What To Do About The Flu And You?#Vaccines#Flu#Family

A portrait of a young woman blowing her nose
By Rika Keck, FDN, ACN, CMTA Specializes in Nutrition, Fitness and  Women’s Wellness.


Life is busy, going at 160 miles per hour! Deadlines at work for the end of 2013, social commitments, Holiday preparations, shopping, staying more indoors because of the cold outside, not getting enough sleep, more sugary treats at home and the office – all will lead to a weakened immune system and that sets up the terrain for viral and bacterial infections. Oh, and by the way, trying to recover from breast cancer surgery and/or cancer treatments of various kinds?


It is within the above landscape that health, detoxification and strength of the immune system need to be addressed and supported. This is not medical advice and I do recommend discussing the information with your health practitioner or holistic-minded physician before embarking on a supplement program.


As a Holistic practitioner, I believe in supporting health while also using anti-viral and anti-microbial protection. I use specific nutritional and herbal supplements plus homeopathic remedies, but I wanted to address some easy immune-supporting  ‘DIY-at-home’ tips.


I am not in favor of the Flu-shot for multiple reasons including the harmful ingredients and preservatives used in the ‘vaccine’. I do believe everyone must make their own choice regarding what they put into their body. It is worth knowing what is in a Flu shot, esp. as it injected directly into the bloodstream. http://www.drfranklipman.com/the-truth-about-the-flu-shot/


‘Natural Flu Protection’ Measures?
(This is not medical advice. Please check in with a Health Practitioner if on medications.)
Optimal nutrition with seasonal whole foods including free range / wild sourced protein, healthy fats and complex carbs go a long way to boost overall immune health at any time. Consider eating multiple different colored organic vegetables and some seasonal fruit daily to assimilate a variety of protective anti-oxidants and phytonutrients. With toxic cancer treatments, the body has a higher need for food-based anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals.


Did You Know This About Probiotics?
70-80% of the immune system is in the gut! This is why probiotics play such an important role in supporting your immune system. There are multiple strains, various dosages and multiple companies available.


With chemo and radiation, the micro flora in the gut becomes disrupted. This weakens the immune system, resilience and absorption of nutrients. Opportunistic ‘bad bugs’ and fungal infections can gain a foothold in a compromised environment resulting in additional physiological stress.


General info: In today’s world, probiotics are an imperative part of our daily maintenance program. Why? Consider the amount of antibiotics used in commercial foods. These alter the healthy flora in your gut, “they destroy the good guys.” As such, it is great to consider a high quality probiotic for your daily wellness.


Rotation? Rather than choosing one probiotic, do rotate your probiotic to assimilate different strains besides acidophilus. lactobacillus, bifidia. The healthy yeasts, saccaromyces boulardii, are very helpful in various gastro-intestinal challenges and yeast infections.


I would use a high dosage of probiotics when feeling immune-compromised, ‘under the weather’ or recovering from surgery. (Also, It has been shown that probiotics will shorten the duration and severity of a cold.)


Health Fats And Your Immune System?
Healthy fats, esp. coconut oil, are terrific immune boosters. This saturated fat will keep your metabolism humming by supporting thyroid function. The thyroid is adversely affected by chronic stress, radiation and chemotherapy. Coconut oil contains essential fatty acids that are antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal. Adding it to the creamed buckwheat, or over steamed dark green veggies or adding it to your chicken curry, it will go a long way to support your health!


Cod Liver Oil will support with vitamin A and vitamin D – both are needed for immune support, gut-lining support, plus the DHA supports brain health and memory! (Do check-in with your physician before any surgery!!!!!)


What About Supplementing With Vitamins?
When you feel that you are getting sick, I do recommend increasing complex vitamin C, E, vitamin A, vitamin D, selenium, calcium and zinc. It is during this preliminary time, that you have a chance to ‘put a brake on the Flu infection pedal’.


