Did Gardasil Kill Adriana, age 17?#iBelieve#HPV#Family

Adriana died at age 17.  Her parents blame the vaccine.

Is Gardasil, the cervical cancer vaccine, to blame for the death of Adriana Kolbecher, a teenager from the French Hautes-Pyrénées region who died on the 20th of October 2010?  Her parents think so even if so far, there is no proof.

The number of lawsuits against Gardasil, the cervical cancer vaccine administered to many young French girls every year, is on the rise.  An increasing number of doctors are also questioning its effectiveness on a daily basis and some of them are even suggesting that it could be dangerous.

Did Gardasil cause 17-year-old Adriana Kolbecher’s death on the 20th of August 2010 at Rangueil Hospital in Toulouse?  The diagnosis by doctors in the neurology department was “autoimmune encephalitis” but they were unable to explain why this teenager’s brain became so rapidly and violently inflamed.

Adriana’s parents are convinced that it was indeed Gardasil which “killed” their daughter.

One of the doctors wrote in his medical notes: “Possible cause: Gardasil” but a Rangueil neurologist advised them to be careful: “Gardasil being the cause is a hypothesis but we have no evidence to substantiate this” he explained.

Adriana’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kolbecher, have nonetheless decided to take the manufacturer to court.

It was only after reading an article in the press reporting the “ordeal” of another teenage girl that they started to suspect Gardasil.

Sudden Aggravation

“Later, while surfing the net, it was confirmed to us by a large number of overwhelming testimonies”, explained her parents.  “It was shocking to read because some of the adverse effects described were very similar to what Adriana had experienced after her vaccination on the 24th of October 2008.”

Like most of these teens, sometime after the vaccination, Adriana started complaining of “headaches, tummy aches… nothing really out of the ordinary for a teenager but these complaints became gradually more pronounced after the second jab (19th December 2008)”, continued the parents: “anxiety, hot flushes, tingling in her legs, muscle pains, difficulty walking… until she had a major loss of consciousness on the 18th of April 2009.  After the third injection (24th April 2009), these adverse effects became intermittent and others appeared: total exhaustion, fainting, moodiness, loss of appetite…  Although Adriana had always played lots of sports, she no longer had the energy to do anything and couldn’t even go upstairs to bed on her own.”  One slightly distraught GP even advised them to consult…. a shrink.

At the end of July 2010, Adriana’s condition suddenly deteriorated: loss of weight, confusion, memory blanks, behavior problems….  “In early August 2010, she was hospitalized in three different hospitals and was finally put into an artificial coma, due to irreversible fits.  She never woke up from the coma”, report her parents.

Around 50 French youngsters claim to be Gardasil victims and their families have already filed lawsuits in the French courts.

Complaint of “Manslaughter”

Adriana Kolbecher’s parents decided to take her case to the courts.  As such, they will be filing a lawsuit for “manslaughter” this week.  This will be the first such case, since most of the others have been filed as “accidental damage to physical integrity and deteriorated deception”.  Fortunately, none of the other plaintiffs died.

André Dahlab, Medical Director of the Sanofi Pasteur MSD group who manufacture Gardasil replies that “the vaccine’s risk-benefit ratio has never been questioned but this is a difficult time for vaccines.”

This article in it’s entirety, is complements of www.SaneVax.org

Technology in Holistic Medicine#iBelieve#Family#Health

For our first ever podcast, we are excited to welcome someone who is the personification of the Evolution of Medicine. Dr. Andrew Brandeis is a licensed naturopathic doctor, who worked in an innovative interdisciplinary practice in San Francisco before starting SharePractice, a new app for physicians. Touting ‘Experienced Based Medicine’, this app allows doctors to ‘consult the collective experience’…


Oftentimes, I have been asked why I prefer a holistic physician.  The podcast above is a good example of the current technologies combined with holistic healing. I love this apps innovative idea!

Can Celiac Disease Affect the Brain?#ASD#iBelieve#Repost

 WHEN Andre H. Lagrange, a neurologist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, saw the ominous white spots on the patient’s brain scan, he considered infection or lymphoma, a type of cancer. But tests ruled out both. Meanwhile, anti-epilepsy drugs failed to halt the man’s seizures. Stumped, Dr. Lagrange turned to something the mother of the 30-year-old man kept repeating. The fits coincided, she insisted, with spells of constipation and diarrhea.

