Gardasil: Destroyed and Abandoned#android#Ipad#retweet

By Lidia from Donegal, Ireland

Gardasil: Destroyed by the vaccine; abandoned by the medical profession

I am 16 years old. For me, everything started a few days after I received the HPV vaccine, Gardasil. I woke up one day choking and unable to breathe. I felt like I was going to pass out so my parents took me to a hospital. I was stabilized, kept overnight and sent home, just like that. No tests, no medications, no explanations as to what could have caused the problem. This was only the beginning.

First it was just trouble with breathing, nausea, and feeling faint. Every doctor I saw dismissed me with, “Well, you’re breathing now.”

Then it progressed to choking, hyperventilating, panic attacks and soon enough I was getting panic attacks every day, sometimes as many as four times a day.

Then the depression came. This is going to be hard to talk about, as it still triggers a lot of anxiety and depression in me, but I will try my best to tell as much as I can.

Going to psychologists and psychiatrists didn’t help at all. All they ever told me was to “take a relaxing bath,” “light some nice smelling candles” and “go out with friends”. I tried all those things. I tried every single thing they told me to try and yet none of it worked. Still, they didn’t seem to care about that and kept telling me to try the same things again and again.

Many times I’ve been told to “think about all the people that have it worse than me” and many times people laughed after I expressed my thoughts or feelings about a certain topic.

The psychologists were late to every appointment and talked about everything with a passive attitude as if I was exaggerating and making everything up.

One of the doctors at a hospital told my parents the reason all this was happening to me was because I’m “troubled.” She said it even though I was in the room.

Another doctor stood by my hospital bed as I screamed and cried in pain because of back spasms and watched me for about ten minutes before simply walking away. I didn’t receive any help that time, no painkillers, nothing. I just stayed in my bed until the spasms passed.

A few months later Dad and I went to the same doctor for a check-up.  As he flipped casually through my medical file he said “I don’t have any record of pain written down here from that time” and shrugged his shoulders.

Another doctor, a substitute for one of my psychologists, was somehow convinced that my parents were abusing me regardless of the fact that I told him that wasn’t the case every time we met for an appointment.

Every doctor we went to dismissed us and tried to get rid of us.

Overall, I just felt useless, hopeless, and broken. I felt guilty – like all that was happening was my fault somehow. When I didn’t feel like crying my eyes out, I felt completely nothing and sat still, staring off into space.

The amount of times I imagined myself dying is terrifying. I was scared of myself. I was scared that I would lose control and start screaming and breaking everything around me from all the pain, terror and anger. Yes, I was angry – I was really angry! Angry that my feelings were so easily dismissed, as if they were something you can pick up, explore for a little while and toy with a little, before being thrown in the trash.

When it comes to physical symptoms…there were a lot. There still are, they still come back every so often.

There were hallucinations of a girl named Trillion who hit me. There were episodes where my body would switch itself off and I’d be left unable to move, speak, swallow, blink and yet still able to feel and hear everything around me. That could last from ten minutes to eight hours. My legs would become paralyzed, for periods lasting from thirty minutes to four days.

I couldn’t go out at all, unless I wanted to risk an anxiety attack so bad I would have to return home within half an hour of being out of the house. Being around people made me anxious, it still does.

Once I felt so bad, so depressed, and so angry that I cut into my arm with a needle. I regretted doing that instantly. I still get an urge to do it, though it’s faint.

I genuinely had to force myself to want to live. I wanted to disappear. I wanted all of the symptoms to stop.

Now without a doubt, I can say that I am a lot better. I have been taking homeopathy remedies for a few months. They have helped more than all of the anti-depressants I was prescribed for two years.

Perhaps soon I can leave Gardasil and the past behind me. Maybe I can have a normal life after all.

Article compliments of

Lidia, thank you for writing your story. You are a brave girl. 

It is hard to hear that you are sixteen and enduring this trial at this time of your life.

You have been let down by many in the medical field, I am sorry for this.  This is not the way anyone should be treated, let alone at your age. I am amazed at how strong you are. 

The good news is that you can help guide others through sharing this story.  

There are also health practitioners that have listened to the quiet guidance within and have found ways to heal, at different levels, those who have been injured.  If you contact any of the physicians in the links below, I think you will find them to be far more understanding and helpful than your previous experiences.  I can’t say enough about these practitioners.

Sane Vax has a Medical listing and this is a link to my Featured doctors, who have experstise in working with individuals who have encountered vaccine injuries.  Distance is not an issue with many of them.  Just feel free to send them an email.

I would love to hear how things go.  I am a big fan of homeopathy and am happy to hear you have found some remedies that are working out well for you.