Taking higher doses of nutrients for a few days can be very supportive in fighting off a viral infection. If you are on medications esp. heart or blood thinning meds, you do want consult with your physician before going on a short term, therapeutic and higher dose regimen.


What About Synthetic Vitamins?
I strongly discourage use of any synthetic ‘natural’ vitamins, which are made from cheap ingredients. Even though promoted as ‘natural’, these synthetic supplements often non-food based, plus they contain harmful fillers, colors and toxic additives. Quality matters!


Look for only ‘whole food supplements’ that contain complexes and phytonutrients, not isolated and fractionated compounds. Synthetic vitamins have a long shelf life and are not bioavailable, e.g. Synthetic vitamin B is made from coal tar, ammonia, acetone and hydrochloric acid……
BTW, synthetic vitamins are used in clinical studies – no wonder the outcome is not favorable….esp. regarding vitamin A and vitamin E…It is important to stay with organic and whole food supplements.


Minerals: Which minerals have good anti-viral properties?
Selenium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, All are immune boosters and are helpful. When you feel you are coming down with a viral infection, I would suggest using doses in small increments regularly throughout a few days – Just using one mega dose in the morning will not be effective.
Iodine supplementation is also very helpful regarding infections and this is best discussed with a practitioner.


What else?
Herbal Teas: There are great teas at the Health store that will support mucous membranes in the sinuses and bronchioles. Check for teas that include herbs such as Slippery Elm, Marshmallow Root (not with statins), Nettles, Golden Seal, Licorice Root (avoid if high blood pressure), Choose from a great selection of herbal teas that will soothe inflamed membranes and support drainage. Arnica and Boswellia will provide inflammatory relief. Saline nasal sprays or use of the netti pot is helpful too.


A Few Additional Tips?


  • Avoiding of sugar: One teaspoon of sugar depresses the immune system by 4 hours. (This is important not just for the Flu Season.)
  • Hydration: With the heated buildings, being dehydrated poses a risk, as the he boy is not flushing efficiently.
  • Sleep: Getting enough sleep is so helpful for immune support.
  • The obvious: Washing of hands, not touching eyes, nose or mouth to avoid viral transfer via mucous membranes
  • Put up your feet; listen to some nice music while you are enjoying a cup of tea!
  • Meditation, Yoga – any form of stress reduction that resonates with you will support your immune system during the Winter months.
  • Dry skin brushing helps lymphatic flow and it is supportive during cancer treatment too.


Find joy and laughter – the best ‘medicine’!

Rika_KechAbout Rika Keck: Find Rika at NYIntegratedHealth.com
 . Rika specializes in Nutrition, Fitness and  Women’s Wellness. Rika is Certified in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, also a CMTA Speaker, Corporate Wellness Consultant and Holistic Life Coach.
Rika Keck, FDN, ACN, CMTA
646 285-8588
646 285-8588


Rapid Healing Method

Following Your Inner Compass: Rejecting Flu Vaccine in Pregnancy#Vaccines#World#Family

Sunday, February 2nd 2014                                                                                            Follow Your Inner Compass success road

Originally published on KellyBroganMD.com

I dare say that the modern woman has handed over her inner compass. It’s as if we came from generations of master chefs – natural giants in the kitchen, using our senses and instincts to guide us toward nourishing preparations – but we have been recently convinced through the promise of technology and corporate prowess that processed food is more reliable, nutritious, and beneficial. We’ve been convinced that Hamburger Helper is better for our families than a homemade Bolognese.

The medicalization of pregnancy and birth is no exception.

In this way, women have permitted doctors and pharmaceutical companies privileged access to their fierce and primitive drive toward protecting a pregnancy. They have been made to feel fear, convinced that they need the support of the apparatus of allopathic medicine to get them through this perilous trial.

