18 Year Old Massachusetts Girl Medically Kidnapped & Abused Now Fights Adult Protective Services to Remain Free#android#iPad#retweet

by Health Impact News/MedicalKidnap.com Staff

Elissa Maple was a bright young energetic 16 year old who reached a difficult emotional time in her life, as sixteen is a difficult age for most children. Added to this natural occurrence was her brother’s auto accident which almost took his life, her mother sought help for Elissas’s anxiety. A mother’s care for her child knows no boundaries, but it turned into a nightmare that would have Elissa drugged by hospital officials, kidnapped by DCF, and admitted to a mental facility masquerading as a school in Massachusetts.

Read the original story here:

Vermont Teen Drugged Against Her Will, Held in Custody in Massachusetts Mental Health Facility

It would take almost two years for Elissa to be returned to her home. But the good news is that Elissa Maple is home now and very happy to be there. She’s becoming more relaxed due to spending time with her family and loved ones, activities that make us all feel comfortable about our lives and our futures. However, Elissa and her mother Karen cannot rest easy just yet…

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The Real Story Behind The Anti-Vaccine Billboards That Are Going Viral#android#iPad#retweet

by Missy Fluegge

 An Indiana father discovered his efforts to honor the life of his lost vaccine-injured daughter were recently vandalized, when a billboard he ordered was thoughtlessly spray painted by two men. If these criminals knew the heartache this father has faced during his daughter’s 36-year battle with vaccine injuries, compassion and common sense would dictate that they would not have committed such a cruel, heartless act.

Jim O’Kelly, 74, with support from the new Anti-Vaccination League of America and others, has funded the display of seven billboards in northwestern Indiana, in hopes of informing parents of the truth about the medical and vaccination system in America. Many people are unaware that vaccine companies cannot be sued if a child suffers a vaccine injury or death from a vaccine. O’Kelly wants vaccine manufacturers and the government to “prove the vaccines save lives or repeal all mandatory laws.”

This travesty has been standard policy since 1986, when the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed by the US government. Families whose children are injured or killed by vaccines must take their case to a special court before the two-year statute of limitations expires. The emotional and financial costs are more than most families can bear…

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HPV vaccine investigation leaves crucial questions unasked#android#iPad#retweet

 By Norma Erickson

The SaneVax team believes the narrow scope of the current investigation regarding the safety profile of HPV vaccines being conducted by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), will leave parents and medical professionals without answers to questions which may help them solve the mystery surrounding new medical conditions being reported not only in Denmark, but around the globe, after the administration of HPV vaccines.

Has the EMA put POTS and CRPS under an investigative microscope in order to blur the overall picture regarding the safety profile of HPV vaccines? Have those in charge never heard the expression, “you can’t see the forest for the trees?”

Norwegian journalist, Per Egil Hegge, puts the entire issue into focus when he stated:

A scientific environment, no matter the subject, where it is not allowed to ask questions, has thrown its future on the scrap heap and nailed its own death sentence on the wall.

Apparently, open discussions on the topic of HPV vaccines are tabu. This is simply not acceptable. If open honest scientific investigations are not forthcoming, young people around the world will continue to have their futures thrown on the proverbial scrap heap.

If serious investigations are not conducted, it may well be the public’s trust in national health authorities that is thrown on the trash heap.

Parents and anyone who administers HPV vaccines need to ask:

  • How is it possible that HPV vaccines account for as many adverse event reports as all other vaccines administered in most childhood immunization programs, yet national health authorities still consider them safe?
  • HPV vaccines do not eliminate the need for regular cervical screening. They are simply an addition to current healthcare budgets. How can HPV vaccines be considered affordable in any country that currently has an established cervical cancer screening program?
  • The HPV virus has never been proven to cause cancer without other risk factors being present. Pap screening programs with good follow-up care has proven to be a safe and effective means of controlling abnormal cervical cell growth prior to the development of cancer. How can HPV vaccines be deemed necessary?
  • How can the efficacy of HPV vaccines be judged against endpoints that frequently resolve without medical intervention and still be considered effective?

Until such time as HPV vaccines are proven to be safe, affordable, necessary and effective – everyone needs to remember that national health authorities are not infallible. Questions must be asked – answers must be forthcoming!

In view of the fact a request from Denmark was the impetus responsible for instigating the EMA investigation, the Danish Health and Medicines Authority was the logical place to try and obtain some of the answers so desperately needed by medical professionals trying to diagnose and cure the survivors of potential reactions to HPV vaccines; answers which are also needed by the hundreds of Danish parents of affected girls.