Remember to keep your Creator at the helm and you will have all the guidance you will ever need.  

Just know that many of us are praying and cheering you on from all around the world.

Here’s a little artistic clip that I hope takes your mind off things for awhile. 

your friend, jen


Gardasil: An experience no child should have to go through#android#iPad#retweet

By Tara Gramza, Phoenix AZ

Gardasil changed my life.

I am a labor and delivery nurse at Scottsdale Osborn, and studying to become a nurse practitioner. My daughter was born on December 6, 1999. She was approximately 14 years, and 2 months old when she first suffered an adverse reaction to a vaccine.

J.G. was a happy, very healthy, normal, teenage girl. All that changed when the doctor in her pediatrics office recommended she receive Gardasil as prevention against cervical cancer.

As a mother and an informed registered nurse, I was confident in the vaccination and willing to allow J.G. to be vaccinated. On January 7, 2012, J.G. received her first dose of Gardasil at East Valley Pediatrics in Arizona. She progressed normally over the next few months, showing no apparent signs of an adverse reaction to the vaccination.

On July 26, 2012, J.G. received the second shot of Gardasil at East Valley Pediatrics in Arizona. She again progressed normally, still showing no apparent signs of adverse reaction.

On January 23, 2013, J.G. received her third and final injection of Gardasil at East Valley Pediatrics.

By March of 2013, I noticed that J.G. was bruising relatively easily, but thought she was a normal teen with maybe a low iron deficiency. After all, she was growing normally and she had just started menstruating. However, J.G. had never bruised like this before, and I had never seen the bruises shaped like this before. I was concerned, but chalked it up to her being an active, growing teenager. Being a nurse, I did not see any reason for immediate concern.

However, my concern increased in July of 2013 during a vacation to Hawaii. J.G. was playing like a normal kid would and was pushed off the boat, hitting her hip against the side.

The next day, the bruise that developed looked like she had been hit super hard, almost as if someone had taken a baseball bat to her hip. I remember asking her, “How hard did you hit the boat?”

She replied, “Not that hard, I guess it’s low iron like you suggest.”

Despite my nursing background, I still did not think anything was seriously wrong.

Ultimately, at the end of January of 2014, J.G. and I went to see her primary care doctor, Dr. Chapman, for a well-child check-up. We reported to her that J.G. was bruising a lot and had been for months. We thought she needed her iron level checked.

Dr. Chapman sent her for labs. That afternoon, we had her labs drawn.

I wish one could be un-injected.

The next morning, we received a phone call. Dr. Chapman told us J.G.’s platelets were low (I believe at 23k), and she needed to see a hematology doctor A.S.A.P.

I picked up J.G. from school and kept her home until her appointment in 2 days. When we arrived to the office at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, they took more blood samples, 14 tubes, I believe, to double-check the labs and verify the diagnosis. She was again low – at approximately 24k platelets. They then asked how long we had noticed symptoms, and if we had seen bloody noses or spots on her skin. She had not at this time, just bruising.

Phoenix Children’s Hospital decided to refer J.G. to a rheumatologist named Dr. Ede and have her follow up with Dr. Shah, the hematologist. The plan was to send her labs and watch her to see what her body will do.

Dr. Ede told us during our appointment that J.G. did not meet the guidelines for Lupus, and her urine was negative for any indication of kidney damage that is present with kids with Lupus.

He did tell us that her labs were positive for something called Anti-phospholipid antibodies. This meant she was at high risk for clots. He wanted to follow her case, but felt she was not going to be a Lupus patient. He also asked that her labs be run again prior to any treatment for low platelets, such as Immunoglobulin therapy (“IGG”) to recheck the ANA and Double Stranded DNA.

J.G. was diagnosed on February 11, 2014, with immune thrombocytopenic purpura, ITP.

Dr. Shah told us J.G. would probably remain in the 30k platelet range for a few months, and would likely need intervention therapy such as IGG, Rituximab, or steroids.

The antiphospholipid issue was explained as being a possible positive as an auto immune response. The physicians could not say for sure which autoimmune condition came first, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome or thrombocytopenia.

They also said her labs were all negative for virus or other causes of ITP, and decided it was more likely a chronic immune thrombocytopenia. For several months, J.G. did stay at around 35K platelets.

Then, in May of 2014, J.G. experienced a seriously heavy period, nose bleeds twice in one day that would not stop, and little red dots all over her arms and legs. We took her to the Phoenix Children’s Hospital urgent care and they found J.G.’s platelets were 14K. (Note: a normal platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000)

Gardasil took more than it gave me.