That, along with an odd rash, prompted Dr. Lagrange to think beyond the brain. Antibody tests, followed by an intestinal biopsy, indicated celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder of the gut triggered by the gluten proteins in wheat and other grains….

 Read the Entire Article Here


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The HPV vaccine: injuries and treatment#Vaccines#HPV#iBelieve

By Stig Gerdes, Guest Author

The HPV vaccine Gardasil was introduced into the childhood vaccination program in Denmark in 2009. The decision was made already in 2006 by the former Minister of Health Lars Løkke Rasmussen.

In the spring of 2013 there came reports in the Danish press and on Facebook that young girls/women had developed some symptoms characterized by damage to the skin, nervous system, immune system, etc. These symptoms were associated to the Gardasil vaccine.

It was claimed that the vaccination was stopped in Denmark and that the injured were diagnosed and treated for all the many serious damages which were described. The problem is that many did not know and still do not know, the strange symptoms they experienced after Gardasil injections are vaccine injuries.

The health authorities responded by promoting the vaccine and saying the serious injuries of the HPV vaccine was Functional disorders, caused by psychological reasons. The Danish Health and Medicines Authority however would increase surveillance of the HPV vaccine, but nothing was communicated about this, and the doctors did not get any information about the strong suspicion, and they were not informed about the contraindications for the HPV vaccine, it was quite obvious that The Danish Health and Medicines Authority, SSI and The Danish Cancer Society had a financial interest in promoting the vaccine.

At one point, however it was admitted that the HPV vaccine can injure the youngsters. The Minister of Health Nick Hækkerup therefore answers:

“The Danish Health and Medicines Authority consider it important to ensure that patients receive a comprehensive diagnose and treatment, and there is a particular challenge for The Regions to ensure that for patients with severe and unexplained symptoms  this requires collaboration across specialties.”

Subsequently, it was asked for an expert committee to assist The Regions in diagnosing and treating the injured. The Regions thought this was a good idea, but The Danish Health and Medicines Authority refused.

It is important to keep in mind that new HPV injured patients will continue to emerge, because we continue to vaccinate!

Since then, the focus has raised on the HPV vaccine safety outside Denmark, due to healthcare professionals and people around the world linking the severe injuries and possible deaths to the HPV vaccine.

India has cancelled the HPV vaccine trials after 7 deaths and multiple adverse events after vaccine administration.

Japan has pulled the government recommendation for HPV vaccines and replaced their top three government health officials after discovering the high incidence of adverse reactions after HPV vaccine administration.

Spain has scheduled trials.

France discusses the pros and cons.

England’s vaccination victims have been speaking in The Parliament.

Columbia is in turmoil due to deaths and severe injuries ……

The association of HPV Update has held two meetings convened by The Ministry of Health. The Regions and the Danish Health and Medicines Authority were also invited to discuss the frequency and severity of injuries caused by the HPV vaccine.

A worldwide non-profit organization was founded in 2010, SaneVax (Safe affordable, necessary and effective vaccines) in response to the HPV vaccine controversy. This is the link www.sanevax.org

In Denmark, the pressure on the Health Authorities has been so strong that the Minister of Health, Nick Hækkerup, has put diagnosing and treatment in the hands of the Regions.

To make sure that ordinary people and professionals can recognize the HPV vaccine damages, I have summarized these as they are mentioned in the manufacturer Merck’s “leaflet.” The Danish Authorities have not translated adequately, and therefore many of the adverse events are not on the Danish translation. It is a big mistake!

The adverse events are listed below. It must be remembered that the individual injured can have many symptoms at the same time. Most HPV vaccine injured have over 15 symptoms simultaneously.

  • Anaphylactic reaction
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Inflammation of the pancreas
  • Inflammation of the stomach / intestines
  • Inflammation in other tissues, such as muscles and tendons
  • Inflammation of the sinuses
  • Inflammation of the bladder
  • Inflammation of the lungs
  • Inflammation of the brain
  • Inflammation of the kidney / pelvic
  • Chest pain, they are as violent as by a blood clot in the heart or lungs.
  • Fainting
  • Cell changes in the cervix (if at the time of vaccination, the HP virus in the blood).
  • Death
  • Diarrhoea
  • Fever
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • Headache
  • Cough
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Weakness
  • Chills (fever)
  • Jaw Pain
  • Nausea
  • Paralysis
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Hives
  • Vomiting
  • POTS (high heart rate, low blood pressure)
  • Insomnia
  • Spasms in the lungs bronchi
  • Dizziness
  • Toothache
  • Fatigue

If you have many of these symptoms, consult your doctor. Bring this article with you, so he can diagnose HPV vaccine injury, and invalidate the diagnosis Functional suffering – and therefore refer you to one of The Region’s hospitals or orthomolecular doctors who can provide you proper treatment paid by The Region.