Note from the SaneVax Team:

The following recounts a 2-day interchange initiated by us via email to Mr. Henrik G. Jensen, Unit Leader of the Family and Consumer Affairs Division, Danish Health and Medicines Authority (Sundhedsstyrelsen). Communications began at the request of multiple Danish parents concerned about their daughter’s future health due to the host of mysterious medical conditions experienced soon after the administration of HPV vaccines.

Mr. Jensen is to be commended for his rapid response to all communications from the SaneVax team. However, Mr. Jensen was not quite as efficient at answering the questions which were asked of him. This is unfortunate.

Mr. Jensen was not forthcoming with adequate answers to the questions posed by the SaneVax team and has declared, ”I think we should conclude our discussion here.”

Therefore, in the interest of public health and safety the SaneVax team is left with no alternative but to move the conversation to a public venue.

Original email from SaneVax to Mr. Henrik G. Jensen, Unit Leader Family and Consumer Affairs, Sundhedsstyrelsen transmitted at 9:20 am, 20 July 2015 (Denmark time zone):

Dear Mr. Jensen,

SaneVax Inc. is an international non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of only Safe, Affordable, Necessary and Effective (SANE) vaccines and vaccination practices. As president of SaneVax, I am writing to you on behalf of the many Danish families who have daughters with mysterious new medical conditions after the administration of HPV vaccines.

One of these parents recently sent the SaneVax team a transcript of your interview for TV2’s Good Morning Denmark show which was broadcast on July 14th. During this interview, you were questioned about the current review of HPV vaccines being conducted by the EMA’s Pharmacovigilance committee (PRAC).

Some of the statements you made during this interview were mildly disturbing. For instance, you stated 2 women die of cervical cancer every week in Denmark, when the actual rate is only 1.5 according to the latest available World Health Organization statistics. But, we understand sometimes public health officials do things like rounding incident rates to the next higher number to make an impact on the public perception so as to help increase vaccination compliance.

The primary reason for this letter is your statement that Denmark is the only country having  problems with high rates of serious adverse events after HPV vaccines. The interviewer responded to this by stating:

And let’s focus a bit on this, that it’s here in Denmark, that we experience that some of these girls who get the HPV vaccine get suspected symptoms afterwards. Because this is not the picture in, for example our neighboring country, Sweden, or basically in the rest of the world. They do not experience the girls come in and say that they are in pain, or I feel that my heart behaves ’weird’ after being given this vaccine. Why is it only here in Denmark?

You answered:

Yes. But that we, of course, have asked ourselves too, and we are also asked by our European colleagues – what is it that you experience? What is it that you are doing in Denmark? But Denmark is a tiny very well regulated, orderly country. We are good at reporting side effects. We care about it. And I think if there is a country you have to find something like this, it’s Denmark.

When we talk rare side effects, it may well be a side effect which is not found in any of the clinical trials as the basis for approval, and then it will typically be such a small Scandinavian country one finds it, as Denmark.

With all due respect, Mr. Jensen, this is simply not accurate. Please consider the following:

  • India: 2009, Gardasil was administered to 13,791 girls in Khammam district in Andhra Pradesh. Cervarix was administered to 9,637 girls in Vadodara district in Gujarat. An estimated 5% of those were left with chronic health problems and/or autoimmune disorders. A case resulting from this is currently pending in the Supreme Court.
  • Spain: AAVP is petitioning the government to stop HPV vaccinations until safety, efficacy and need are proven.
  • Japan: 2013, after only 6 weeks of being included in the national vaccination program, the government rescinded their recommendation for the use of HPV vaccines due to the number of adverse events being reported.
  • France: In 2014, MEP Michelle Rivasi called on all 28 members of the European Union to institute a moratorium on Gardasil vaccine until more studies are conducted on its effectiveness and its dangers.
  • Scotland: A petition was launched less than a week ago on behalf of the UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to convene a roundtable discussion on the safety of HPV vaccines with medical/scientific professionals from both sides of the debate. There are over 1500 signatures from people around the world supporting the request.

This is but a small sample. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as of January 2014 fifty-two countries have included HPV vaccines in their national immunization programs. The SaneVax Team has been contacted by representatives from well over half of them seeking to understand the vast array of new medical conditions occurring in the wake of these programs.

Can you please explain how a person in your position as a department head within an organization whose mission is ’health for all – through safe and effective prevention and treatment’ is not aware of any of these events?

Also, according to Dr. Jesper Mehlsen’s best estimate as of June 11th, one in 500 girls who were vaccinated with Gardasil in Denmark experienced serious side effects. This translates into 200/100,000. I am sure you are well aware of the fact that the cervical cancer diagnosis rate in your country is only 12.1/100,000.

