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Texas vs. Burzynski Nov. 19-25, 2015 (State’s evidence) Recap and Update#android#iPad#retweet

Here we have a scientist that has CURED thousands of individuals through legitimate science and U.S. governmental agencies, including the American Medical Association, continue to hunt him down in hopes to permanently close his doors.

His patients love and support him and without his treatment thousands will die.

This has happened to so many doctors over the years.

It’s as though the A.M.A. will harass and halt anything that cures cancer unless it isn’t their outdated “golden child” chemo and radiation.

Should a free country allow this to happen?  This sounds like something more out of Nazi Germany.

Fortunately, Dr. Burzynski has not given up or moved from the U.S. like so many others.

Maybe his Polish upbringing prepared him better than most, to stand up against this medical brutality.

Really, a mild cancer cure that is non-toxic and proven when the alternative, especially for a child, can fry and deform body parts with a very high death rate.

Where is the humanity in this?


This blog post will be updated periodically as we process the footage from the hearing from the first leg (November 19-25, 2015), with a new post dedicated to the second leg of the trial (January 19-25, 2016).

DAY ONE: Thursday Nov. 19, 2015

Some of Burzynski’s patients and other supporters arrived before and during the hearing to show their support for Dr. Burzynski.

When making the two documentaries about Burzynski, I had never had the luxury of attending an actual trial since there hadn’t been one after 2008 when I got involved investigating this story. I only had the transcripts to refer to. However, I found that attending the trial itself was more surreal then ever. It’s the exact same game over and over again on behalf of the prosecution.

What is remarkable about each court case involving the persecution of Dr. Burzynski is the Board’s choice of “experts”. The State’s first witness was Norman Fost, MD, MPH. Under oath, Dr. Fost admitted that he had no knowledge of Burzynski other than what the State’s attorney’s provided him. Fost’s knowledge of Burzynski was a simple “Google search”. He had not seen either one of the documentaries, never met a single Burzynski patient, and never met Burzynski before the trial itself. He admitted that he was not a cancer expert, not an oncologist, and had never in his career prescribed chemotherapy or radiation or treated any cancer patients.

Dr. Fost’s expertise involves childhood obesity, organ donation, stem cells, children’s mood disorders, and drug use in sports. Not anything involving cancer.

Dr. Norman Fost, like so many “expert witnesses” are “career expert witnesses”…

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RECALL HEALING#android#iPad#retweet

Fear-based medical treatment is an outdated style of cancer treatment.

Individuals facing cancer need a manner of treatment that does not include fear-based treatment.

If you have a cancer diagnosis, please don’t fall for the urgent push for chemo and radiation.

Consider taking a moment to think things through and choose a more healing approach.

Recall Healing is a method that is used extremely effectively at Hope4Cancer Institute to gain access to deep-rooted emotional trauma that may, in many cases, have acted as the trigger for disease and have continued to feed its growth.   Correlations between emotional trauma and specific cancers have been mapped and can be used as a method to retrace back to emotional issues that the patient may not even be aware of today.  

Recall Healing presents a different dimension of looking at health and life…

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What is Ozone Therapy and How Does it Work#android#iPad#retweet

The immune system begins in the mouth.

Following are tips of how to lessen or eliminate inflammation in the mouth.

 by admin

Bio-Oxidative Therapies in Dentistry

Ozone therapy is referred to as a type of Bio-Oxidative Therapy. Oxygen therapy is not new, just forgotten, until now! ln 1857 “The Lancet”, a British Medical journal published several articles espousing the successful use of medical oxygen. In the 1950’s, German doctors began using ozone to treat cancerr. Today, we can use ozone for all dental infections to eliminate the infective process and create a condition in your body called, the biological terrain, which favors health over disease.

Cancer and other diseases simply cannot survive or thrive in an oxygen-rich environment. A highly oxygenated body is immune to disease and destroys already existing disease.