The characteristic of the HPV injured is that they largely tell the same history of severe tiredness, general aches and pain throughout the body, headache, fainting, seizures, etc.., so that they spend most of their time in bed, and are unable to carry out their schooling, work or household responsibilities. In short term, their functional and work are reduced from 100% to below 30%.

It is encouraging that there is now a symptomatic and perhaps curative treatment!

The reason for the HPV vaccine injuries is finding mitochondria (the cellular powerhouses) at the cellular level destroyed by metals such as lead, mercury, aluminium and artificial HPV DNA.

The treatment is well known in the form of intravenous vitamin C and Glutathione, as well as supplement of vitamins and salts, and to avoid foods that contain metals and allergens.

Several young women have been treated successfully. How long the treatment should continue, is yet unknown, but it seems that intravenous therapy improves symptoms rapidly (i.e. after 6-12 treatments) and may be discontinued after a period, so the injured can continue taking antioxidants, vitamins and salts by mouth.

It should be strongly emphasized that the treated relapse if treatment is stopped and the good effect returns when treatment is resumed.

The good thing about the treatment is that it has been used for many years for other disorders – with good effect, although not recognized by The Health Authorities in Denmark.

One big advantage is this treatment has great effect and no adverse events; unlike HPV vaccines which have plenty of adverse events and has no effect!

The intravenous treatment may be performed by the patient’s GP, but when The Minister of Health has handed over the responsibility for the diagnosis and treatment to The Regions, it must be the hospitals around The Regions that are responsible for treating the HPV vaccine injured when the diagnosis is made. The diagnosis is currently clinically, but safe laboratory tests are under development.

Treatment Protocol:

The intravenous treatment consists of vitamin C administered 2 times a week and Glutathione 1 time per week. Start example is: IV. Vitamin C  25 grams in 250-500 ml of Ringer’s Lactate administered over 3-4 hours, for example, Monday and Friday. Iv. Glutathione Wednesdays, 200-1.200 mg administered in 100-250 ml of saline over 1-1 ½ hours. Vitamin C is gradually increased to 50 grams after 4 infusions. Glutathione increased from 200-1.200 mg after some infusions.

It’s worth knowing:

By IV. Vitamin C the patient are recommended to drink at least 1 ½ litres of water.

The rest of the day the patient are recommended to continue to drink much water.

In order to strengthen the intravenous treatment it is recommended to make a vitamin and mineral plan for supplements. A significant and effective action is seen by the following vitamin and mineral combinations by mouth:

Vitamin C in large doses, Vitamin E, Selenium, Q10, Omega 3, Magnesium, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin), Lime, Zinc, Alpha Lipoic acid and N-Acetyl Cysteine.

The dosage and selection of the above should be performed by a specialist in the area. Intravenous treatments should be performed by physicians with adequate experience in the field. The patients’ safety comes first.

Insomnia is a known adverse event after the HPV vaccine. In order to improve sleep it is recommended to take Melatonin which is released over 6 hours.

Avoid food and drinks containing sugar, avoid light products too.

E-numbers and aluminium are found everywhere – try to avoid it. E171, E173 and E621 and aluminium should be avoided completely. There are aluminium (E173) and titanium dioxin (171) everywhere. Baking soda, white flour, white sugar, toothpaste, deodorants, cosmetics, candy, seasoning and often in pills…

The HPV vaccine provides food intolerance frequently. Pay attention to the quality of food. Until the immune system is in place and the nervous system damages are restored, all food is recommended to be organic. This also applies to dietary supplements.

This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of SaneVax.org

Gardasil: Reclaiming my life#iBelieve#Vaccines#HPV

With C-vitamin/Glutathione treatment protocol

By Anika Hjorth, Denmark

Gardasil changed our lives

This is the sequel to Gardasil changed my whole life.

I have been in treatment for six weeks now. The first three weeks I only got IV C-vitamin, starting at half dose (25.000 mg). Glutathione was also given IV in half dose to begin with (See protocol here).