Can you please explain why your advice to those you are charged with protecting is to continue to use HPV vaccines despite the fact that the reported rate of serious adverse events in your own country far exceeds the risk of obtaining a cervical cancer diagnosis?

Medical consumers anxiously await your reply.

Signed on behalf of Danish families,

Norma Erickson, President

SaneVax Inc.



SaneVax received the response below from Mr. Jensen at 9:41 am the same day:

Subject: SV: SaneVax Inc. on behalf of Danish Medical Consumers

Dear Norma Erickson,

Please be aware that in 2013 (latest official update) 114 women died of cervical cancer in Denmark.

Denmark is in accordance with advice given from EMA, FDA and WHO.


Henrik G. Jensen
Danish Health and Medicines Authority

SaneVax response 10:36 am, 20 July:

Subject: Re: SV: SaneVax Inc. on behalf of Danish Medical Consumers

Dear Henrik Jensen,

Thank you for your prompt response.  I understand Denmark introduced HPV vaccines in 2008.

Do you have any theory as to why the cervical cancer mortality increased from 97 in 2012 to 114 in 2013?

Thank you for any insights you can offer.


Norma Erickson

Mr. Jensen’s response 10:44 am July 20

Subject: SV: SV: SaneVax Inc. on behalf of Danish Medical Consumers

Dear Norma Erickson,

Tahnk you for your mail.

Do you recognize that the number in your mail ”1.5” is wrong?

Do you recognize that the discussion on the tv program was about POTS and CRPS and not a general discussion on ADR?

Please be clear!


Henrik G. Jensen

SaneVax reply 8:38 am, July 21

Subject: Re: SV: SV: SaneVax Inc. on behalf of Danish Medical Consumers

Dear Henrik Jensen,

Thank you for bringing the error in the original letter to my attention. I went back and checked the figures and found that I had inadvertently transposed a number when calculating the number per week. I sincerely appreciate your assistance.

I did indeed recognize that the television program was limited to a discussion of POTS and CRPS. Once again, these are conditions being diagnosed after HPV vaccine administration in many countries – NOT just Denmark!

That being said, on behalf of all the families in Denmark whose lives have been transformed after HPV vaccine use, I renew my request for answers to the following questions:

  1. Can you please explain how a person in your position as a department head within an organization whose mission is ’health for all – through safe and effective prevention and treatment’ is not aware of any of the adverse events being diagnosed after HPV vaccines in other countries – particularly POTS and CRPS?
  1. Can you please explain why your advice to those you are charged with protecting is to continue to use HPV vaccines despite the fact that the reported rate of serious adverse events in your own country far exceeds the risk of obtaining a cervical cancer diagnosis?
  1. Since HPV vaccines were introduced in Denmark in 2008, do you have any theory as to why the cervical cancer mortality increased from 97 in 2012 to 114 in 2013?

Thank you in advance for providing this much needed information to the people of your country. Please show them you are not allowing POTS and CRPS to be put under the investigative microscope in order to blur the overall picture regarding the safety profile of HPV vaccines. Let them know you are looking out for their health and well-being.

Signed on Behalf of the Citizens of Denmark,

Norma Erickson, President

SaneVax Inc.

Mr. Jensen’s response 9:42 am

SV: SV: SV: SaneVax Inc. on behalf of Danish Medical Consumers

Dear Norma Erickson,

Thank you for your mail.

Your information ”I sincerely appreciate your assistance” is simply not good enough. You owe me an apology – I think you should be serious about this and think once again about the words you use.

About the number of POTS associated with Gardasil – please be aware of the official numbers in Europa. The last official information from EMA dated December 2014 was 66 cases of POTS with the largest number in Europe from Denmark – one of the smallest countries in the world. Please check the official numbers. The EMA conclude that a link between Gardasil and POTS can neither be confirmed nor be ruled out. Once again you owe me an apology.

As far as your first question EMA concludes that the overall benefit/risk balance of Gardasil remains positive. And please be aware that this opinion is shared by FDA, WHO and all European countries. And you also knows this!

Denmark included Gardasil in the childhood vaccination program January 1, 2009. As far as the mortality rate is concerned you have to look at a wider span of years to have the full picture. We will expect to see a significant decrease in the numbers in the years to come – and combining the screening and vaccination programs we will be able to almost eradicate cervical cancer. More than 20.000 European women die from cervical cancer every year.