Here Is The Key

All Bugs, Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Parasites, and Spirochetes, cannot survive in a high oxygen environment. Why? Because:

  • Infections in your teeth, periodontal tissue, gums, your failed root canals, bone, and elsewhere in your body are areas that are: devoid of oxygen (this means infections attract anaerobic bacteria which cannot handle an oxidative burst), keep reading!
  • SO, when you introduce 03 into the site, it kills all ofthe bugs!!!
  • Infections are areas that have an acidic or positive (+) charge, thereby repelling other positively charged ions, (like minerals). This is why infected areas continue to demineralize as the minerals cannot flow into the infected area.
  • When the “biological terrain” is changed in the infected site to an alkaline, negatively £charged [-) oxygen-containing environment, not only do the bugs die but the remineralization process begins. It is this negative O3charge that kills the bad bacteria.
  • Also, since many of the bugs have no antioxidants in their cellular membranes, the ozone creates peroxide molecules which explode the bugs membranes…

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Root canals and breast cancer: The connection is clear#android#iPad#retweet

I’ll begin this article by stating the obvious: I am not a dentist and I don’t pretend to be. However, I talk with women all over the globe every week about breast cancer – as I coach them on my program which involves the ‘7 essentials’ of breast cancer prevention and treatment. One of the fundamental questions I ask them is: “Do you have root canals?”

I ask them this because I am passionate about helping others create vibrant health and educating them on how to get there. And when it comes to root canals, there is mounting evidence to suggest a strong correlation: root canals – which fill your mouth with toxic chemicals – can and do increase your risk of disease, including breast cancer.

Science confirms the root canal – cancer connection

Bill Henderson is the author of the book “Cure Your Cancer” and host of the popular radio show “How to Live Cancer-Free.” After 25 years as a cancer-prevention advocate speaking with thousands of cancer patients and doctors on and off the air, he says, “Two facts have jumped out at me from those many phone calls… 1) The most common cause of all cancers is root canal-filled teeth and cavitation sites; and 2) Until a cancer patient gets rid of the root canal-filled teeth and cavitations, they don’t get well. You can take those two facts to the bank, folks.”

Science is beginning to agree with Henderson’s claim. Dr. Robert Jones, looked directly at the relationship between root canals and breast cancer.

His 5-year study involving over 300 women with breast cancer found that 93 percent of them had root canals. Interestingly,…

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‘Mass Sterilization Exercise’ Kenya Discovers Vaccines Laced With Anti-Fertility Agent#android#iPad#retweet

1) Population control is fully underway. 2) Kenya is asking for investigations into WHO.

An article on LifeSiteNews is making new allegations that two United Nations organizations have sterilized millions of girls using anti-tetanus vaccination programs. The programs have also been sponsored by the Kenyan government. This was discovered by the Catholic Church. The Kenyan government claims to be looking into the matter, but seeing they seem to be related to the issue, one has to wonder how unbiased this investigation will turn out.

Kenya’s Catholic bishops are charging two United Nations organizations with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus inoculation program sponsored by the Kenyan government.

According to a statement released Tuesday by the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, the organization has found an antigen that causes miscarriages in a vaccine being administered to 2.3 million girls and women by the World Health Organization and UNICEF. Priests throughout Kenya reportedly are advising their congregations to refuse the vaccine…


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Stop the Lies- 30,000 people are NOT dying from the flu in the US each year!#android#iPad#retweet

And this is according to the numbers provided directly from the CDC:

The lies need to stop. We talk about evidence-based practice, so let’s look at what the evidence says.

As of today’s date there are 322,014,008 people living in the USA.

The CDC says that

During September 28, 2014–May 23, 2015, World Health Organization (WHO) and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System collaborating laboratories in the United States tested 691,952 specimens for influenza viruses; 125,462 (18.1%) were positive.

So there were only 125,462 cases of confirmed influenza for last year’s flu season in the United States. Out of 322,014,008 people, this accounts for 0.0004% of the population that actually had confirmed influenza and not just flu-like illness.

Furthermore, the CDC states that out of these 125,462 cases,

17,911 total hospitalizations resulting from influenza during October 1, 2014–April 30, 2015

So, if only 17,911 people are hospitalized, how on earth can 30,000 people be dead of the US of influenza?

And among the adults that were hospitalized, most had other conditions that also contributed to their hospitalization as…

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