I’d like to take a moment to pause…

Read entire article – Click here

Rapid Healing Method

Dr. Mark Flannery – Featured Doctor#Vaccines#World#Family

 Last month, I was honored to recognize Dr. Mark Flannery during our Featured Doctors week.  He wrote an informative and straight-forward article for the blog. A couple of weeks later, I became aware that Dr. Flannery had treated over 80 Gardasil victims.  Families have sought his care from many parts of the world.  After looking into this I felt it appropriate to ask him to return and share some of his experiences with us.

You will also find a link to some other fascinating posts that he has written.  One of which, is about a young woman who has had significant healing in a short amount of time while under his care.  We shared her Gardasil story and now we get to know her doctor. 

Thank you, Dr. Flannery, for being a beacon of light to those who desperately need your care and  talking with us today in hopes to have fewer vaccine-injuries.

By Dr. Mark Flannery

It was about 6 years ago that I received a call from a patient of mine. She said her niece, SJ, who lived in Nebraska, was suffering from a reaction to the Gardasil vaccine. SJ had severe stomach pain, nausea and vomited often. She also suffered from debilitating headaches. The hospital in her hometown refused to treat her because her lab tests were normal and the doctors told her it was all in her head. My patient said that her family was packing their bags and coming out to California to see if I could help SJ.

I remember talking with my wife after that phone call and wondering what I was going to do for SJ. I had never treated someone for a reaction to the Gardasil vaccine before and I did not know if I could help her. My wife said, “Do what you always do and you will help her.”

It is not uncommon for me to encounter a condition I have never seen before, as I treat so many people that have been to practitioner after practitioner seeking answers for their obscure health condition. What I have learned over the years is to treat the person NOT the condition. Too often I see patients being dismissed by the medical field because they cannot find a diagnosis.

 In the medical field it is all about the diagnosis. In ordered to get paid or reimbursed by insurance there has to be a diagnosis. In order to determine treatment there must be a diagnosis. If there is no diagnosis to be found then there must not be a problem or the problem is in the head (made up). The medical field dismisses patient after patient, yet these patients are suffering greatly. This is madness.

 Why are they focusing on the diagnosis (the condition) when there is a human being standing before them, suffering. Why not treat the person? This is what I do in my office: I treat the person and not their condition. I run tests, not to determine a diagnosis, but to determine function. I want to know what is working and what is not working in the patient’s body. Then, I can focus on restoring function to the patient’s body. Once function is restored, symptoms are lessened or healed completely.

 This is exactly what I did for SJ! When she first came in to my office, her stomach hurt so much I could not even touch her stomach without her screaming in pain. I ordered some tests to determine function, and then began to treat her with a modified diet and supplements. In the beginning she vomited up most of the supplements, but after a few days she started to hold them down. Within a week I was able to examine her stomach without her screaming in pain. Within a few weeks most of her symptoms were gone. It took sometime to get her in a stable place but we got there.

 Fast forward 6 years and I have now treated over 80 girls and boys worldwide that have had devastating reactions to the Gardasil vaccine. I have learned that there is no silver bullet treatment. I treat each one as an individual. I run diagnostic tests, evaluate the situation and support what I find. I can’t say I have helped every patient who has had a reaction to the Gardasil vaccine, but I have helped most of my patients. I have even helped several girls in life-threatening situations recover and return to a normal life again.

 I have spent many hours talking with so many that have been damaged by this vaccine. My heart breaks for all the girls, boys, and families that have been devastated by this vaccine. I pray that each and every girl and boy affected finds the proper care they need, and for the word to get out about this vaccine so no one has to endure the side effects. I would encourage you to keep hoping and keep searching for what will help you or your child recover.

Below is the story we featured this past month and the link to the rest of Ashlee’s story and other accounts as well.

Gardasil: Ashlie’s Near-Death Experience

Ashlie in the hospital

In the middle of June 2009, Ashlie received her first and only Gardasil vaccine.  Approximately 16 days later Ashlie began to complain that her legs were not working correctly… The next morning, I came downstairs and Ashlie was lying on the couch. She told me that she had crawled from her room and down the stairs to get to the couch. She informed me she could not walk. I asked her to stand. She tried and fell to the floor.