New Danish research by the Danish Cancer Society has already shown that the Danish vaccination program for HPV works. Among the HPV vaccinated women born in 1993 and 1994, the risk of having precursors to cervical cancer is reduced by 73% compared with unvaccinated. Scientific studies from among others US, Australia and Sweden has shown the same.

I think we should conclude our discussion here.


Henrik G. Jensen

Errors and Omissions by both parties?

First, it must be noted that there was an error in the initial email SaneVax sent to Mr. Jensen, a fact  which he pointed out  only after being asked if he had any theory as to why the cervical cancer mortality incidence in Denmark increased from 97 in 2012 to 114 in 2013 – an increase which occured after the introduction of HPV vaccines.

The information on 2013 cervical cancer mortality rates was not available to the SaneVax team at the time the email was written. Nevertheless, the 1.5 cervical cancer deaths per week in Denmark should have read 1.8 cervical cancer deaths per week according to the 2012 statistics compiled by the World Health Organization which were referenced in the email. Despite the math error (which was the author’s fault) the correct figure available to the author was still lower than the 2 cancer deaths per week Mr. Jensen quoted on the Good Morning Denmark Show.

The truth be told, whether the most accurate figure is 1.5, 1.8 or 2.0/100,00 is immaterial – all three numbers pale in comparison to the number of serious medical conditions occurring in Denmark (and other countries) after Gardasil administration.

Both Mr. Jensen and the SaneVax team were working with the data available to them at the time the emails were composed, hence some of the confusion. The truth of the matter is neither SaneVax nor Mr. Jensen have a clear picture of the benefit/risk profile of HPV vaccination programs. That is precisely why open scientific discussions are needed.

It is worth noting that SaneVax provided references to all data sources used in their communications, unless the information referenced had been provided by Mr. Jensen. Mr. Jensen did not grant SaneVax the same courtesy. The clear implication was the SaneVax team should simply trust his word. A prime example of this is Mr. Jensen’s request that SaneVax check the official numbers for POTS cases reported after HPV vaccinations in Europe without providing the source of said data.

Mr. Jensen stated,

The EMA conclude that a link between Gardasil and POTS can neither be confirmed nor be ruled out.

This statement is true. However, at no time has any SaneVax team member stated a link had been established between HPV vaccine administration and any subsequently experienced medical condition. Throughout the history of our organization, we have simply called for scientific investigations to determine whether or not such a link exists.

One could justifiably state a link between HPV vaccines and any adverse health condition will never be established unless one is looked for. Another reason open discussions with scientific professionals from both sides of the debate followed by serious investigations are such a critical need.

Mr. Jensen’s statements regarding the EMA/FDA/WHO positions on HPV vaccines was irrelevant to the subject being discussed. He was correct in stating that the SaneVax team was well aware of their position. However, all questions from SaneVax to Mr. Jensen were exclusively referring to Sundhedsstyrelsen’s position.

Mr. Jensen stated:

New Danish research by the Danish Cancer Society has already shown that the Danish vaccination program for HPV works. Among the HPV vaccinated women born in 1993 and 1994, the risk of having precursors to cervical cancer is reduced by 73% compared with unvaccinated. Scientific studies from among others US, Australia and Sweden has shown the same.

Mr. Jensen and all of the health authorities quoted should be well aware of the fact that reducing the prevalence of an infection which clears on its own 90% of the time (within two years) does not necessarily translate into a reduction of cervical cancer cases in the future. The same health authorities should be well aware of the fact that reducing so-called pre-cancerous lesions, which also frequently resolve on their own without medical intervention does not necessarily predict a reduction in cervical cancer rates.

Theoretically, these health authorities are aware of the following quote from Chapter 2 of the IARC’s COLPOSCOPY AND TREATMENT OF CERVICAL INTRAEPITHELIAL NEOPLASIA: A BEGINNER’S MANUAL, published by the World Health Organization, which states:

Despite women’s frequent exposure to HPV, development of cervical neoplasia is uncommon. Most cervical abnormalities caused by HPV infection are unlikely to progress to high-grade CIN or cervical cancer, as most of them regress by themselves. The long time frame between initial infection and overt disease indicates that several cofactors (e.g., genetic differences, hormonal effects, micronutrient deficiencies, smoking, or chronic inflammation) may be necessary for disease progression. Spontaneous regression of CIN may also indicate that many women may not be exposed to these cofactors.

The only true measure of HPV vaccine efficacy will be a reduction in diagnosed cervical cancer cases in those vaccinated along with a similar reduction failing to occur in those who are unvaccinated. All national and international health authorities referred to by Mr. Jensen should be well aware of this fact. If they are not, they are deluding themselves and the public.

