The New Child Abuse Panic – Government and Medical Tyranny#android#iPad#retweet


 CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — FEW things are tougher for a parent than dealing with a child’s serious medical condition, particularly if it is complicated and hard to diagnose. The parent has to make hard choices about treatment, navigating conflicting advice from doctors or even rejecting one doctor’s opinion and seeking another.

Recently, the situation of these parents has gotten even harder. Some doctors and hospitals have begun to level a radical new charge — “medical child abuse” — against parents who, they say, get unnecessary or excessive treatment for their kids. That this care is usually ordered by other doctors hasn’t protected parents from these loaded accusations.

Although most of these cases have nothing to do with real child abuse, credulous child welfare officials have too often supported the doctors, threatened parents with loss of custody, and even removed kids from their homes — simply because the parents disagreed with the doctor’s plan of care.

Perhaps the most notorious such case is that of Justina Pelletier, a teenager who was being treated for mitochondrial disease, or “mito,” a rare metabolic disorder that interferes with energy production. On the advice of a metabolic geneticist at Tufts Medical Center who was treating her, she was admitted in 2013 to Boston Children’s Hospital, so that she could see her longtime gastroenterologist, who had recently moved there. Without consulting the girl’s doctor at Tufts, Boston Children’s concluded that the girl’s problem was not mito, but largely psychiatric, according to The Boston Globe.

When her parents disagreed and sought to transfer her back to Tufts, Boston Children’s called child protection…

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Pro-HPV Vaccine Doc Omits Financial Ties in Medical Journal#android#iPad#retweet


One of the biggest promoted drugs in history, the HPV cervical cancer vaccine, is a multi-billion dollar blockbuster. But it’s also faced criticism — some of it from a scientist who helped develop it —  amid concerns about safety and effectiveness

When Japan suspended proactively recommending the vaccine amid concerns over injuries, the makers, Merck (Gardasil) and GlaxoSmithKline (Cevarix), began the hard lobby.

Enter a physician who wrote a correspondence about the controversy…

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HPV vaccine has done this to my child.#android#iPad#retweet

This was a very hard video to post, my 12 yr old daughter was fine before her vaccine, now this is her life. We live in New Zealand and I thought our healthcare system was ok, we have been left to deal with this ourselves. I’m showing this because I want people to know what damage this vaccine can and does cause. Please research before deciding. I didn’t 🙁 sorry the audio wasn’t the best, what I’m saying is “I’ve just carried Briar out of the bath as her legs keep collapsing, this is the amount of pain she is in after pain killers, that her pain feels like a ‘big knife’ in her legs, just over a year ago she could do all this, have a bath, play sport, just basically have a life, then the HPV vaccine happened and she can’t do a thing, this is her life and this is the part nobody sees. I didn’t want to cause her more pain but I wanted to show what her life is now.” …

Bought Movie Bonus Short- Future Generations#android#iPad#retweet

 Patrick Gentempo, D.C.: I believe that we look at modern medicine and when we look back on it some years later we’re gonna recognize that we made some mistakes.

With vaccines, I am convinced we’re gonna find a very similar thing saying “hmmm, now maybe we’re looking in hindsight and recognizing, there’s some real problems here.”

Sherri Tenpenny, D.O.: All of these pounding of vaccines and the sixty three different chemicals that are inside of vaccines, four of which are documented carcinogens that are being injected at very early ages into children.

We are damaging DNA with chemicals and pesticides and dioxin and genetically modified food. Once you damage then destroy the D&A we don’t know how many generations

that’s gonna pass down to.

Dr. Toni Bark, M.D.: My greatest fear I believe has been real realized…

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The Woman Who Died of Measles in Washington: How a Press Release Became a Media Sensation#android#iPad#retweet

by Marco Cáceres

On July 2, 2015, the Washington State Department of Health issued a press release titled, “Measles led to death of Clallam Co. woman; first in US in a dozen years.”1 Within hours, the release began to be picked up by numerous media sources, including ABC News,2 BuzzFeed News,3 CBS News,4 CNN,5 Forbes,6 Fox News,7 NBC News,8 Reuters,9 Slate,10 the Detroit Free Press,11 The Huffington Post,12 The New York Times,13 the Puget Sound Business Journal,14 The Seattle Times,15 The Verge,16 the Washington Examiner,17 and The Washington Post.18

(Don’t forget to note the lead-off to each story—those scary microscope images of the measles virus. There’s the peachy pink one that looks like rivers draining into a lake, and then there’s the orange one with the big purple blob. They’re meant for effect… you know, to set the tone.)

Be assured that this is just the tip of iceberg. The story will continue going viral for some time, and it will spark yet another national debate about the need for mandatory vaccinations for both children and even adults.

On June 30, California’s Governor Jerry Brown signed the controversial SB 277 bill into law mandating all students attending public and private schools (as well as daycare…

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