September 11th – after 42 days of treatment – 11 IV C-vitamin and 3 IV glutathione

I have listed my symptoms before and after treatment. The treatment continues.

  • Extremely low blood pressure (down to 70/43). Only a few days in the beginning of the treatment, none since that time
  • Nausea. Stopped after 8 treatments with C-vitamin
  • Fluctuating heart rate. A few days in the beginning
  • Burning pain in the body. Still some pain in the legs – but getting better
  • Heartburn. Disappeared after 8 treatments with C-vitamins
  • Pressure in the chest, difficulties breathing – often in the evening/during the night. Had a severe event as the body could not take the high dose of C-vitamin. Then the dose was lowered and the symptom disappeared
  • Short of breath even when doing light exercise. Still a symptom – Is really getting better
  • Disturbance in short-time memory. No problems any longer
  • Pain in the stomach. No problems any longer
  • Lots of pain the legs and the soles of the foot. Still lots of pain
  • Loss of strength in the muscles
  • Heavy pain during menstruation and strong bleeding. Still very painful but reduction of bleeding
  • Disturbance of vision of left eye. Still some disturbance
  • Oppression in the ears. Not any longer
  • Lack of B3, d-vitamin and calcium. Do not know

After startup of treatment I have a better appetite and a stronger desire to live. The bubble I have been living in for 1½ years has disappeared – I have a huge surplus of energy….

Sequel to: Gardasil Changed My Whole Life

Tomorrow’s post goes into detail on Anika’s healing protocol. 

Thank you Anika, for sharing these details, and God Bless!!

India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crimes#iBelieve#Family#Vaccines

by Christina England

As Bill Gates faces a lawsuit for the illegal testing of tribal children in India, it appears that his crimes against humanity have finally caught up with him.

A recent report published by Health Impact News has reported that the Gates Foundation has found itself facing a pending lawsuit, due to an investigation that is being carried out by the Supreme Courts of India.

Health Impact News stated:

“While fraud and corruption are revealed on almost a daily basis now in the vaccine industry, the U.S. mainstream media continues to largely ignore such stories. Outside the U.S., however, the vaccine empires are beginning to crumble, and English versions of the news in mainstream media outlets are available via the Internet.

One such country is India, where the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and their vaccine empire are under fire, including a pending lawsuit currently being investigated by the India Supreme Court.” [1]

The Health Impact News article centered largely on a four-page report that was recently published by Economic Times India.

Eager to know more, I investigated their story and discovered that the World Health Organization, the Gates Foundation and two organizations funded by them, PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health) and GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), have found themselves under fire…

Coninue to the Full Article Here


French petition against HPV vaccines#iBelieve#ASD#Vaccines

Please sign the petition, no matter where you reside on the globe.  Place your country’s two letter abbreviation in front of the postal code, if you do not live in France.

By Norma Erickson

29 September 2014: IPSN, the Institute for the Protection of Natural Health (Institut pour la Protection de la Santé Naturelle), based in Brussels, in conjunction with French oncologist and surgeon Professor Henri Joyeux, launched a French petition against the HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix.

The petition is already doing quite well with over 316,000 signatures (and steadily rising) in a little over a week. Originally, the goal was to reach 500,000 signatures then submit the petition to government authorities in France. However, interest in this petition has expanded to other countries where medical professionals, scientists and medical consumers are also seriously questioning the sanity of universal HPV vaccination programs.

HPV vaccines are an issue without borders

Due to so many requests from people outside France who wished to sign the petition, Professor Joyeux and the Institute for the Protection of Natural Health have agreed to open their petition to every country in the world. Please consider demonstrating your solidarity with the people of France by adding your signature to this petition.

If you have already decided HPV vaccines are of questionable value please sign the petition here.

You need only fill in 4 boxes:  your first name, last name, postal code (if you do not live in France, please add the two letter abbreviation for your country before the postal code, eg. GB for the UK, DE for Germany, US for the United States, etc…) and your email address.

The boxes to tick after that are to indicate: 1) whether you want to be kept informed (in French of course) of petition progress and 2) whether you would like information (in French) on natural health. Once you have done this, simply click on the green box to submit your signature.

If you have not decided please read the text of  the video by Professor Joyeux:

The organizers of this petition understand that HPV vaccines have not been proven to be safe, affordable, necessary or effective. Professor Joyeux explains exactly why in the video text below. The video is in French and can be accessed at the end of this article. Helen Kimball-Brooke has kindly provided the English translation of the content.