Questions left unanswered by Sundhedsstyrelsen

Until such time as a real reduction in cervical cancer cases is demonstrated, medical professionals and medical consumers are left with multiple questions for which they deserve answers – if they are to have any hope of preserving the health and well-being of the next generation.

Among these questions are those Mr. Jensen left unanswered:

  • Why is the staff of Sundhedsstyrelsen apparently not aware of the reports of adverse events after HPV vaccinations in other countries, particularly the reports relating to POTS and CRPS?
  • Why is Sundhedsstyrelsen’s advice to doctors and medical consumers to continue to use HPV vaccines despite the fact that the number of serious adverse events currently being reported in Denmark far exceeds the risk of being diagnosed with cervical cancer?
  • Since HPV vaccines were included in the Danish childhood vaccination program on 1 January 2009, do you/ Sundhedsstyrelsen have any theory as to why cervical cancer deaths in Denmark increased from 97 to 114 from 2012 to 2013?

These 3 questions are but the tip of the iceberg.

Questions Sundhedsstyrelsen left unasked:

If Denmark’s health authorities were seriously interested in determining the true risk/benefit profile of HPV vaccines, they would have considered posing some questions being put forth by medical professionals, scientific research teams and medical consumers in Denmark and around the world.

Some of these questions are:

  • When vaccinating a healthy population, what is the rate of serious adverse event reports required before the risks outweigh the perceived benefits? Currently, serious adverse events after HPV vaccine administration in Denmark is estimated at 200/100,000 recipients; the cervical cancer diagnosis rate is 12.1/100,000.
  • How much collateral damage is acceptable before a vaccine is no longer considered safe?
  • Merck’s own Gardasil 9 prescribing information packet reports serious adverse event reported during clinical trials to be 2300/100,000 for Gardasil 9 and 2500/100,000 for Gardasil. This is higher than the cervical cancer diagnosis rate in any country in the world. Why does this not alter the perceived benefit/risk profile?
  • What was the rate of cervical cancer cases in Denmark 5 years prior to the introduction of HPV vaccines versus the cervical cancer diagnosis rate 5 years after the introduction of Gardasil? At what ages were these cancers diagnosed? What were the rates in other European countries before and after HPV vaccine introduction?
  • What was the hospitalization rate for the targeted population prior to including HPV vaccines in the Danish childhood immunization program versus the hospitalization rate in the same population after the inclusion of HPV vaccines? Other countries?
  • How do the serious adverse event reports being filed in Denmark after HPV vaccine administration compare to the reports submitted in other countries?
  • What is different about the girls reporting severe adverse events when compared to those who report minimal or no events after HPV vaccine administration?
  • Why are the the vast majority of adverse event reports considered psychosomatic until proven otherwise; instead of being examined as potential side effects until proven otherwise?

Again, the above questions are simply a sample of the questions the Danish Health and Medicines Authority should have put forth to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) if they were serious about investigating the benefit/risk profile of HPV vaccines.

One has to wonder why Sundhedsstyrelsen seems content to put two quite specific conditions under the microscope while ignoring the rest of the picture.

Could it have anything to do with the fact that around half of the Danish Health and Medicines Authority’s (Sundhedsstyrelsen) funding comes directly, from global pharmaceutical giants? Only time will tell.

In the meantime, medical consumers and those who administer HPV vaccines are on their own. They need to start asking pertinent questions such as those listed above and demanding answers.

Until such time as HPV vaccines are proven to be safe, affordable, necessary and effective, everyone needs to remember that national health authorities are not infallible.

Every prescription medication ever removed from the market was first deemed safe and effective by national health authorities such as the FDA and Sundhedsstyrelsen, not to mention international authorities like the EMA. (A list of 35 such drugs approved by the FDA and later pulled from the market is here.)

Gardasil, Cervarix and Gardasil 9 are rapidly becoming ’poster children’ for vaccines by demonstrating everything that can possibly go wrong with a vaccine. The laundry list of unanswered questions about these vaccines seems to expand on a daily basis.

Medical consumers have a right to receive satisfactory answers to any questions they have regarding medical interventions prior to granting their consent. This is particularly true of vaccines – injected material is not easily removed.

Anyone who administers HPV vaccines has a duty to ask relevant questions until they are satisfied with the answers. No medical intervention is right for everyone. Clearly, HPV vaccine risks outweigh the benefits for some people. Medical professionals must be completely and accurately informed in order to make sure HPV vaccines are the right choice for the person sitting in front of them.

