This Study Reveals Children are Being Vaccinated With Toxic Levels of Aluminium Causing Neurological Damage and Autism#Autism Spectrum#Vaccines#Preemies


 by Christina England

 A recent study conducted by Canadian scientists Professor Christopher Shaw and Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic revealed that the more vaccines that children receive containing the adjuvant aluminum, the greater their chance is of developing autism, autoimmune diseases and neurological problems in the future.

In 2013, in their paper, published by Springer Science+Business Media, titled Aluminum in the Central Nervous System: Toxicity in Humans and Animals, Vaccine Adjuvants, and Autoimmunity, they revealed that during a 17-year period, the rates of autism had increased significantly in countries that had the most vaccinations containing the adjuvant aluminum…

Read the rest of the article here

Dr. Carley – Featured Doctors Week #Vaccines#Pets and Vaccines#Autism Spectrum

Our final, featured practitioner is Dr. Rebecca Carley.  She has helped children, adults and pets who have suffered from vaccine-induced diseases with great success for many, many years.

Through her years of research, along with other colleagues, she has uncovered many a truth in regards to the history of vaccines.  The details are found in the link below.

What’s Ailing America?

Please take a minute to view her website to find which diseases correlate with vaccine damage.  There may be a cure or long sought improvement,  for you or a friend through the work of this dedicated and courageous doctor.

Thank you, Dr. Carley, for taking the time to share your research and expertise with us today.

jen 🙂

Reversing Vaccine Induced Diseases

Below are a number of different articles and diagrams offering a wealth of information on the history and current issues in relation to vaccines today.  Please review these articles prior to considering any given vaccine.

Click here for Dr. Carley’s Diagrams 1-4, WHICH REVEAL THE CAUSE OF ALL DISEASE AS WELL AS HOW ALL DISEASES CAN BE REVERSED WITH NATURAL THERAPIES (The 4th diagram is the big picture of her Hippocrates Protocol which she develops on an individual basis and teaches her clients who obtain consults after reviewing their history of toxin exposure)……….

Rashid Buttar – Featured Doctors Week#Autism Spectrum#Vaccine-induced diseases#Vaccines

Dr. Rashid Buttar

The Writing is on the Wall

I am proud to introduce Dr. Rashid A. Buttar as our next featured doctor of the week.  His name is highly acclaimed and is well-known throughout the world.

As a reminder, the purpose of this week is to honor those doctors, who have expertly cared and treated vaccine-injured individuals across the globe.  You will

find a very interesting background and personal story, which brought him to where he is today.  Any parent with a child suffering from a learning disorder owes

it to themselves and their child to read the following links. You will quickly find that Dr. Buttar’s words jump out at you with such excitement and vigor from the

great successes he has found.  The voice of a modern day pioneer of medicine.

Thank you, Dr. Buttar for your example and dedication to your work.  

Who is Dr Buttar


Dr. Mark Flannery – Featured Doctors Week#Vaccines#Autism Spectrum#HPV Vaccines

Vaccine-induced diseases can be some of the most complex and challenging to treat.  Many individuals sink a fortune into care with little to no healing.

This week I wanted to feature health practitioners who have had significant success in treating many individuals world-wide with such injuries. I hope this weeks’ posts travel far and wide and many can find healing and relief in their symptoms. Thank you Dr. Flannery,  for all you have done and continue to do for so many.

The following is an article written by one of this week’s featured doctors.