Video Content:

Good morning.  This is Professor Henri Joyeux, French oncologist and surgeon.  I am writing to you because the French High Council for Public Health has recently published a report recommending first of all:

  • that there be widespread administration of the HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccine in French schools, in an attempt to fight cervical cancer and other sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs), and also
  • that the starting age for vaccination of both girls and little boys be lowered to 9.

However, just like any medicine prescribed to a person in good health and even more so to children, the two current HPV vaccines, Gardasil® and Cervarix® bring with them the risk of serious adverse effects.

In addition, the authorities fail to mention to us that the protection against cervical cancer conferred by these vaccines is not 100%.  In fact, protection from Gardasil® and Cervarix® is no more than 70%, leaving 30% risk of cancer.

Even if we could be certain of their effectiveness, these anti-viral vaccines should really only be administered to high-risk populations.

The HPV virus is transmitted primarily through sexual relations.  Do not allow the authorities to apply an inappropriate health measure to your children!

Sign our petition demanding a moratorium on these vaccines which should not be imposed in our schools without providing prior comprehensive and transparent information to the parents.

There are very good reasons to be deeply concerned about this campaign.  According to Professor Guy Vallancien (a supporter of this vaccine), urologist, head of department at the Institut Montsouris in Paris and member of the French National Academy of Medicine,

“Analysis of the pharmacovigilance data for this vaccine revealed 26,675 serious adverse effects, 113 of which were cases of multiple sclerosis.  In France alone, 435 cases of serious adverse effects, including 135 autoimmune diseases, 15 of which were cases of multiple sclerosis, have been reported to the national network of regional pharmacovigilance centres and the vaccine manufacturer.”


Many of these young schoolgirls, now disabled for life, were unnecessarily vaccinated with Gardasil when they were not in any way part of the high-risk population.

Sign the petition to protect your child from the same fate.

In Austria, following the death of a young woman vaccinated with Gardasil, a report was published indicating that the long-term effectiveness of such a vaccination would be “totally negligible”.  The Austrian Health Minister, Dr. Andrea Kdolsky, then decided to withdraw HPV vaccines from the official schedule, to stop reimbursing them and to encourage regular Pap smear screening instead.

On the 24th of January 2008, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) announced that some women previously vaccinated with Gardasil had died.  It is therefore beyond imprudent to want to vaccinate all children, across the board, against HPV: it is totally irresponsible.

Sign our petition urgently.

As early as February 2007, interviews aired on American television reported serious complications, told the tragic stories of living Gardasil victims and showed photos of young women who had died following vaccination with Gardasil.

In 2013, the Japanese authorities decided to stop recommending this vaccine.

In France, a lawsuit was filed against Sanofi, the manufacturer of the vaccine, by young Océane Bourguignon and other young girls.  They all suffered extremely serious brain and spinal cord damage after being vaccinated with Gardasil.

“We do not yet know its effectiveness.  We do not yet know the risks” warned Dr. Jean-Paul Hamon, chair of the French Doctors Association, on French TV channel TF1.

Video clip: “We do not yet know its effectiveness.  We do not yet know the risks.  The only safe and effective method is Pap smear screening.  And now we prefer to invest €300M into something whose effectiveness and risks we don’t yet know.”

This is 100% true.  If you or your child think that you may be infected with HPV, go to your doctor and get a smear test.  If precancerous lesions are found, they can definitely be treated.  But above all, no vaccine!  It could even increase your risks of getting cancer.

Two analyses of the vaccine’s impact on women already infected with HPV before they were vaccinated revealed an increase in the number of high-grade precancerous cervical lesions in the Gardasil® group compared with the unvaccinated placebo group.  Fortunately, the difference was not significant but this proves that in any case, the vaccine is useless if you are already infected, which is not surprising.

The worst however is that the long-term effectiveness of the vaccine, even in persons not infected at the time of vaccination, is unknown.  The French High Health Authority itself writes as follows on Gardasil®:

“The effectiveness of HPV vaccination on the incidence of cancerous lesions in the genital area can only be established retrospectively after a number of years because these pathologies develop very slowly.”

Do you want your children to be Guinea pigs?  It is therefore totally premature and potentially dangerous to impose a widespread vaccination campaign in French schools, especially when the recipients are young and very vulnerable children.