She was quickly taken to our local ER. The doctor threw his hands in the air saying he had no idea and it must be growing pains…

Later that night, I helped Ashlie in and out of the bathtub because she could no longer walk. I went to hand her something and to my horror discovered that her arms and hands were not working either… I rushed Ashlie to an ER over an hour away.  I carried her in, and for a crowded ER on a Saturday night, she was seen within 1 hour.

Ashlie now

…We were told that she had Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). I could not figure out how she got this.

Once she was admitted to the hospital, they handed me a bunch of literature on GBS. My answer to how she contracted GBS was in the first sentence that I read, and it said that you can get GBS from a vaccine. She had just had a vaccine, the Gardasil vaccine earlier that month.

Read more about Ashlie…



Mark Flannery, D.C., M.S., B.S.

Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine

Diplomate of the Chiropractic Board of Clinical Nutrition
Diplomate of the College of Clinical Nutrition
Scientific Speaker, Apex Energetics
Certified Nutrition Specialist

HealthWise Clinical Nutrition
5850 Canoga Ave., Suite 240
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
818.704.5685 Tel
818.704.5689 Fax

Skype Name: healthwise.office


Dr. David Clark – Featured Doctor#HPV Vaccine#Autism Spectrum#Vaccines

Welcome to this months Featured Doctors week. 

Today we are fortunate to hear from Dr. David J. Clark, D.C.  Dr. Clark is a board-certified Chiropractic Neurologist.  A specialty with less than 1,000 other doctors in the world. This is a ground-breaking, new field, which offers the best diagnostic and treatment techniques available.

This field combines the latest research findings from psychology, neuropsychiatry, neurology, neurophysiology, nutrition and more. 

As you will hear in his video, within the link below, these techniques allow to heal the patient not mask symptoms.  I think we all know that finding the right doctor and technique make all the difference.  Dr. Clark has treated numerous patients and brought great relief and healing back into their lives.

Thank you Dr. Clark for taking the time to share some of your expertise and insights. The video clip below, within the link, provides details on specific Gardasil/Cervarix injuries and the treatment protocol.

Dr. David J. Clark, DC is a board-certified Functional Neurologist, Clinical Nutritionist and Vestibular Rehabilitation Specialist based in Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He has devoted the last 13 years to treating chronically sick patients suffering with autoimmune conditions, developmental delays and neurological problems.

Because he had worked for many years with Autistic Spectrum children, Dr. Clark already knew how devastating vaccine injuries can be not only to the child, but for the entire family.

Since 2008, Dr. Clark has personally witnessed Gardasil®‘s disastrous side effects on the nervous system, immune system and endocrine system. The damage is so severe, Dr. Clark says….

“Gardasil® injury is the New Autism.”

In the exclusive video linked below, Dr. Clark reveals the Top 3 Neuro-Endocrine-Immune problems caused by Gardasil® Injury:

  1. Autoimmunity
  2. Metal-Induced Immune System Hypersenstivity
  3. Dysautonomia

…And how these three cause the common symptoms of Gardasil® Injury:

  • Headaches: migraines, basilar migraine, pressure
  • Muscle and Joint symptoms: pain, stiffness, spasms
  • Fatigue, Low Energy and Poor Stamina for normal daily activities
  • Stroke-like symptoms: difficulty walking, talking, cognitive issues
  • Neurological symptoms: seizures, brain fog, neuropathy
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms: nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation

He also explains exactly how his Neuro-Metabolic treatment programs for Gardasil® Injury help heal this damage, restore hope and give back the lives of vaccine-injured patients.


 Dr. Clark has a long wait list so if you are in need of his immediate help then follow the protocol within the above link in order to be seen as soon as possible.


Dr. Carley – Featured Doctors Week #Vaccines#Pets and Vaccines#Autism Spectrum

Our final, featured practitioner is Dr. Rebecca Carley.  She has helped children, adults and pets who have suffered from vaccine-induced diseases with great success for many, many years.