Dr. Williams, a hematologist with Dr. Shah, began seeing J.G. They told us to come back in the morning first thing for her first round of IGG. She was admitted all day for the infusion. They ran her blood for labs that Dr. Ede requested and started the infusion. These labs showed her ANA and double stranded DNA were both negative now. Dr. Ede decided to continue to follow her case, but did not need to see her anymore, because she does not meet the guidelines for Lupus.

J.G. came back to Phoenix Children’s Hospital for labs again to check her platelets a few days later. Her levels were around 75K. However, they quickly fell to 10K again, and she was then admitted again for another dose of IGG. Her levels rose again to 100k then fell down again to 23K.

Dr. Williams decided it would be best to start her on a medication called Rituximab to try to reverse the effects of her immune system’s response by resetting her B cells that cause her body to mark her platelets for destruction.

That night, J.G. started with bleeding of the nose again, small red marks all over her body, including her bottom, and heavy, irregular menstrual bleeding. She went to urgent care again and was told she had a 4k platelet count. The physician on call reported to the hematologist who then decided to admit her again for a high dose of steroids known as dexamethasone.

She took a super high dose of steroids for a few days to try to give her a boost while the Rituximab did its job. The steroids made J.G. very ill, with a stomach ache, headache, and racing heart. She gained some weight, too. She started the infusions of Rituximab, which is given in 4 doses for 4 weeks.

J.G. was admitted outpatient all day for those infusions and tolerated it well. She was to continue the lower dose steroids for several weeks so her platelet levels would stay above 25k. She did remain around 30K for many weeks. Then in August of 2014, her platelets jumped to over 150k. She was doing great and responding well to the treatment. She was removed from steroids. She officially completed Rituximab on June 24, 2014, and had a complete response with normal platelet count since July of 2014.

We have spent numerous hours and dollars fighting J.G.’s illness, all brought about by the Gardasil vaccination.

Worse yet, J.G. has lost her teenage years due to her debilitating condition, and cannot live a normal life. The fear of bruising and her potentially low platelet count dominates her mind wherever she goes.

J.G. continues to remain in remission, and continues to be seen by Dr. Williams every few months. During her last visit in January of 2015, her labs were rerun to show a negative DNA and slightly positive ANA and positive antiphospholipid antibodies.

Dr. Williams has said he thinks that the antiphospholipid antibodies and ANA should go away in time. However, she is still at a high risk for chronic ITP due to her age, her history of bruising post-vaccination, and the presence of other antibodies.

Her labs have continued to remain positive and her court expert Dr. Shoenfeld thinks she will remain APS positive for life. It will never go away. She will have high clot risk and the risk of return of blood related disorders and high pregnancy risk. Unfortunately it won’t go away. But so far so good. She’s still healthy.

No child should have to go through what my daughter has experienced.

This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of

Tara and J.G., my heart aches for what you have been through.  I am so sorry you have been through such a trauma and live with the anxiety brought on by an unnecessary shot.

A terrible crime by the pharmaceutical industry and government agencies that allow it.

I am so happy you are maintaining well at this time.  Sounds like a lot of hoops and tests to get to this point.

You have no doubt been guided and blessed.

Stick with the guidance of the Lord and he will continue to carry you when you need it.

J.G. you are a brave girl and so positive. 

Always let the Lord be your constant guide and you will always have the best possible response.

Thank you for sharing your story.  Just know that another girl will be able to avoid what you have been through because of it.

There are physicians with expertise in healing from Gardasil/Cervarix/Silgard injuries.

Here is a Featured Doctors link and Sane Vax has wonderful doctors listed at their site as well.

I wish you all the best on the this journey.

 Fair thee well.  your friend, jen

There’s some boys that want to sing a little song to you.  🙂

Gardasil Destroys Girl’s Ovaries: Research on Ovaries Never Considered#android#iPad#retweet

by Heidi Stevenson

One girl’s ovaries were destroyed, with Gardasil the only potential cause. Worse, though, is that Merck either didn’t bother to examine potential effects on ovaries or hid them—but did examine effects on testes. 

The BMJ has published the case report of a healthy 16-year-old Australian girl whose womanhood appears to have been stolen by Gardasil vaccinations. She has been thrust into full-fledged menopause, her ovaries irrevocably shut down, before becoming a woman. The authors, Deirdre Therese Little and Harvey Rodrick Grenville Ward1, draw direct attention to the fact that, though the girl has been thoroughly examined and tested, there is no known explanation other than the series of three Gardasil vaccinations she had…

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I want my daughter’s life back the way it was before Gardasil#android#iPad#retweet

By Ann Fitzpatrick from Carlow, Republic of Ireland

GardasilI Impact

My daughter turned 15 in February of 2015. Once she had lots of friends and participated in many activities  both in school and at home.  She did Irish dancing from 4 years of age, played football for her parish and county, and was awarded 2nd place in the world handwriting competition. She was great in school. In short, she was healthy, active and happy.