This is what the experts are saying: Abby Lippman, epidemiologist at McGill University in Canada and specialist in women’s health:

“Neither Gardasil® nor its competitor Cervarix® has yet demonstrated its effectiveness in preventing cervical cancer.  According to these specialists, “we do not yet know if the vaccine will result in a reduction in the number of cancer cases.”

According to Lucija Tomljenovic, research scientist working on the neurotoxic effects of vaccine adjuvants at the University of British Columbia in Canada,

“The vaccine is no more effective than other methods of prevention but carries far greater risks.”

Not only can it cause accidents but widespread vaccination of young girls may result in a drop in Pap smear screening which we know can save lives.  Certain women will think “I am vaccinated, I am protected” which is in fact scientifically false.

This is why in March 2014, more than 700 French doctors signed a petition demanding a Parliamentary Committee of Enquiry into this vaccine.  One of them was pulmonologist Dr. Irène Frachon, courageous revealer of the Mediator scandal.  These doctors have already instilled fear in the government.

Now it is families who are trembling with fear for their children.  It is now our turn to triumph by making this message go viral and gathering millions of grassroots signatures on this petition.

Of course the Big Pharma lobbies will put up a serious fight.  We know them well with their enormous advertising resources.  France represents a massive market for them every year.  The vaccine manufacturers will pull out all the stops to make us think that their products are safe… grinning all the way to the bank.

But our children’s lives are worth more than their profits!

Why should your children run even the slightest risk when this disease is easily detectable and curable with regular screening by a gynecologist?  They shouldn’t!

With the Institut pour la Protection de la Santé Naturelle (Institute for the Protection of Natural Health), we can be millions to say NO TO THESE VACCINES in our schools, NO to vaccinating 9-year-old children with a product which may not be effective and is potentially dangerous, even deadly.

If millions of us sign, the authorities won’t be able to ignore us, but to reach this figure, each of us must sign this petition immediately and circulate this appeal as far and as wide as possible.

Dr. Bérangère Arnal, OB-GYN and mother of 13-year-old Eve, has stated that her daughter will not receive the HPV vaccine but will be informed and regularly screened if necessary.  This is the advice I give to all families.

In high-risk populations, regular Pap smear tests every three years has resulted in a 70% reduction in the cervical cancer mortality rate, but this information is concealed from the general public.

The (of course very profitable) target of the lobbies is to vaccinate all schoolgirls before then vaccinating young boys of the same age, as soon as possible, and to make the vaccination mandatory in French schools.

We do not agree with these objectives which we deem to be “false public health”.  We can make them withdraw this plan by saying NO to this abuse, along with millions of others.  But to achieve this, every responsible French citizen must circulate this petition as far and as wide as possible.  I am therefore counting on all of you to sign the petition and to send it as soon as possible to all of your contacts.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, in the name of our children’s health.

Professor Henri Joyeux.

Sign the petition by clicking on this link

Institut Pour La Protection de la Santé Naturelle

The right to alternative treatment

NO to widespread vaccination of children against HPV


For the attention of
The President of the French Republic,
The French Minister of Health and Social Affairs,
And the French Minister of National Education 

Mr. President, Mme Health and Social Affairs Minister, Mme. National Education Minister,

On the 15th of September 2014, the French High Council for Public Health published a statement recommending that:

  • HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccination should be introduced in French schools in an attempt to prevent cervical cancer and other sexually-transmitted diseases;
  • If necessary, the starting age for vaccination of both young girls and young boys would be lowered to 9.

This plan has aroused very deep concern in the French people and the medical profession.

There are a very large number of us who fear that our schools are being used as a front for a widespread HPV vaccination campaign targeting our children, without providing families transparent information on the effectiveness and risks of this vaccine and without allowing them to consider the pros and cons.

May we remind you that the analysis of pharmacovigilance data revealed 26,675 cases of serious adverse effects connected with these vaccines, including 113 cases of multiple sclerosis.

May we also remind you that the only method which has been proven to prevent cervical cancer is the Pap smear.  If precancerous lesions are found, they can then be treated.

The vaccine however does not confer 100% protection, far from it.  All medical sources concur on this point.  It is a very dangerous situation if vaccinated individuals go off thinking that they are fully protected.

We the undersigned therefore demand that the plan for widespread HPV vaccination in French schools be stopped:

  • Until reasonable vaccine effectiveness has been proven;
  • Until we are aware of and can control all the adverse effects of these vaccines;
  • Until we can be assured that such widespread vaccination will not cause a drop in Pap smear screening, the only proven method of preventing cervical cancer.