Medical professionals and medical consumers: Remember the consequences resulting from use of Thalidomide, Darvon, Darvoset, DES, antipsychotic drugs, and Vioxx – just to name a few. All of them were approved as safe and effective before leaving massive devastation in their wake.

Do your research – it is easy to halt medications when there is a problem – you cannot unvaccinated!


This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of www.SaneVaX.org

Anti-GMO But Pro-Vaccine?#android#iPad#retweet

Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder

The truth is that the GMO and vaccine agendas are the same; only, activists appear to think there is a difference.

Few things are as disturbing to me as the divide that exists between the GMO and vaccine awareness movements. If you look closely you’ll see the exact same concerns: the violation of informed consent, the neglect of the precautionary principle, predominance of industry propaganda over actual science, the revolving door between government regulators and legislators and industry, and the undermining of the fundamental right of bodily self-possession, the keystone of health freedom. And yet, these two groups behave as if they are fighting their own separate battles, with the end result that they usually are.

Non-GMO Blindspot

There are numerous examples of how these movements are lost without one another. For instance, the non-GMOs movement adamantly supports organic production methods, correct? But if you look at big players, such as Organic Valley and Horizon Organic, both openly utilize vaccines in their veterinary care practices, some of which either contain genetically modified components, adventitious retroviruses that alter host DNA sequences and/or expression, or utilize pathogens which have been genetically altered in a way that may result in altered genetic expression in the vaccinated animal and/or those who consume these animal products. These obviously non-organic practices and/or consequences to the consumer are perfectly legal: the USDA Organic standards not only permit vaccination, but consider it the only pharmaceutical product that should be administered to cows in the absence of obvious disease. Clearly, what is legal is not always right. Many companies are perfectly happy milking the muti-billion dollar organic market at the expense of haplessly loyal consumers who buy “organic-washed” products.

Even the Non-GMO Project…

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Has Cancer Been Completely Misunderstood?#android#iPad#retweet

Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder

…the introduction of chemotherapy/radiation may cause tumor regression, but the small population that survives (including cancer stem cells) technically comes back even stronger thereafter. In the same way that antibiotics like methicillin spawned the monster that is methicillin-resistant Staphyloccocus aeureus, which creates a population of bacteria with highly up-regulated multidrug resistance proteins and genes, chemotherapy and radiation CREATE a genetically more resistant population of super-cancers, and often is the reason why the patient dies. Sadly, in these cases the death is blamed on the “chemoresistant” and “radioresistant” cancer and the victim is blamed, if you will, for being killed by the very treatment they were being told they would die much sooner without.

Cancer Is “A Symptom” And Not A “Disease.”

So, instead of a monolithic “disease,” it makes more sense to view cancer as a symptom of cellular and environmental conditions gone awry; in other words, the environment of the cell has become inhospitable to normal cell function, and in order to survive, the cell undergoes profound genetic changes, drawing ancient genetic pathways which we associate with the cancerous personality ( phenotype). This “ecological” view puts the center of focus back on the preventable and treatable causes of the “disease,” rather on some vague and out-dated concept of “defective genes” beyond our ability influence directly.

It also explains how the “disease” process may conceal an inherent logic, if not also healing impulse, insofar as it is an attempt of the body to find balance and survive in inherently unbalanced and dangerous conditions.  Fundamentally…

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Follow Up: Medical Journal Lancet Discloses Financial Interest of Pro-HPV Vaccine Article Author#android#iPad#retweet


As a result of my inquiry for the article “What you didn’t know about a doctor’s stance on the HPV vaccine,” the medical journal Lancet has now issued a correction to its publication.The correction acknowledges formerly undisclosed financial conflicts of interest between the article’s lead author and makers of the controversial human papillomavirus (HPV) cervical cancer vaccine.The article by Dr. Sharon J. B. Hanley defended the vaccine and criticized the Japanese government’s decision to stop promoting the vaccine amid concerns about injuries. It also implied patients are incorrectly blaming the HPV vaccine for unrelated ills.Hanley did not disclose…Continue to the Article Here



Breaking News: EMA investigating HPV vaccines#android#iPad#retweet

By Norma Erickson

Sunday, July 12th Svenska Dagbladet (a Swedish newspaper) released a story giving hope to hundreds of Danish families whose lives turned upside-down when their daughters began to experience multiple new medical conditions after HPV vaccine injections. This newspaper announced the European Medicines Agency (EMA) was launching a probe into possible side effects of the highly controversial HPV vaccines. Finally, these families believed they might get some answers as to why their daughters had transformed from healthy athletic girls to mere shadows of their former selves.