Through her years of research, along with other colleagues, she has uncovered many a truth in regards to the history of vaccines.  The details are found in the link below.

What’s Ailing America?

Please take a minute to view her website to find which diseases correlate with vaccine damage.  There may be a cure or long sought improvement,  for you or a friend through the work of this dedicated and courageous doctor.

Thank you, Dr. Carley, for taking the time to share your research and expertise with us today.

jen 🙂

Reversing Vaccine Induced Diseases

Below are a number of different articles and diagrams offering a wealth of information on the history and current issues in relation to vaccines today.  Please review these articles prior to considering any given vaccine.

Click here for Dr. Carley’s Diagrams 1-4, WHICH REVEAL THE CAUSE OF ALL DISEASE AS WELL AS HOW ALL DISEASES CAN BE REVERSED WITH NATURAL THERAPIES (The 4th diagram is the big picture of her Hippocrates Protocol which she develops on an individual basis and teaches her clients who obtain consults after reviewing their history of toxin exposure)……….

Rashid Buttar – Featured Doctors Week#Autism Spectrum#Vaccine-induced diseases#Vaccines

Dr. Rashid Buttar

The Writing is on the Wall

I am proud to introduce Dr. Rashid A. Buttar as our next featured doctor of the week.  His name is highly acclaimed and is well-known throughout the world.

As a reminder, the purpose of this week is to honor those doctors, who have expertly cared and treated vaccine-injured individuals across the globe.  You will

find a very interesting background and personal story, which brought him to where he is today.  Any parent with a child suffering from a learning disorder owes

it to themselves and their child to read the following links. You will quickly find that Dr. Buttar’s words jump out at you with such excitement and vigor from the

great successes he has found.  The voice of a modern day pioneer of medicine.

Thank you, Dr. Buttar for your example and dedication to your work.  

Who is Dr Buttar


Dr. Mark Flannery – Featured Doctors Week#Vaccines#Autism Spectrum#HPV Vaccines

Vaccine-induced diseases can be some of the most complex and challenging to treat.  Many individuals sink a fortune into care with little to no healing.

This week I wanted to feature health practitioners who have had significant success in treating many individuals world-wide with such injuries. I hope this weeks’ posts travel far and wide and many can find healing and relief in their symptoms. Thank you Dr. Flannery,  for all you have done and continue to do for so many.

The following is an article written by one of this week’s featured doctors.

Written by:  Dr. Mark Flannery

Most people are unaware of the risks associated with vaccines(1)


Alan Freestone – Featured Doctor Week #Vaccines#Autism Spectrum#Autism

alan freestone  alan freestone

January 15, 2014 8:44 PM

“My name is Alan Freestone. I’m a homeopath living in London and I specialise in treating autistic children. What is apparent to me is that large numbers of these children have been damaged by vaccines. I don’t believe it is a coincidence that as the vaccine schedule has increased dramatically so has the incidence of autism.I served in the RAF in the past and was innoculated with a whole cocktail of tropical vaccines in one day. Around 9 months later I started suffering from an auto-immune disease. It was only years later that I put two-and-two together and corrected the auto-immune condition by removing the toxicity from my body using homeopathy.So my message is: vaccines can seriously damage people, but homeopathy can often repair this damage. There is always hope. If you suspect that someone you know has been damaged by a vaccine, even many years ago, please put them in touch with me.Anyone interested in finding out more about my methods, please visit my website:www.alanfreestone.com or drop me a line at: alan.homeopath@gmail.comThank youAlan”

 Hello everyone, this is our Featured Doctors Week.  I have sought out doctors that have one thing in common.  Doctors that have had great success in treating patients with vaccine-induced diseases.  These are complicated cases that many individuals search for years before they find relief and healing.  This week is a tribute to those doctors that have gone the extra mile to find help and answers for their patients.  Thank you.