This is the only way to protect a large number of children from unnecessary accidents and considerable suffering.  You will also be making a step towards maintaining the trust of parents and keeping necessary peace in our schools.

Yours sincerely,

Number of Signatures



(1) http://sante2020.blog.lemonde.fr/2014/04/01/gardasil-nous-revoila/
(2) http://lci.tf1.fr/science/sante/papillomavirus-un-vaccin-des-neuf-ans-a-l-ecole-pour-les-jeunes-8485665.html
(3) http://www.has-sante.fr/portail/jcms/c_1710328/fr/rappel-dinformation-sur-la-vaccination-contre-les-papillomavirus-humains-par-le-gardasil

This article in it’s entirety, is complements of www.SaneVax.org


Gardasil: The Day Our Daughter’s Life Changed#Vaccines#iBelieve#Family

Crystal, and Skylee you are truly strong, and patient.  What examples you are of perseverance.

Thank you, for forging a trail to help those who are undergoing similar challenges or who will in the future.  One day, I am sure, the truth will prevail, and children, and their families will not be ravaged by these thoughtless, and inhumane acts.

Here is some music by a favorite artist of mine.  I find his music to have a healing element to it.  I hope you enjoy.  Your friend in truth, jen

By Crystal Butler, Chicopee Massachusetts

Gardasil changed my life

My daughter,  Skylee, was a healthy young lady prior to vaccination with Gardasil – she had the occasional cold but no major health issues.  Like many of her peers, she enjoyed music and going to concerts.  She enjoyed being a teenager simply hanging out with friends in and out of school.  All of this changed after she was vaccinated with Gardasil.

Skylee had her 13 year old physical on 21st August 2013. Her doctor recommended the Gardasil vaccine. I didn’t know much about it, so I texted my sister-in-law, who is a nurse, and asked her if she was going to get it for my niece. Her reply to me was yes, she had already had this vaccine.  Then, I asked the doctor who strongly recommended it. She said she was going to get it for her daughter as soon as she is old enough.  I figured it must be safe if they are both recommending it.

I was unaware of all the side effects that are listed in the prescribing information pamphlet that the doctors do not show patients as that comes inside the box containing the Gardasil vaccine. I was only aware of the minor side effects listed on the paper they hand out that lists pain, swelling itching and bruising at injection site, as well as fever, nausea, dizziness, vomiting and fainting.  I allowed her to get her first and only dose of the Gardasil vaccine.

Twelve days later, on the 2nd of September 2013 Skylee’s symptoms started. She had pain down her entire spine from the top of her neck to the bottom of her tailbone.  This pain increased as time went on.  Every couple of weeks she would get new symptoms, some lasting days, weeks and even months.

These symptoms included:

  • Pain through her whole back, including her arms and legs; shoulder pain
  • Chest pains, stomach pains
  • Headaches, stabbing pains in her head
  • The need to constantly crack her fingers, toes, ankles, back and neck
  • Chronic Fatigue; weakness; walking from class to class is too much sometimes; shortness of breath
  • Dizziness;  seeing green and red spots;  the words on the paper moving at times and not making sense; not being able to comprehend what she is reading;  constant need to move her eyes
  • Nausea, vomiting, and fever
  • Dry eyes, dry mouth
  • Light sensitivity, has to wears dark glasses inside the home and at school
  • blurred vision – at times unable to read or write because of dizziness, vision problems,  (teachers and her peers have to read and write for her)
  • Jittery, mood swings, fast talking, forgetfulness, irritable

There have also been some strange episodes when all of a sudden Skylee will have a blank stare and is unable to speak or walk. During these times she can hear and see what is happening around her, but unable to move.  She can laugh and is able to move her eyes and moan though, so we have found a way to communicate with her during these episodes.  The episodes last from 15 minutes to 2 hours. She has had numerous episodes in many places including the ER, school, home, in the car, and in the shower.

There was one time when we were taking her for bloodwork and Skylee was – well, out of it. We had to pick her up from the truck, put her in a wheelchair and then put her back into the truck the same way after the tests had finished.

All of the symptoms listed below she has experienced over the past year. Sometimes she will have only a few; sometimes it will be ten at once. Symptoms can last for hours, days, weeks, or even months. What is so strange is that the symptoms are always changing with new ones still showing up.