The Svenska Dagbladet article went on to state:

For years, talk of possible risks and side effects from HPV vaccines was rejected by authorities, doctors and drug companies. The decision by EMA in London, which is to be presented on Monday, according to SvD’s sources, is therefore likely to create harsh reactions.

Within a few short hours, the story was confirmed by multiple other news outlets.

A Medscape article stated the EMA had started a review on human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines to ”further clarify aspects of their safety profile,” although the agency also points out that this review ’does not question that the benefits of HPV vaccines outweigh their risks.” This report also noted that the EMA would make no recommended changes in the use of HPV vaccines while the review was being conducted.

An ABC News article reported,

The European Medicines Agency says it has started a review of cervical cancer vaccines to see if they are linked to two rare conditions, but emphasized it hasn’t changed its recommendations for how the shots should be used.

An article in The Local, from Denmark stated:

At the request of Denmark, which has seen an increasing number of young girls suffer side effects, the European Medicines Agency said on Monday that it will take a closer look at the HPV vaccine.

The review is being carried out by EMA’s own side effects committee, PRAC, which according to Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet has had internal disagreements over how to handle mounting suspected evidence of medical risks connected to the vaccines.

The Daily Mail (UK) article reported:

The safety of the HPV vaccine has today been thrown into doubt as health experts launch a review of the jab amid concerns over its side-effects.

The European Medicines Agency’s probe will focus on rare reports of two conditions, complex regional pain syndrome and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome

The EMA was quick to note the review does not question that the benefits of HPV vaccines outweigh the risks.

Suddenly, parents around the world began to experience the same kind of hope those in Denmark did. Someone was finally going to listen to what they had been saying for months, sometimes years. Instead of brushing off their daughters’ (and sons’) new symptoms as psychosomatic, their children’s new medical conditions would be examined as possible side effects of the HPV vaccines they all had taken.

This 3 minute Danish news report (with English subtitles) gives an indication of how much families around the world are depending on the outcome of a serious scientific investigation.

Do these parents finally have a reason to be hopeful; or is the light they see at the end of the tunnel an oncoming train?”

What kind of ‘probe’ is the EMA going to conduct?

The documentation provided by the European Medicines Agency regarding this investigation raises many questions about the voracity of their efforts. Let’s start by taking a critical look at the press release distributed by the EMA on July 13th regarding this review.

The first two paragraphs of this press release state:

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has started a review of HPV vaccines to further clarify aspects of their safety profile. These vaccines have been used in around 72 million people worldwide and their use is expected to prevent many cases of cervical cancer (cancer of the neck of the womb) and various other cancers and conditions caused by HPV. Cervical cancer is the 4th most common cause of cancer death in women worldwide, with tens of thousands of deaths in Europe each year despite the existence of screening programmes to identify the cancer early. The review does not question that the benefits of HPV vaccines outweigh their risks.

As for all licensed medicines the safety of these vaccines is monitored by the Agency’s Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC).

The following statements from the EMA press release are not strictly accurate:

  • Statement: These vaccines have been used in around 72 million people worldwide.
  • Fact: No one knows how many people have been injected with HPV vaccines because the vast majority of countries do not record administered doses. At any given time, many of the distributed doses they do keep track of may be in storage awaiting administration.
  • Statement: Their use is expected to prevent many cases of cervical cancer…
  • Fact: Note they use the words ‘expected to’ NOT ‘proven to’.
  • Statement: Cervical cancer is the 4th most common cause of cancer death in women worldwide,
  • Fact: No mention is made of the fact that over 80% of these cancer deaths occur in low to middle income countries, NOT the European Union.
  • Statement: …with tens of thousands of deaths in Europe each year, despite the existence of screening programmes to identify the cancer early.
  • Fact: There may be ‘tens of thousands’ in Europe, but for the European Union the cervical cancer mortality rate is 3.7/100,000 – MUCH lower than the rate of serious adverse events being reported worldwide after HPV vaccinations. Denmark for instance currently reports serious adverse events at a rate of 200/100,000 injected.

This is not exactly a good start if one wants to instill public confidence in the outcome of a safety investigation. How can one trust the outcome of an investigation being conducted by an agency that has so little regard for accuracy in their press releases?

Let’s move on to the additional announcement issued by the EMA on the same date which states:

The current review will look at available data with a focus on rare reports of two conditions: complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS, a chronic pain condition affecting the limbs) and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS, a condition where the heart rate increases abnormally after sitting or standing up, causing symptoms such as dizziness and fainting, as well as headache, chest pain and weakness). Reports of these conditions in young women who have received an HPV vaccine have been previously considered during routine safety monitoring by the PRAC but a causal link between them and the vaccines was not established.

