The Killer Vaccines An Honest Physician Warns of Serious Dangers #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions From Vaccines #Parental Consent

The Killer Vaccines An Honest Physician Warns of Serious Dangers #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions From Vaccines #Parental Consent

Vaccines routinely given to millions of children and adults can be very dangerous to your health, a respected neurosurgeon warns.

“The medical industry is making a fortune promoting and requiring unnecessary vaccinations,” Dr. Russell Blaylock warns in The Blaylock Wellness Report – published by…

Well established neurosurgeon goes into further detail in above report.Click on above link to read further.

A Health Note From Me #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions From Vaccines #Family Health

I am so grateful to live in a country where so many freedoms exist and so many good people continue to fight to uphold.  A constitution that allows me to put my God at the helm in my health studies.

How many scientists, doctors, researchers and everyday individuals have been led, guided and held up through tough times through their belief and faith in God.

I have had some unique health situations here and there over the past twenty-four years.  At times I felt it was unfair, I was too young, too busy with work and little ones. After personal health research, I am amazed at what I have been able to learn, and to heal in many ways as well as be sustained in the process.  Just for me and my personal health pursuits.

I am thankful to my Heavenly Father’s kindness, guidance and love and to know that all who reach out to him can be just as blessed.

Great Resources for Vaccine Info #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Family Health

Here are two wonderful resources for the latest vaccine research. Know your facts before you vaccinate yourself or your kids. I won’t tell you NOT to vaccinate but I STRONGLY RECOMMEND you educate yourself before you ‘take the plunge.’
Speaking of plunge, remember when your mom would say, “Just because your friends jump off a bridge, are you going to do it?” None of us would jump into a body of water without knowing it is deep enough for us not to get hurt. Yet we will inject a ‘mystery cocktail’ directly into our blood stream or our children’s blood stream…following our friends and peers blindly. Know the depth, seriousness and side-effects before you jump.

Remember, Vaccination is NOT immunization. They are two totally different things though marketing campaigns use them interchangeably.

“Solving the Health and Wealth Conundrum” – Shetlin – amazon link

“Vaccination is NOT immunization” – O’shae – Amazon link

Very informative and helpful website.


Vaccine Legislative Update: The Vaccine Police State is Knocking… #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines#Parental Choice

Vaccine Legislative Update: The Vaccine Police State is Knocking… #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines#Parental Choicee

There are six vaccine bills in each of 30+ states that now either require more vaccines for more people or further restrict our right to refuse them.

Take a quick check to see if your state is on the list and how to be a part of restricting forced vaccinations. Click on above link.

What’s A Parent To Do? Six Common Sense Precautions #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines

What’s A Parent To Do? Six Common Sense Precautions #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines

By Diderik Finne, MS, LAc, CCH

If you decide to vaccinate your child, here are six common sense precautions:
Insist on giving your child only one vaccine at a time. The safety of
combining vaccines in one shot had never been tested, even by the indulgent
standards of the FDA. Imagine having to deal with five intruders inside your
home at once!
Consider the justification for each vaccine you want to give your child.
Vaccination has a cumulative effect: each vaccine adds to the toxic load. The
traditional childhood diseases—measles, mumps, German measles,
chickenpox—are mild and rarely lead to complications. The children most
at risk for complications, ironically, are also those most at risk for severe
vaccine reactions.
Wait until your child is two years or older to vaccinate. In the FDA – UCLA
safety review of the pertussis vaccine, the two children who died were among
the youngest in the study group—two months old. In Japan, when
recommended age for DPT vaccination age was raised from three months to
two years, the number of annual vaccine-related deaths dropped from 37 to 3.
Do not vaccinate a sick child. This simple precaution was followed by the FDA
– UCLA study but is rarely observed by busy pediatricians.
Do not vaccinate a child who responded badly to a previous vaccination. This
child has already reached the limit of what he or she can tolerate.
Insist on a mercury-free vaccine. Ask your pediatrician in advance for the
insert provided by the manufacturer. If the list of ingredients includes
thimerosol, the vaccine contains mercury.
Dr. Diderik Finne is a Certified Classical Homeopath and Doctor of
Acupuncture, in private practice in New York City since 1997. He has
researched the topic of vaccination for more than fifteen years and
distilled the most essential facts and concepts in this paper. Its sole
purpose is to help parents make an informed choice regarding
immunization. For more copies and other works by Dr. Finne,
visit his website (  ).
A most helpful paper located at the above link. I have friends
and acquaintances that have had success in this area as it relates
to vaccination.

Hilary Butler Quotes #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines

Hilary Butler quotes #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines

“I have never seen a SIDS death in a healthy breastfed baby, unvaccinated, who has slept on anything from here to Timbuctoo. Over the 19 years in IAS, we have never seen one.”–Hilary Butler

Numerous quotes from a veteran vaccine researcher.  Significant for anyone undertaking their own personal vaccine research.

Click on above link to access.