Written by:  Dr. Mark Flannery

Most people are unaware of the risks associated with vaccines(1)

Alan Freestone – Featured Doctor Week #Vaccines#Autism Spectrum#Autism

alan freestone  alan freestone

January 15, 2014 8:44 PM

“My name is Alan Freestone. I’m a homeopath living in London and I specialise in treating autistic children. What is apparent to me is that large numbers of these children have been damaged by vaccines. I don’t believe it is a coincidence that as the vaccine schedule has increased dramatically so has the incidence of autism.I served in the RAF in the past and was innoculated with a whole cocktail of tropical vaccines in one day. Around 9 months later I started suffering from an auto-immune disease. It was only years later that I put two-and-two together and corrected the auto-immune condition by removing the toxicity from my body using homeopathy.So my message is: vaccines can seriously damage people, but homeopathy can often repair this damage. There is always hope. If you suspect that someone you know has been damaged by a vaccine, even many years ago, please put them in touch with me.Anyone interested in finding out more about my methods, please visit my or drop me a line at: alan.homeopath@gmail.comThank youAlan”

 Hello everyone, this is our Featured Doctors Week.  I have sought out doctors that have one thing in common.  Doctors that have had great success in treating patients with vaccine-induced diseases.  These are complicated cases that many individuals search for years before they find relief and healing.  This week is a tribute to those doctors that have gone the extra mile to find help and answers for their patients.  Thank you.


Garlic Proven to Kill Brain Cancer Cells, Prevent Future Growth#Natural Immunity#Vaccines#World

January 30th, 2014

garlic brain cancer 263x164 Garlic Proven to Kill Brain Cancer Cells, Prevent Future GrowthA small group of researchers at Medical University of South Carolina found something that’s useful for anyone willing to properly consume lots of garlic. They discovered that certain organo-sulfur compounds in garlic can in fact kill brain cancer cells without disturbing healthy cells….

Read the rest of the article in the link below.

I too have come to know many of the healing properties of garlic.  I have found the crushed garlic method to work well.  I typically chop into small pieces and swallow like a vitamin, and at mealtime. I don’t want to smell like a lot of garlic so I don’t chew the garlic.  I prefer the odorless allimax supplements in the link below.  The author of the above link also has a recipe for garlic soup, when one is under the weather.  Fortunately, garlic is very inexpensive so I think the soup can be a cost effective way to go.

With smaller children I like to open a capsule of allicin powder, the healing element of garlic, and mix it into food.  Don’t put through the heating process.  Sometimes something as simple as cinnamon apple sauce, rice cereal, chocolate goat milk or a smoothie will cover the smell and taste.

 It doesn’t take but four or five bites of applesauce, to take in the garlic powder.  There are different brands of allicin based capsules out there, and a big difference between allicin based capsules and garlic based capsules. I have a couple of allicin based capsules that have become my favorite brands over the years.

At the early onset of illness our family will take morning and night until symptoms subside.  Typically, two to four days.  Works like a charm.

When one of us would get really sick, we would take day and night for up to ten days.  Sometimes necessary to double the dose to 360 mg until symptoms subside. A great way to ramp up the immune system at those needed times.  Here’s a link to one of the blogs, Product of the Day.  I find this brand is close to odorless, and has the best results I have found.  Great to have on hand, for those times when you need it.  Discount for the blog included.  If you are looking to add to emergency storage, then you can get the furthest expiration date through the manufacturer within the link.

Just some helpful mom advice.  🙂

Product of the day – Odorless garlic capsules

On a side note.  I used to work full-time , and out of the home, when my children were little. I found that spotting illness early on, and ramping up the immune system allowed a lot of illnesses to pass over them.  Especially with a fair amount of time spent in child-care, and public school. 

Children’s echinacea drops, and vitamin C granules or powder came in handy back then.  One last tip, the younger the child, the better they eat food, with a supplement mixed in, if it’s the first thing they eat in the morning. I always found it helpful to have at least one alternative health practitioner among our family doctors.  A great resource for nutrition and preventative health practices.

Garlic Proven to Kill Brain Cancer Cells, Prevent Future Growth


Apartheid in Medicine#Mandated Vaccines#Apartheid#Vaccines

Apartheid in Medicine

January 17, 2014 By

Dr. Frank Lipman is one of our favorite functional medicine doctors here at Revive. Not only is he leading the way in developing innovative models for making this great medicine available for all, his passion is also driven from the same source as ours. Check out his moving and salient TEDx talk on the future of medicine…

 Impressive clip, do you recognize truth when you hear it?  One of the best

short clips in medicine I have heard.  Truly inspired, please click on the link to catch the rest of the article.