Both conditions can occur in non-vaccinated individuals and it is considered important to further review if the number of cases reported with HPV vaccine is greater than would be expected.

In its review the PRAC will consider the latest scientific knowledge, including any research that could help clarify the frequency of CRPS and POTS following vaccination or identify any causal link.

This section raises several questions in the mind of even the most casual observer.

  • How can they say these two conditions are rare before the investigation is completed?
  • Since the two conditions have been considered previously, have any communications been issued to medical professionals alerting them to watch for these conditions after HPV vaccines?
  • Why are they only looking at the frequency of CPRS/POTS following vaccination?
  • How can an ”expected rate” be determined without examining the frequency of CPRS/POTS in unvaccinated people of the same age group as those receiving HPV vaccines?
  • Since CPRS/POTS are just now being considered as a potential adverse reaction to HPV vaccines, how can evidence of a potential causal link possibly have been established?

Why were POTS and CRPS chosen for this investigation?

If one wanted to get into a truly serious discussion, they would ask why two rare, difficult to diagnose conditions were chosen to be examined instead of looking at all of the serious symptoms recipients of HPV vaccines are reporting. Is it because the symptoms of both are commonly seen in many other disorders making these two conditions difficult to diagnose?

As a matter of fact, the currently used diagnostic criteria for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CPRS) was only published in 2007. Even that set of diagnostic criteria is under review for proposed changes. How is the average medical professional supposed to make an accurate diagnosis of this disorder when the experts can’t agree on how to do so?

The same is true of POTS diagnostic criteria. Post orthostatic tachycardia syndrome is not a disease, but simply a cluster of symptoms that are frequently seen together. Since POTS is not a disease, it is fair to say that POTS is caused by something else. However, figuring out what is causing the symptoms of POTS in each patient can be very difficult, and in many cases, patients and their doctors will not be able to determine the precise underlying cause. This makes it pretty convenient for the stakeholders, wouldn’t you say?

Quite frequently people live with these two conditions for years without receiving an accurate diagnosis. Could that be the reason the EMA chose these two disorders to examine?

These facts make it relatively easy to keep the number of reports low, particularly when quoting the rates against distributed doses instead of administered doses.

Where does that leave all of the HPV vaccine recipients who currently exhibit the symptoms of these two disorders but have not obtained a diagnosis yet?

Unreported with no diagnosis and consequently no treatment protocol!

Who does the EMA turn to in order to investigate these potential safety concerns?

Believe it, or not – In order to examine potential safety concerns with Gardasil/Silgard, Gardasil 9 and Cervarix the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) is going to question the Marketing Authorization Holders (MAH’s). The Marketing authorisation holders for these products are GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Merck Sharp & Dohme Limited, and Sanofi Pasteur MSD.

How insane can one get? These are the very organizations which stand to lose the most should a safety issue be proven regarding HPV vaccines. Does anyone in their right mind think these organizations are going to be transparent when it comes to anything that could substantially effect their bottom line?

The EMA did mention examining data, but will this data come from anyone outside the marketing authorization holders’ control?

Why did the PRAC make no mention of efforts to interview the families of those affected?

Why are they making no apparent effort to talk to physicians on the ground – the people most likely to have experience observing new medical conditions after HPV vaccine administration?

Is the PRAC going to extend their probe to include examination of peer-reviewed publications indicating possible safety concerns surrounding HPV vaccines? Better yet, how about talking to the authors of these publications?

So, what hope do thousands of affected families have?

In this particular instance, there is a great deal of hope. The EMA may have been able to conduct their investigations like this in the past. This time it will not work.

Parents of those with new medical conditions after HPV vaccine administration are not isolated and alone. They have united around the world. They do not want further clarification – they want the truth. They are watching.

Medical and scientific professionals with genuine concerns about the safety, efficacy and need for HPV vaccinations are speaking out. They are willing fight to protect the health of future generations. They are watching.

Business as usual will no longer suffice. Medical consumers around the world will accept nothing less than open, honest scientific investigations regarding HPV vaccine issues.

The families of those negatively affected by HPV vaccine use will not surrender until their children’s health issues have been properly investigated, successful treatment protocols have been designed, and mechanisms put in place to guarantee this type of medical experimentation never gets out of hand again.

Citizens of the world will no longer stand back and allow government health officials to betray the public trust!

Read this article in Spanish here.


This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of www.SaneVax.org