All of that changed shortly after she got her first injection of the HPV vaccine, Gardasil in October 2012.

By November she started having seizures. Since then she has had chest pains, vision problems, non-epileptic seizures, low blood pressure,  inflammation of the stomach and small bowel, reflux, is very tired and has no energy.  She has a pulse rate that can go up to 216 just walking 10 feet, or 178 sitting down. She has been told so many things by doctors in the last 2 1/2 years that she does not even want to go near them anymore

In April 2013, due to the number of seizures she was having at school, she was told by the school administration that she wouldn’t be allowed to attend anymore ‘for health and safety reasons’. They said that she should be home-schooled instead. So my daughter went to the papers and told her story.  She let people know that she wanted to go to school and that they could not stop her. She is now in Junior Cert year but has only got 5 hours a week of home schooling.

I have reported the HPV vaccine connection in every hospital Carol has been in over the last two-and-a-half years. I reported the connection to the HSE and Medical Council.

I was told by an American neurologist that was over Carol that if Gardasil did not cause her new seizures, it contributed to them.

All I have heard from other doctors is that she is a complicated case. Even at the start of her seizures, one Doctor in Kilkenny said he would not like to take her on. Then we had other doctors trying to make out it was all in her head who then sent her to people who told her they could not help her.

In my opinion it’s them that need help. They need to open their eyes and see what the health system has done to a child. Two and a half years and  still they have no answers.

No words can express how I feel about all of this. I just want my daughter’s life back the way it was before she got this injection. I want the support of our health system. I want them to do whatever tests and treatments necessary to help her recover her normal life.

Read this article in French here.

This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of

Ann and Carol, I am amazed by your fortitude and determination.  I am glad that you are getting your story out.  It will undoubtedly help others.

It is a shame that Carol has not been more assisted and supported by her school and doctors. 

I hope and pray that doors will open and she will have all the support she requires in those areas.

Here is a link to doctors that have experience treating in this area. Featured Doctors

I am so grateful that you have a connection to They are kind and experts in this area.

Hang in there and pray every day.  The Lord will hear your prayers and guide you all along the way.

Here is a little musical gift.  I hope it lifts your hearts.

your friend, jen


National Vaccine Information Center Says Proposed 21st Century Cures Act Will Endanger the Public Health by Lowering FDA Licensing Standards#android#iPad#retweet

by admin

The non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) says the proposed 21st Century Cures Act (H.R. 6) will endanger the public health by lowering scientific and informed consent standards used by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to license experimental biological products (vaccines), drugs and medical devices in order to expedite delivery to the U.S. market. Under the proposed law, drug companies could avoid conducting large randomized clinical trials and researchers would be able to test new products on humans without obtaining informed consent.

“Informed consent is the gold standard in human experimentation and the practice of ethical medicine, and there is no substitute for the requirement that drug companies conduct large, well designed randomized clinical trials before the FDA licenses a new vaccine”

The bill passed the U.S. House of Representatives on July 10, 2015. It mandates that an additional $9 billion be given to National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop new vaccines and drugs and $550 million be given to the FDA to fast track licensure.

The 21st Century Cures Act is a drug company stockholder’s dream and a consumer’s worst nightmare,” said Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC Co-founder and President. “Making experimental drugs quickly available for the sick and dying, who voluntarily choose to use them, is one thing but Congress should not be greasing the skids to license experimental vaccines that government will recommend and legally require healthy children and adults to use. It is a prescription for disaster.”…

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Rhode Island to mandate HPV vaccine for all 7th graders#android#iPad#retweet

By Linda Borg

PROVIDENCE — Starting this fall, seventh-graders in all public and private schools will be required to get a vaccine that protects against a sexually transmitted virus linked to various genital cancers, especially cervical cancer in women.

Students who fail to get the vaccine for HPV — or the human papillomavirus — will be precluded from attending school unless their parents seek an exemption for medical or religious reasons. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the United States. It is widespread: there are more than 14 million new infections annually, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Rhode Island becomes the third jurisdiction, including Virginia and Washington, D.C., to make the vaccine mandatory.

Locally, some parents are already agitating against the vaccine, saying it’s an intrusion by the government into private matters and that the vaccine’s side effects can be serious.

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Related Articles:

Gardasil: We Thought We Made the Right Choice

HPV Vaccine Has Done This To My Child

Gardasil Firestorm in Denmark