Apartheid in Medicine cont.


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Getting a fever improves learning disorders #autism#adhd#vaccines

January 12, 2014 by Sima Ash

(NaturalHealth365) Many parents and physicians have noted for decades that children with autism often improve when they have a fever. In fact, physicians first began reporting this phenomenon back in 1980 and few have been investigating why this happens.

But, in the last 5-10 years, some researchers have been hypothesizing why a fever helps with autism. Even mainstream magazines such as Time report on this extraordinary phenomenon. Current numbers show that approximately one third of those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) show a clinical improvement in symptoms in response to a fever.
How does a fever help autistic children?

An article published in Medical Hypothesis states that the release of the amino acid glutamine could be the reason for the improvement in autism symptoms. In people with autism, glutamine in the blood and brain is low, but during a fever glutamine is released from skeletal muscles as provisional fuel and the glutamine is metabolized by the intestines just as if the amino acid had been ingested.

The International Journal of Hypothermia derived the same conclusion. They found that a fever or hyperthermia may be able to alter glutamate levels in the brain and therefore be able to impact the symptoms of autism.
Beware of ‘fever reducing’ medications

Fever has been associated with mental illness since Hippocrates was alive and the presence of fever is associated with a favorable outcome in various pathologic conditions. Another article in Medical Hypothesis states that there are most likely two groups of children with autism – those who develop acute febrile incidents and those who develop them but without fever.

It is thought that the first group most likely has higher functioning autism and can be helped by not suppressing fevers with medicine and using antibiotics and chemical drugs sparingly. They also suggest selective vaccination.

Editor’s note: Obviously, just for the record, does not actively promote the use of toxic drugs or vaccinations. But, we will – from time to time – simply state what research reveals on the topic and ask the reader to always make an informed decision about their healthcare choices.
How does a fever influence brain function?

A paper in Pediatrics confirmed the link between fever and abatement of autism symptoms and two physicians out of Albert Einstein College think they know why. One of the parts of the brain that governs attention and concentration called the locus coeruleus also regulates fever. These physicians concluded that the locus coeruleus ameliorates the effects of autism when people with autism are afflicted with fever.

Can we ‘fake’ a fever to receive health benefits?

Many parents of children with autism swear by far-infrared sauna therapy. The sauna triggers a fever response and the children demonstrate better cognitive function and eye contact. Wearing minimal clothing is better and don’t bring in reading materials or plastics in the sauna.

In addition, a glass of ice water and white towel is best. Starting out on a lower bench and shorter duration is necessary. Of course, using a ‘natural’ sauna free of chemicals, comprised of natural wood – not plastic – and free of toxic glues is ideal.

Along the same lines, researchers have found that hot baths to simulate a fever is helpful in ameliorating symptoms of autism. The researchers suspect that the fever may trigger the release of protective anti-inflammatory signals in the body. They found that children with ASD and a history of positive behavior response to fever had improved social behaviors when bathed – each day – in a hot tub at 102 oF, compared to those bathed in water with a temperature of 98oF.
– See more at:

About the author: Sima Ash of Healing 4 Soul is a clinical and classical homeopath and certified clinical nutritionist who utilizes a unique approach pioneered by Tinus Smits, M.D. called CEASE therapy. The aim of CEASE treatment is systematic detoxification of the causes of illness, leading to step by step improvement and restoration of health in the individual. For additional information, please visit – You can follow Sima on Facebook at ‘Cease Therapy California’ and through her weekly blog on


An interesting perspective on healing.  Don’t most of us relax and feel comforted after a sit in a hot tub?  Sometimes, little bits of healing can be so simple.  Click on above link to learn more.
