-infection and carcinogenesis. As shown from the clonal karyotypes of cervical cancers, cancers originate from a major rearrangement of the karyotypes of normal cells.  Since this is true for cervical carcinomas of HPV-positive and of HPV-negative females – and is indeed true for all cancers – there is no functional evidence that HPV plays a role in the development of carcinomas.  This conclusion is consistent with the fact that carcinomas with new clonal karyotypes arise only 20 to 50 years (!) after infection by HPV, which we discuss next.

Thus there is neither a specific correlation between the presence and/or the functions; or lack of functions of HPV and carcinogenesis.

Why would cervical cancers only develop 20 to 50 years after HPV infection?

The karyotypic cancer theory sheds light on the presumed long latent periods from HPV infection to cancer. This huge latent period suggests evidence of two entirely unrelated events:

  • Infection with a sexually transmitted, benign Human Papillomavirus at young age, and
  • A cervical cancer diagnosis – 90% of which occur over the age of 50

The presumed long latent period could be a result of the low probability of forming a new autonomous cancer species from a normal somatic cell by random karyotypic rearrangements.  The evolution of a new individual species of cells (cervical cancer cells) with the ability to reproduce independent of influence from surrounding human cells by random karyotypic variations of precursor cells takes time.

The very low probability of evolving a new autonomous cancer species by random karyotypic evolution explains not only the long and unpredictable time intervals between HPV infection (if it occurs) and cervical carcinomas, but aso the classical age bias of all cancers.  The age bias of cancer says that over 90% of all cancers only occur at ages over 50 years.

The authors concluded the chronological discrepancies between HPV infection and carcinogenesis exclude a direct mechanism of action connecting viral infection and the development of cancer.   Instead the time-dependent evolution of a new cancer-specific karyotype supports the karyotypic theory of the origin of cervical carcinomas.

Why do cervical carcinomas have individual karyotypes and phenotypes – rather than common phenotypes as predicted by the virus hyothesis?

The probability of forming the karyotype of a new autonomous cancer-species by random karyotype variations is very low and thus unlikely to ever generate the same new species twice – much again as in conventional speciation.  Thus all cancers caused by karyotypic speciation will have individual, if sometimes similar phenotypes.

Why are presumably viral cervical carcinomas not immunogenic and thus not eliminated by natural antibodies?

The karyotypic speciation theory explains why presumably viral cervical carcinomas are not immunogenic and are thus able to grow in HPV-DNA-positive people, which contain anti-HPV antibodies produced as a result of prior infection(s) by the virus.

According to the karyotypic cancer theory, carcinomas are generated de novo from cellular chromosomes, genes and proteins, which are not immunogenic in the host of origin (just like all other cancers).  By contrast, hypothetical cancer cells generated by viral proteins would be immediately eliminated by antiviral immunity.

Since cervical carcinomas have clonal carcinoma-specific karyotypes, we know they were generated via chromosomal rearrangements of thousands of normal cellular genes, which are not immunogenic.

According to the authors, fragments of inert HPV DNA found in 70 to 80% of cervical cancers (and in 70 to 80% of all women in the US!) are left-overs of by-gone infections or warts that occurred 20-50 years prior to carcinogenesis.  Infections and resultant symptoms were eliminated by natural anti-HPV antibodies.

Should the Karyotypic Speciation Theory be proven correct, HPV vaccines could not possibly reduce the incidence of cervical cancer – or any other type of cancer for that matter.

What do we do now?

Until such time as scientists can verify or disprove the Karyotypic Speciation Theory of cervical cancer development, medical comsumers must proceed with caution.

This is a scientific debate which cannot be ignored. Public health authorities and medical professionals must apply the precautionary principal by suspending the use of HPV vaccines and supporting the already proven, safe and effective method of controlling cervical cancer – Pap screening.

It is this method which, after its introduction by George Papanicolaou et al. in Science in 1952, reduced the incidence of cervical cancer in the US from the most common of the 10 most common cancers of women to one that no longer belongs to this list.

Moreover, this proven test for cervical carcinomas, termed Pap screen after Papanicolaou, costs only a small fraction of the $300-500 for the Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines and has NO serious adverse effects.

Immediate independent studies must be conducted to discover which of the theories discussed above is accurate. If HPV does not cause cancer – HPV vaccines are useless.

If HPV vaccines are useless, it is certainly not worth submitting yourself (or your loved ones) to the 2.3 to 2.5% risk of serious adverse reactions AND the 2.4 to 3.3% risk of developing a new medical condition potentially indicative of autoimmune disorders experienced by Merck’s Gardasil 9 clinical trial participants.




This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of

Judges demand answers after children die in controversial cancer vaccine trial in India#cdcwhistleblower#HearThisWell#Vaccines

There have been over 37,000. adverse events and 214 deaths from the Gardasil/Cervarix vaccines with no evidence of any benefit from the vaccine.  These figures are off of the November 2014 VAERS report and estimated to be only 1-10% of actual cases.  


  •  Tribal girls were given shots of cervical cancer vaccines during trial
  • Children given Merck’s Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines
  • Petitioners also asked judges to investigate trials of new drug Gardasil 9
  • Drug has allegedly caused side-effects in children as young as nine
  • Investigation claims children were used as unwitting human guinea pigs
  • Supreme Court has given the government one month to provide answers

Judges in India’s Supreme Court have demanded answers after children died during a controversial cervical cancer vaccine trial.

Young tribal girls received shots of pharmaceutical company Merck’s Gardasil vaccine and Cervarix, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline.

The vaccines are given to girls as young as nine in many countries – including the UK and the US – to protect against the human papilloma virus, one of the major causes of cervical cancer.

But the Indian court yesterday heard a challenge by campaigners who claim the study – funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – failed to obtain the informed consent of the children or their parents.

They say that a ‘study’ carried out for the foundation by a US organisation was in fact an illegal drugs trial.

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You Won’t Believe Which Big-Name Groups are Opposed to Flu Vaccine Mandates#cdcwhistleblower#Family#iBelieve

Labor unions representing professionals and skilled workers from many fields have publicly opposed mandatory vaccination in written statements to a government organization. Doctors, nurses, surgeons, skilled laborers, teachers, flight attendants, manufacturing employees, energy workers, and members of many more professions have spoken out against mandatory vaccines to the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC).

This news is not new, but you probably didn’t know that so many labor unions and trade groups are collectively against mandatory vaccination. These groups, representing millions of workers, include names that may surprise you.

Over two years ago, the NVAC recommended that facilities providing health care services should consider implementing mandatory flu vaccine policies as a condition of employment. Numerous labor unions and professional organizations protested against this proposal, but mainstream media failed to publicize their comments…

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