  • Burning eyes;
  • Hot flushes, night sweats, heavy periods;
  • Tightening of her chest; tingling in arms, legs, fingers and toes;
  • Poor balance; motion sickness;  room spins; difficulty in focussing;
  • Nose bleeds;  eye pains; easily bruised;
  • Legs, hands, feet and ankles cold to the touch;
  • And many of the symptoms identified above

The one symptom she has had every day after that one injection of Gardasil is the constant pain the entire length of her spine. The pain usually runs between 8 and 10 on the pain scale. When she takes Aleve or Ibuprofen the pain level goes down to a 6 on the pain scale. She has to take these medications daily.

Skylee has been to see numerous doctors including the Pediatrician who she has been with since birth, two different neurologists, a spine and sport facility, an orthopedic specialist, a urologist and eye doctors, a rheumatologist and physical therapist and a holistic practitioner.

She had to be taken to the ER on three different occasions.   She has been subjected to many tests including an MRI scan, X-rays, ultra-sound, full eye examinations and numerous visits to the laboratories for extensive blood work including testing for heavy metals.

The results of all of this testing and some official diagnoses are that Skylee has a complex cyst on her left kidney which will be monitored every 6 months; her EEG’s showed seizure like activity with very sharp brainwaves and spikes in her brainwaves.

They also discovered that she has an arachnoid cyst on her brain which has been followed up, and thankfully it is not growing.  This will continue to be followed up annually to make sure it does not increase in size.  We have been advised by the neurosurgeon that this cyst would cause a different set of symptoms, mainly a change in her coordination level.

Skylee also has vitamin D deficiency. The results from the heavy metal testing were high.

In addition to the above she has been diagnosed also with these disorders:

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome;
  • Chronic Pain Processing Disorder;
  • Depression – this has only come about because of all that has happened to Skylee since she was vaccinated with Gardasil;
  • Psychosomatic disorder – this is what they would prefer to be the official diagnosis.

Skylee has been on a few treatments and in a lot of cases these have been stopped because she had an “episode” at school not long after taking pain medication.  She has also been offered Prozac and Amitriptyline for Fibromyalgia and the latter for chronic pain/depression which we have refused.

Gardasil has changed Skylee’s life

She has missed 56 days of school since her injection and has gone in late a lot. She was dismissed from classes multiple times for not feeling well or having to leave school to attend doctors’ appointments.

Skylee often says she feels like she is 80 years old. She is unable to live life like a normal teenager.

She needs constant supervision due to her “episodes,” so she cannot go places with friends on her own.  Skylee cannot shower alone as being alone. Her ”episodes” make it impossible. I sleep with her in case she has an episode during her sleep.

Skylee’s biggest complaint through all of this is the inability to read and write due to the dizziness, head pressure, vision problems and stabbing pains in her head.  She says she would rather deal with daily pain rather than not being able to read. It is embarrassing for her to have to rely on her teachers or peers to read and sometimes write for her. She feels she is a burden to the other students and is holding them back from getting their own work done.

Through all of this she tries to keep her spirits up as much as possible and not let Gardasil get the better of her.

We are now in the process of getting Skylee a tutor through school so she can stay at home and still get her 9th grade education. She does not really want to stay home with a tutor. She would rather be at school with all of her friends. She is very outgoing and gets a long with everyone but we feel this is the safest option for her as of now.

Gardasil has affected our family

Because my daughter cannot be left alone due to the serious health issues she is experiencing, I have had to quit my job.  I had been with this company for almost 6 years.

My husband, Wayne, has also had to leave his work early and some days has missed work altogether.

I don’t sleep in bed with my husband as I now have to sleep with Skylee just in case she has an ”episode” in her sleep.

Skylee’s illness demands we sometimes pay more attention to her than her 11 year old brother (Sabastian) and I’m sure that must bother him.

I know it sometimes bothers Sabastian to see Skylee deal with all of the things she goes through. He too has had to miss school or be dismissed early because Skylee has taken unwell or had to go for a doctor’s appointment.

The Gardasil vaccine has changed Skylee’s life in so many ways and we do not know how many more symptoms will show up and change her life even more than it has already done.  Our whole family has been affected by this vaccine and all of our lives have been turned upside down that terrible day in 2013.

If only the doctors would recognize Skylee has gone from being a healthy young girl to an invalid when the only major change in her life occurred on the day she had that single shot of Gardasil.

Read this article in French here.

This article in it’s entirety, is complements of www.SaneVax.org